Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
More seriously, it does add a complicating factor that many referee's may find difficult to impliment "on the fly".
That's a very fair observation.
And here's the deal: Don't use anything but the default qualifier of 7 unless the task is jumping out at you, begging you to make a change.
So, for most tasks (until you are familiar and comfortable with the system), don't worry about changing the task qualifier at all. Every task qualifier will be 7.
Then, as you use the system, and your players are comfortable with always comparing their stat to the default of 7, you can start implementing changes BUT ONLY CHANGE THE DEFAULT WHEN NECESSARY.
*** Character has a favorite weapon that he's used the past three game sessions? Lower the qualifier.
*** Noble character is considered to have the highest-quality equipment? Lower the qualifier.
*** Character is trying to operate a device he's used to but it is also somehow alien (an Engineer is perusing the jump drives of a Zhodani vessel--everything is labled in the Zho language!), raise the qualifier.
Maybe we can come up with some guidelines on how far to raise/lower the qualifier.
First off, the qualifiers are on the same scale as stats: 1-15. Which means "7" is average (default), "2" is very low, and "15" is the hardest qualifier known to man.
That's rule of thumb number one.
We could come up with other rule-of-thumb mechanics.
Of the top of my head, I'd say that anybody with Dagger skill can lower the qualfier for dagger tasks in an amount equal to his skill level.
So, somebody with Dagger-1 would throw dagger tasks with a qualifier of STR/6 (instead of the default STR/7).
Sombody with AutoPistol-3 would throw AutoPistol tasks with the qualifier DEX/4.
Somebody with Pilot-4 would throw Piloting task rolls with a qualifier of EDU/3.
Remember, all we're doing is using stat comparison to add a -1DM, a +0DM, a +1DM, or a +2DM to the roll.
I'd say you'd have to use common sense with picking task qualifiers.
If it's something a GM is confused about, then simply use the default qualifier of 7 and move on with the game.
But, if you're on a planet where two characters are have fallen into a lake: One is from a desert world and one is from a water world, but both have Swimming-0. Then lower the qualifier for the character from the water world and raise the qualifier for the character from the desert world.
If you find that choosing qualifiers is bogging down the game in disucssion (which will be likely until the players are used to using the mechanic), simply use this rule of thumb: Advantaged characters use the default of 7 - 1D as a qualifier. DisAdvanaged characters use the default of 7 + 1D as a qualifier.
--1-- Always use the default qualifier of 7 unless the task specifically calls for a qualifier change.
--2-- Use skill level to decrease the default qualifier.
--3-- Use the simple mechanic of default qualifier 7 + 1D when a character is disadvantaged.
--4-- Use the simple mechanic of default qualifier 7 - 1D when a character is disadvantaged.
Start off using those four guidelines (mostly guideline 1), and the system should be very easy to use.