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Character Creation


Okay, I'm going to post the mechanics of how I created a character in the hopes that someone can see if I'm doing this right, or if maybe I'm still a little off with something. I was going to post it with commentary, but I'll save (most of) that for the final write up.


David Latlumb


A house rule I use is to roll one more stat than you will use and discard one of your choice (usually the lowest one). I made the rolls and assigned the stats knowing I was going for a highly educated individual. (DNA in brackets)

C1 – Str: 6 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: A
C6 – Soc: 7


I picked Aetna (Star Bridge Subsector, Aldebaran 0619) with the following UWP / codes:

A 7 6 8 8 8 5 – A Ri (Rich), Pa (Pre-Agricultural), Ph (Pre-High Population), Cp (Subsector Capital)

Generating the world details using the T5 World Builder I see that there's also Ho (Hot) and Tz (Twighlight Zone) to add to the Trade codes.

This gives David the following starting skills:

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-4, Hostile Env-1, Kowledge Grav Vehicle-1, Anglic-7

Age is set at 18.


Term 1: University

School is All-Simonides University on Simonides (Rank 8, Sephi Hydra Subsector, Aldebaran 1314). Requirement is EDU 7+, got that. Acceptance on <=10, rolled 6. Major/Minor chosen as Astrogation/Sophontology.

Pass/Fail checks need <=10 and the Waiver checks need <=7. First check is 12 (bad luck there), First waiver roll is 7 (whew). Next Waiver will only succeed on <=6. Second Pass/Fail roll is 4 and third is 6, but the fourth is 11. Second waiver roll is 5.

[This could “go south” very quickly. Can you re-apply to University if you bomb your first attempt?]

Rolling for honours (<=10) David gets a 5. His age increases to 22 and his stats/skill are now:

C1 – Str: 6 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: B
C6 – Soc: 7

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-3, Hostile Env-1, Kowledge Grav Vehicle-1, Anglic-7, Knowledge Academia-1, Knowledge Simonides-1, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2

So far so good?

Term 2: First Masters

This time David applies to Imperial University of Simonides (rank: 5). Application requires <=11 now (due to bump in EDU stat) and he rolls an 11. Major/Minor chosen are Trokh/Linguistics.

Pass/Fail rolls now need <=11 and next Waiver needs <=5. David rolls another 11 and a 3, followed by another 3 for his Honours roll. Age is now 24 and stats/skills are now:

C1 – Str: 6 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: C
C6 – Soc: 7

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-3, Hostile Env-1, Kowledge Grav Vehicle-1, Anglic-7, Knowledge Academia-1, Knowledge Simonides-1, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1

Term 2.5: Second Masters

[NOTE: David's EDU stat is 12, so...can he fail his checks? I decided to say an unmodified result of 12 always fails – similar to skill checks.]

[Also, I'm not sure if a second masters is “allowed” by the rules or not. If not, I'm making it a house rule that it is as I know several people with multiple MA's so it doesn't seem unreasonable.]

Same school, application roll needs <=12 and David rolled 9. He chooses !kee and Linguistics for his Major/minor and rolls 9 and 11 for his pass/fail checks, and an 8 for his honours roll. Age is now 26 and his stats/skills are:

C1 – Str: 6 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: D
C6 – Soc: 7

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-2, Hostile Env-1, Kowledge Grav Vehicle-1, Anglic-7, Knowledge Academia-2, Knowledge Simonides-2, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2, Trokh-6, Linguistics-2, !kee-6

Term 3: PhD

his time David applies to Orbital University of Simonides (rank: 10). He rolls 7 to apply and chooses Behavioural Economics (Psychology) for his major, and Teacher for his minor.

Rolls for Pass/Fail are 2 and 8, and honours is 7. Age is now 28 and stats/skills are:

C1 – Str: 6 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: E
C6 – Soc: 7

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-3, Hostile Env-1, Kowledge Grav Vehicle-1, Anglic-7, Knowledge Academia-1, Knowledge Simonides-1, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-2, Behavioural Economics (Psychology)-1, Teacher-1

Before I go much further, does it look like I'm doing this right? I reviewed a post of mine from a while back regarding a similar character and made some change to how I did some things (like languages). I think I got it all correct.
This gives David the following starting skills:

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-4, Hostile Env-1, Kowledge Grav Vehicle-1, Anglic-7
Quick scan:

I would give Anglic-A (the higher of Int&Edu, p133).
I would call it Driver(Grav)-1 [+Driver-0] (or is it Flyer?).

I would call it Psychology(Behavioural Economics) since it is a specialisation of Psychology.

World and career knowledges should be 2 (±½) after the "Professors" program?
Quick scan:

I would give Anglic-A (the higher of Int&Edu, p133).

I thought native languages always started at 7, but now I see that's just the example give with someone who has 777777 stats. Thanks for that.

I would call it Driver(Grav)-1 [+Driver-0] (or is it Flyer?).

That's right, it's not Flyer. But it's also only the knowledge, not the Drive skill. Until I get 2 ranks in the knowledge, the skill itself is 0. To differentiate I just add the prefix "knowledge." So, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, I guess.

I would call it Psychology(Behavioural Economics) since it is a specialisation of Psychology.

Ah, okay.

World and career knowledges should be 2 (±½) after the "Professors" program?

