If you have the "eyes" to place a ballistic payload on to the target, you have them for an OTH delivery. At this point, you in theory already have orbital superiority to some degree. You don't need to laser the target, any seeking, guidable device can deliver to a pre-planned coordinate (i.e. ad hoc GPS). The point of the hypersonic deliver is, of course, to reduce engagement and reaction time when a Mach 5 vehicle suddenly appears a few hundred feet above the ground on the targets radar.
While I guess you could call a kinetic penetrator launcher a "mass driver", it doesn't have to be a high velocity one. Just needs to get the payload kicked out the door of the carrier, from there it can adopt the carriers vector (to start the orbital decay), and then guide itself in. Structurally, it's, as they say, a "telephone pole made of tungsten". Just big, heavy (over 8,000kg), with some fins and a basic "GPS" guidance package. Even after normal atmospheric drag, they're expected to be impacting at Mach 10, over 3000m/s, over 10 kilotons of power on impact. And no residual radiation!