Can anyone point me at a LBB reference to the average TL of the Imperium circa 1105?
World generation rules, table of tech levels. 11 and 12 are labeled 'Average Imperial'. (And 15, not 16, is 'Technical maximum Imperial').
2nd line army and navy units / reserves at TL14.
Reserve units at TL14 is based upon unit counters from FFW + descriptions in GURPS starships, High Passage 5, fighting ships of shattered imperium, the T20 travellers Aid and Supplement 9. The Azhanti high lightening class cruisers are an example. High passage has an old TL14 battleship in an interior squadron in the old expanses. Travellers digest has a bunch of TL14 regal battlecrusiers in storage at a naval depot (Digest 7?)
Now auxiliaries and monitors, could be anything from TL10 onwards, but most imp auxiliaries seem to be J4 M2 which puts them at TL13+. Little stuff like the gazelles seems to be a TL level above the avervage world TL of 11-12 to give them an edge over local pirates and still allow easy repair at any decent shipyard.
GURPS starports says that the Starport Authority builds imperial starports at GURPS TL10 which is about TL12-13 in CT
Travellers digest has a bunch of TL14 regal battlecrusiers in storage at a naval depot (Digest 7?)
sadly all in my head - I must get out more. Ps the depot with the mothballed ships was in Lishun sector
Glad to be able to help
So what sort of weaponry are you modding?
And will you be posting it (hint hint).
Lasers for a start.
It's an idea born out of reading T5 and Fate of the Kinunir. The GunMaker in T5 has staging rules for a technology's transition through TLs and FotK has a line in it that goes,
"If any in the mob spotted her regulation laser pistols they would identify her immediately as an Imperial."
I have no intention of switching from CT to T5 anytime soon, and I certainly don't take everything in FotK as canon, but I thought, what the hell, it might be worth a punt.
I have to see what I can come up with first, if I can't get it to work to my satisfaction I'll just be sticking it in the 'Good Ideas That Went Bad' folder on my G-Drive.
Reserve units at TL14 is based upon unit counters from FFW + descriptions in GURPS starships, High Passage 5, fighting ships of shattered imperium, the T20 travellers Aid and Supplement 9. The Azhanti high lightening class cruisers are an example. High passage has an old TL14 battleship in an interior squadron in the old expanses. Travellers digest has a bunch of TL14 regal battlecrusiers in storage at a naval depot (Digest 7?)
Note that the Terrans went from TL9 to TL12 very quickly due to reverse engineering Vilani technology, industrial espionage an trade.
I have a theory that the first Imperium actually had TL12 research tucked away in its universities and research facilities, but these advances were not allowed to corrupt Vilani society and so were suppressed which would help explain how the Terrans could leap beyond Imperial technology so quickly.