Sure, they look identical, if you ignore everything including the game statistics that are different. 2g vs 4g. 4 weeks of operation vs. 1 week. Radiation shielding & solar panels vs. nothing.
Dr. Nuncheon,
So, a cutter is faster and has greater endurance? Tell me, why are using a survey pod again? (And if you think the cutter doesn't have radiation shielding you'll need to think again.)
Is it price? How many pods can you buy for one cutter and one module? A significant price advantage, say buying three or four less capable pods for the price of one cutter/module set may be enough of a difference.
Given the differences in price, performance, and capabilities, this is like saying the Beowulf and the Empress Marava are "essentially identical" simply because they're both 200-dton trading vessels.
Apples and oranges. Given that Traveller is a sci-fi game with FTL, the fact that a Marava can jump two parsecs in one week while a Beowulf can only jump one parsecs in the same time is a huge difference.
I don't think the pod is different enough from the cutter to warrant Mongoose wasting time, effort, and supplement space on it. Mongoose gave Our Olde Game some nifty new items in Scouts, so it's a shame there wasn't time or room for more.
Obviously, you and the others have a different opinion than mine. However, I've explained my opinion from a detailed meta-game standpoint, so detailed in fact that I had to use entire posts to explain the "essentially identical" concept, while your explanation of your opinions consist of "It's in the book.