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Attn Hunter Gordon or Martin Dougherty Chapter 12 SSDS Ship's Computer questions


SOC-14 1K
Hello Gordon Hunter and/or Martin Dougherty,

I still have not received answers to the questions of
1) How is Free CPU Output determined in the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263?

2) Is the Size and EP for the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263 a translation of the Computer Table in High Guard?

3) Are the computers listed in the table on p. 282 supposed to match the computers in the table on p. 263? If yes go to question 4.

4) Why doesn't the text instructions for the Standard Ship's Computer's Table on p. 282 to "divide EP requirements by 10 when installing on a starship." convert to the values listed for EP in the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263?

Please forgive my abrupt manner, but I have been asking various questions about the Computer design steps used in the Spacecraft and Starship Design Sequence and the Computer Design Sequence and have only received replies from other CotI members. Further, I have posted several times on the Errata board primarily on the Computer Design sequence and some on the computers listed in Chapter 13 on pp. 281-283 without any reponse. I have also resorted to a direct email, 3/27/03, to one of the book's authors, which also has not been responded too. Could someone on the staff please make a reply. Even if the reply is to cease and desist posting on the topic of computers.

Aye aye, he's gonna loose his touch-typing of he keeps asking!

Please, we'd need an answer... even a negative one.

It feels like some just want to sweep this section under the rug and forget it :(
I'm not qualified to respond about the design sequences; (I'm a huge non-gearhead and they were created/converted by Hunter). I'll see if I can nudge him for an answer.
I do know that the design sequence is derived from High Guard and follows it as closely as possible.
Originally posted by MJD:
I do know that the design sequence is derived from High Guard and follows it as closely as possible.
Sorry about bothering you so much with those CDS, but there is some *BIG* inconsistencies that makes me believe not too many playtesters were willing to fiddle with it

Thanks for Helping!
Hello and Thank-you MJD (aka Martin J. Dougherty),

Again, please accept my apologies if my most recent post here was or is overly loud. I don't consider myself a true gearhead, though my obession with the Computer Design Sequence (CDS) gives the impression I might be. Of all the Traveller design systems I've found that the T20 are one of the 3 systems I can actaully get through with only a minimum of grinding my teeth. To be honest, without the assistance of design game aids for MegaTraveller and TNE I have a hard time designing starships and various other equipment items. GURPS Traveller's design aid and steps are perhaps the easiest for me to use.

Again thank-you for your response and my apologies if my post is a little over the edge.

Originally posted by MJD:
I'm not qualified to respond about the design sequences; (I'm a huge non-gearhead and they were created/converted by Hunter). I'll see if I can nudge him for an answer.
Hello again MJD,

Thank-you for this piece of information, which I had a suspicion was the case. Especially, after Hunter's comment on the fuel purification post.

Originally posted by MJD:
I do know that the design sequence is derived from High Guard and follows it as closely as possible.
Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello Gordon Hunter and/or Martin Dougherty,

I still have not received answers to the questions of
1) How is Free CPU Output determined in the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263?
Ignore it. A legacy from an earlier version of the design system. It should be updated to reflect available PP.

2) Is the Size and EP for the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263 a translation of the Computer Table in High Guard?
Basically. I tried to give a reasonable explanation for the rather large size of the ship's computers by breaking them up into the 4 subsystems. They come as close as possible to High Guard as I could get them given the changes.

3) Are the computers listed in the table on p. 282 supposed to match the computers in the table on p. 263? If yes go to question 4.
Not really. The ones on pg 282 probably should have been left out. It was primarily an attempt to see how close we could match the ship's computer in the starship design section (pg 263).

4) Why doesn't the text instructions for the Standard Ship's Computer's Table on p. 282 to "divide EP requirements by 10 when installing on a starship." convert to the values listed for EP in the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263?
See above.

Sorry for the delay in getting to this.

Thanks for the reply Hunter...

I'm sure Mr. Rux will appreciate

But I sure hope that those will be fixed in the Revision of the THB, else It'll leads to many entirely trashing that part of the book, and no ends of bitchin' about AFU systems/rules

At least those explanation will put an end to us making sense where there isn`t any. :D
Hello Hunter,

Mya apologies in the dealy in getting back to you, but I've been a little pre-occupied with issue at work. Thank-you very much for the response and again my apologies if my posts appeared to be over bearing. I just wanted to know, now I can go onto something else. A little off topic, thanks for the lastest erratum update.


Tom Rux

Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello Gordon Hunter and/or Martin Dougherty,

I still have not received answers to the questions of
1) How is Free CPU Output determined in the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263?
Ignore it. A legacy from an earlier version of the design system. It should be updated to reflect available PP.

2) Is the Size and EP for the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263 a translation of the Computer Table in High Guard?
Basically. I tried to give a reasonable explanation for the rather large size of the ship's computers by breaking them up into the 4 subsystems. They come as close as possible to High Guard as I could get them given the changes.

3) Are the computers listed in the table on p. 282 supposed to match the computers in the table on p. 263? If yes go to question 4.
Not really. The ones on pg 282 probably should have been left out. It was primarily an attempt to see how close we could match the ship's computer in the starship design section (pg 263).

4) Why doesn't the text instructions for the Standard Ship's Computer's Table on p. 282 to "divide EP requirements by 10 when installing on a starship." convert to the values listed for EP in the Ship's Computers Table on p. 263?
See above.

Sorry for the delay in getting to this.
