SOC-14 5K
Or at least until Cleopatra sold out to them to get Arsinoe off the throne.
I might have said that to an Egyptian chap once.
Alexander took over Egypt in 332 BC, and when he died Ptolemy became the ruler, so the Greeks were running the country.
Prior to that, there was the Hyksos occupation for a couple of hundred years, separating the time of the Middle Kingdom from the New Kingdom. The pyramids were built under the Old Kingdom. The New Kingdom was the one that really got into Asia Minor, and fought with the Hittites, with varying success. There was an Interregnum Period between the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom when Egypt was is somewhat of an anarchist situation with no strong central government.
When you are talking of Egypt in the Ancient World, you are not really looking at a continuous government, but one broken into chunks. Then you had the Nubians, Assyrians, and Persians having control prior to the Greeks. The New Kingdom, which was viewed as the last period of actual Egyptian unified government ended around 1050 BC.
So you could say that the Egyptians civilization lasted about 2000 years with periods of problems during that period.