They can not restart where the characters left off because they were all killed in a great ending.
They can not restart where the characters left off because they were all killed in a great ending.
I would love to see the uber version with the super computer and speed. i think it would have nuclear dampeners maybe a black globe and a big spiral mount meson gun. Maybe the computer would be an "ancient ai"
Done right, this could be great, but I'll be surprised if it gets made.
Scorpio though easily looks like the standard Belter "Seeker" ship.
Scorpio though easily looks like the standard Belter "Seeker" ship.
Except for the scale. With a bounding box of some 11,000dtons it's easily a few thousand dtons actual displacement. That's a problem common with most TV/Movie spaceships though, even the "small" ones are large by Traveller standards.
I'd like to see a new series begin where the old ended, with new characters. Retreads are seldom as interesting as originals.