Originally posted by Tanuki:
Good suggestions. Let me explain my reasoning:
Points 1 & 2 both would require moving the forward bulkheads/emergency doors around and I really don't want to do that. I could put an iris valve from the captain's stateroom into his office. What do you think?
Quite understood the reasoning and agree. The iris add might be a good idea, allows an emergency access too.
As for the passenger emergency exit...
...impossible to open unless pressures are equalized.
That should work fine.
I like having a lot of viewport area on this ship but I figure that much glass is just begging for trouble, hence the compartmentalization.
That was my take on it too
I did eliminate the glassed area on the aft-port side -- I tried the captain's stateroom and office back there but was not satisfied with the arrangement. It finally just seemed best to put the low passage berths back there.
I like the low berth placement and keeping the Captain close to the bridge, no arguments there.
As it is, the two squares form a sort of mini-lounge for the premium stateroom...
Oh, I didn't see it as a mini lounge, nice

I did twig right quick to the brig idea though and love it. Also great for the very nervous (paranoid) passenger who insists on tight personal security.
Point 4 is good and I'll do that. I think I'll eliminate the center iris in the turret access corridor, too. No real reason for it.
Glad you like the ship. Use it well!
It was fun to critique such a well built ship, keep up the most excellent work! Did you get your name in on Hunter's call for deckplans? If not I hope he's seen what you're doing and considers it and you for the assignment (if I type the great one's name he will see
I just took a look at the changes, looks great. Nice touch the 'feature' element to break the tunnel effect. I only wonder if a pair of sliding doors for wider access to the air-raft from the sealed corridor would be handy now that the iris/bulkhead is gone. Like in case somebody parks the other way about and to unload big items through the wide door of the raft? I do keep wondering too about the air-raft access from engineering. I can't think of a compelling reason now that you added the second iris access. You probably have an idea I'm missing
Oops, a quick PS. I also like engineering lockers in my designs (about 0.5dT per 100dT of hull). I think they'd fit in the spaces (p/s) just forward of the iris access to enigineering. What do you think?