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Breaching a ship

Do traders perform vacc suit drills with passengers for when they depressurize while waiting for boarding?
Yes. In fact, they probably do those drills shortly after passenger boarding. Everybody gets a card with pictograms and arrows and a map showing the nearest exit and how to work the escape slides, and has to sit through a presentation on them given by a bored Steward.
Do you think starports just accept as "OK" to have traders docking that are stocked with claymores, grenades, and other such things in their ship locker? Is a belt fed, shielded, light machine gun standard equipment on a Free Trader? Starports okey dokey with that too? An automatic grenade launcher? Those would make quick work of a breaching force.

Do traders perform vacc suit drills with passengers for when they depressurize while waiting for boarding?
I see it as Spinward does, the authorities--at least in the 3I--don't particularly care what you have as weapons aboard the ship so long as the ones that are illegal locally are securely locked up while in port. I could see the authority making a count of such weapons and putting a security seal on the locker / safe they are in. Just before departure, they remove the seal and count the inventory again. If they match, no problem.

Of course, it would really depend on how much the ship's captain and crew really expect to deal with piracy. If they are in "safe" areas of the 3I or other such locations and operate there regularly I'd think they would be lightly armed mostly to deal with obnoxous and dangerous passengers, if they carry them.
I see it as Spinward does, the authorities--at least in the 3I--don't particularly care what you have as weapons aboard the ship so long as the ones that are illegal locally are securely locked up while in port.
I'd like to amend my prior observations.
Up through moderate law levels, I would expect starports to be pretty hands off with respect to ship's lockers.
However, high to extreme law levels, expectations that port authorities will not routinely engage in search and seizure of the contents of a ship's locker become increasingly improbable.

Done properly, the "invasion" to the ship's locker by a port authority is almost certainly going to be on a sliding scale.

Could be something as simple as needing to roll above law level on 2D with a DM assigned based on captain's social standing (or equivalent for alien races). That way, with low law levels you're almost never searched (easy to roll over law level) and with high law levels you're almost always searched (hard to roll over law level) while in the middle it's hit or miss.
Remember most starports are extraterritorial territory under direct Imperial jurisdiction. Local law level does not apply inside the starport.

Some default Imperial law level applies. I have a problem seeing the Imperium getting all that exited about a shotgun, ACR, or three. A PGMP might cause some interest. Remember shipboard lasers (≈heavy artillery) are apparently legal...
I'd like to amend my prior observations.
Up through moderate law levels, I would expect starports to be pretty hands off with respect to ship's lockers.
However, high to extreme law levels, expectations that port authorities will not routinely engage in search and seizure of the contents of a ship's locker become increasingly improbable.

Done properly, the "invasion" to the ship's locker by a port authority is almost certainly going to be on a sliding scale.

Could be something as simple as needing to roll above law level on 2D with a DM assigned based on captain's social standing (or equivalent for alien races). That way, with low law levels you're almost never searched (easy to roll over law level) and with high law levels you're almost always searched (hard to roll over law level) while in the middle it's hit or miss.
I think it's more complex than that. For example, I've used a planet with a moderate law level where they really didn't care about weapons so long as they stayed on the ship. On the other hand, because of a nearby world in another system, they went through the ship with a fine-toothed comb looking for illegal drugs.

I've had high law level worlds where they don't search the ship but instead, stick several armed guards on it monitoring and searching everyone coming and going every time, including stuff like asking where they were going, what they were going to do there, etc. Others have had minders put on the crew that accompany them everywhere even as the ship is given treatment as if it had some degree of diplomatic immunity.

On others, the crew got issued local identity cards based on their position and social standing, along with passengers. Those that were mere crew got treated to frequent police checks, searches, being kicked out or excluded from lots of places, while the ship's captain, officers, and those of high social rank were treated differentially and allowed considerably more freedom.

So, I really don't think this is a one-size-fits-all thing. You have to give the situation context and background to make it work and be interesting.
Remember most starports are extraterritorial territory under direct Imperial jurisdiction. Local law level does not apply inside the starport.

Some default Imperial law level applies. I have a problem seeing the Imperium getting all that exited about a shotgun, ACR, or three. A PGMP might cause some interest. Remember shipboard lasers (≈heavy artillery) are apparently legal...
I hold to that rule in the 3rd Imperium. Outside it, the rules change considerably. I've had starports outside the 3I where the only place you can dock is a high port in orbit. To get down to the planet, you have to board a government run shuttle and go through screening before boarding. That way the government can control everything going down to or up from the planet. So, they don't care what you have on your ship particularly so long as it stays on your ship.

Other times, because of diplomatic stuff, what your nationality, race, ethnicity, etc., is makes more difference than having some weapon or another. You happen to be someone from somewhere the locals really, really hate, you get to hide on the ship and that's about all there is to that. Getting off is almost certainly going to end up with you in prison or dead.
You're looking at two sets of extraterritoriality, the Imperium starport and the Imperium registered spacecraft.

It's likely that within a hundred planetary diameters, the local authorities aren't allowed to board it if the spacecraft stays within laid out spacelanes, including one to the LoPort.

They either need authorization or show good cause.

Probably the same for starport authorities, but they may need only to show cause, like the radiation meters indicating a nuclear warhead is onboard, or sophont trafficking.

We know for the Confederation, ships have planetary registration, and boarding a starship is at least half political and diplomatic considerations, to the extent of the power disparity between the local planet and the home planet of the spacecraft, and the current relationship between them.
CT Striker has directed energy charges and hull values including armor so I would go with those. Also plasma/fusion guns that at higher sizes/tech have pen values good enough for hulls. Bigger then P/FGMP but smaller then starship weapons, so maybe brought over on a boarding support sled or attached to a walker space version.

Ship engineers have to be able to cut through debris to gain access to damaged components. I would expect a set of hull charges at lower tech and fusion cutters at higher tech in the engineering section.