Jame wrote:
"Alright, maybe so. But, Larsen, this is my setting, my
cherished (
) setting, I
can't honestly
examine it!"
It's a good setting and a
very intriguing one to boot, much like 'Lensmen'. However, if you really and truly cherish it, you
owe the setting an honest examination. Think of it as 'tough love'.
By examination, I do not mean critique or dimemberment. I mean examining the setting to determine what things may fit and what things may not. The idea of your awesome, galaxy-spanning, super civilization having the slightest amount of trouble in conquering a single, lo-tech planet does not fit your setting. The idea that your awesome, galaxy-spanning, super civilization may have trouble assimilating or fully controlling every aspect on such a planet does fit the setting. The planet and it's inhabitants could get away with a certain level of 'activity' before the super-civ notices and brings the hammer down; much like mice in the walls.
"Though I would like to offer my outline for your review."
Please offer it for ALL our review. The its and peices you've let us see have whet many an appetite. My opinions on the setting matter not one whit, only your's do. I do believe however that you will do the right thing and maintain the integrity of the setting and its conditions. An honest examination of the setting will allow you to do just that.