I've never really liked Broker and Trader. The sharp cut-off in usefulness between Trader-2 and Trader-3 grates.
If I think about what real-world shipping brokers do, they deal in shipping capacity, acting as middlemen between the shipping firms and the companies that want to move stuff.
Instead of having freight be a straight Cr1000/ton, instead I'd port in the MGT Merchant Prince system where the PC bids to ship a lot. Rate starts at Cr500 and you roll Broker to raise it. Higher-traffic systems have more freight to shift - you probably won't lift with an empty hold - but the target number to raise the rate is harder (because there's more competition).
Trader would then apply to speculative trade, acting as a mod on the actual value table as normal.
If I think about what real-world shipping brokers do, they deal in shipping capacity, acting as middlemen between the shipping firms and the companies that want to move stuff.
Instead of having freight be a straight Cr1000/ton, instead I'd port in the MGT Merchant Prince system where the PC bids to ship a lot. Rate starts at Cr500 and you roll Broker to raise it. Higher-traffic systems have more freight to shift - you probably won't lift with an empty hold - but the target number to raise the rate is harder (because there's more competition).
Trader would then apply to speculative trade, acting as a mod on the actual value table as normal.