Oh yes, quite right. So, final skills are:

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-2, Hostile Env-1, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, Anglic-A, Knowledge Academia-2, Knowledge Simonides-2, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-2, Psychology (Behavioural Economics)-1, Teacher-1
Okay, so now that I think I have the education part worked out, let me try the career part. Starting with the following stats:

Name: Dr. David Latlumb
Age: 28

C1 – Str: 6 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: E
C6 – Soc: 7

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-2, Hostile Env-1, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, Anglic-A, Knowledge Academia-2, Knowledge Simonides-2, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-2, Psychology (Behavioural Economics)-1, Teacher-1


Term 3.5: Scholar (1)

Dr. Latlumb, back home on Aetna, gets a job as a Lecturer of Psychology (Rank 1, automatic acceptance). For Risks/Rewards he chooses to be Brave (-2) with INT as the CC. His targets are 7 / 11 and he rolls 3 and 5. 5 is 4 less than the CC so it's an award winning publication which counts as 2 publications (I guess his published thesis doesn't count? What about the articles that you publish while doing your MA/PhD? No? Sigh.)

Promotion target is 11 (INT + pubs) he rolls 9 and is now Instructor of Psychology (Rank 2).

First two skills David takes in his minor, Education, and the last three rolls for skills are made on the Personal table resulting in +1 STR and +2 SOC. Stats are now:

C1 – Str: 7 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: E
C6 – Soc: 9

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-1, Knowledge Aetna-3, Hostile Env-1, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, Anglic-A, Knowledge Academia-3, Knowledge Simonides-1, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-4, Psychology (Behavioural Economics)-1, Teacher-3

Age: 32

Roll to continue: 5

Term 4.5: Scholar (2)

Risk/Rewards = no mod and INT as the CC (9). Rolls are 3 and 9, gaining one more publiscation. Promotion target is now 12, he rolls 10 and is now Assistant Professor of Psychology (Rank 3).

All the 5 skill rolls are taken on the Vocation column resulting in Malorian-9 (a language), Admin, One Science (Psychology), and two Bureaucrat. Also, David needs to start rolling for aging effects. He needs >5 to fail the checks and rolls Str/Dex/End at 2/6/8 so -1 STR. Stats now:

C1 – Str: 6 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: E
C6 – Soc: 9

Author-1, Trader-1, Admin-2, Knowledge Aetna-4, Hostile Env-1, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, Anglic-A, Knowledge Academia-4, Knowledge Simonides-0*, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-2, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-6, Psychology (Behavioural Economics)-2, Teacher-3, Malorian-9, Bureaucrat-2

Age: 36

*note: I think it's appropriate to keep a zero-level in the knowledge skill you get for a world, so I'm going to do that. Not sure if that's the way it's supposed to be done or not.

Roll to continue: 8

Term 5.5: Scholar (3)

Risk/Rewards = no mod and INT as the CC (9). Rolls are 9 and 5 gaining another award-winning publication (+2 pubs) for a total so far of 5. Tenure target is <=15, and he rolls 5. Promotion target is <=14 and he rolls 7. All skill rolls are taken on the Avocation column resulting in Author x2, Athlete, Seafarer, and Sophontology. Rolls for ageing are: 4/6/6 – another -1 STR. Stats are:

C1 – Str: 5 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: E
C6 – Soc: 9

Author-3, Trader-1, Admin-2, Knowledge Aetna-5, Hostile Env-1, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, Anglic-A, Knowledge Academia-5, Knowledge Simonides-0, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-3, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-6, Psychology (Behavioural Economics)-4, Teacher-3, Malorian-9, Bureaucrat-2, Knowledge Watercraft (Grav)-1, Athlete-1

Age: 40

Roll to continue: 3

Term 6.5: Scholar (4)

Risk/Rewards = Cautious (+2) with INT as the CC. Rolls are: 8 & 6 for a total of 6 publications. Promotion roll is 7, up to Rank 5. 4 skill rolls are on Personal (not liking loosing stats from ageing) and one roll on Avocation resulting in: Author, +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 End, and +1 Soc. Rolls for ageing are 6/5/6, so he looses 1 on each (in the 6th life stage). Final stats are:

C1 – Str: 5 (4)
C2 – Dex: 7 (2)
C3 – End: 6 (5)
C4 – Int: 9 (6)
C5 – Edu: E
C6 – Soc: A

Author-4, Trader-1, Admin-2, Knowledge Aetna-6, Hostile Env-1, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, Anglic-A, Knowledge Academia-6, Knowledge Simonides-0, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-3, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-6, Psychology (Behavioural Economics)-4, Teacher-3, Malorian-9, Bureaucrat-2, Knowledge Watercraft (Grav)-1, Athlete-1, Psychology (Applied Behaviour Analysis)-2

Age: 44

Roll to continue: 10

Term 7.5: Scholar (5)

Risk/Reward is cautious (+2) rolls are 3 and 3. Promotion roll is 7 (Rank 6) and skill rolls are take 3 on Personal and 2 on Avocation for: +1 INT, +2 SOC, Author and Athlete. Ageing rolls are 12/6/6/. Stats are:

C1 – Str: 5 (4)
C2 – Dex: 6 (2)
C3 – End: 5 (5)
C4 – Int: A (6)
C5 – Edu: E
C6 – Soc: c

Author-5, Trader-1, Admin-2, Knowledge Aetna-6, Hostile Env-1, Knowledge Driver(Grav)-1, Anglic-A, Knowledge Academia-6, Knowledge Simonides-0, Astrogation-5, Sophontology-3, Trokh-6, Linguistics-1, Psychology-6, Psychology (Behavioural Economics)-4, Teacher-3, Malorian-9, Bureaucrat-2, Knowledge Watercraft (Grav)-1, Athlete-2, Psychology (Applied Behaviour Analysis)-4

Age: 48

Roll to continue: 10

David leaves his career with 5 publications (2 of which are award-winning and count as 2 each) that count as 7 total.
I am finding that writing this out like this is a very valuable process. I've caught a couple of mistakes I've made already. I think that's all correct now, though. Let me know if you see any glaring errors. I'll start working on the "mustering out" part.