Actually if your talking about densimeters they're distance isn't that good unless your at extreme tech levels. It would also takes time to search for underground hard targets 1+km deep. Well there are meson communicators and weapons. However, there are also meson screens.hard targets" suddenly explode for no obvious reason -- isn't some sort of ground-penetrating "deep radar" fairly canonical? -- Marginaleye
This is all a case-by-case discussion. Lower tech is extremely vulerable but a high tech world can defend itself (for example in my own campaign).
Time is on the side of the defender. If the enemy has say 500 Vargr ships and your rich enough to have 100 Deep Meson Gun (DMG) sites, and multiple passive sensor installations (on moons, sea floors, disguised as TV receivers or bird nests...). Then the invasion force must have intel and act very quickly or utterly fail.
Nuclear tipped bunker busters will cause some havoc (assuming no imperium to interfere with)
but realistically 5 DMGs target each ship with
nukes and its end game. Multiple nuclear explosions in orbit could be significantly damaging to an assault fleet.
So, ya get heroic. "Bring in the landing ships hard, we'll take that starport with troops!" I alter the trajectories of my meson defense for Russian-style fallback, scorched Earth hits on my own planet...oops no more starport to take, no more army to take it..."my ship seems to have had an unfortunately accident"--kirk to klingon commander.
Earlier, I suggested that Orbital Artillery is the only real assault method. Well it needs to be fast...aka ID4. But you cannot give the ground forces time to regroup. And you need to wipeout communications. More realistically, random meson hits by the orbital fleet against tactonic plate ridges (earthquake zones) or under city infrastructure would probably be more effective than searching for elusive DMGs. If their not over a klick deep they shouldn't have bothered.