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Character Sheet

Just so people know I'm lurking around here...so you won't have to worry about emailing me separately with corrections that need to be made!

[/QUOTE]It handles it pretty much the same way as Classic Traveller did, except you get experience rather than specific skills for service. You apply the experience and develop your character based on that. Except we can't tell you how to apply that experience. That's where knowledge of the d20 system or having the Player's Handbook is needed.

What no random roll on a chart to see what skill you get each term?! ;)
So in prior history you get exp, if you level then you pick your skills, add any feats or ability increases (if any) and repeat. It doesn't sound bad, just a bit bland from other traveller games.
Are we allowed to post this character sheet on our own traveller sites or is that a no-no till you've got the thing published?


Also, for my two creds on the sheet:

Looks great! Got a question about the 3rd page at the terms section. It says you can get 1d4x1000 xp for the bonus, but there's no where to write (that I've seen, may've missed it) what you got for the bonus xp? I'm thinking that needs to be like the cash bonus slot, where you just write in what you got extra, if anything. I'll post anything else I notice as potential descreps when I get the book.

Take care,

If Aging Effects are still part of the Prior Experience system, there should be a slot on the worksheet to note those. The spaces for Rank and Decoration (both typically abbreviated) don't need to be so big, so you've got extra space there.

Other than that (and not knowing the rules) nothing else jumps out. Very nice layout.
The sheet looks nice (really nice, actually). One thing I would suggest changing though (as was already mentioned in a thread in the playtest forums) would be the order of ability scores. The standard d20 scores (str,dex,con,int,wis,cha) should be listed first then edu and soc. The order presented on the sheet (and original playtest sheet) was a source of iritation to my players. This is supposed to be appealing to D20 gamers, correct?

Hunter --
Also, if chapter 10 is still as it was in the final draft, listing PSI as an ability score carries an obvious implication...
Originally posted by hunter:

I may be branded a heretic because of this, but we changed melee weapons to use Dex rather than Str. While I understand the reasoning behind d20 using Str, in the T20 setting Dex is more appropriate. Of course as Referee, you are free to use Str instead!
Cool, but I'll stick with the d20 tradition, but will include Weapon Finesse feat for those high-Dex characters, if that feat is not included in the upcoming T20.
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to say I like the Character Sheet. I do have a couple of suggestions, though: if you could put a line vertically through the middle of the "Feats & Special Abilities" block (essentially doubling the number of lines/spaces), that would be great. After playing D&D 3ed for about a year or so, that type of space seems to run out of room really fast. Then again, I don't know how the game is going to handle racial abilities and in D&D, you could sometimes have 4 or 5 racial abilities before you even started adding feats. And, the Knowledge and Technical skills may need a couple of extra lines. Dropping the font size down a half point for the skills might give you enough room for extras, but I guess it would be tough to write your rank and ability scores in then. Oh, well. Also, is there going to be a space for Psionic skills? Again, not sure how the game is going to handle them, but d20 Star Wars (the first release) had a nice space for Force-related skills and a checklist of feats on the character sheet. And you might want to take a part of the bottom of the "Other Possessions" block and make a separate area/block for a Starship. Maybe two or three lines at most.

Just my .02Cr

while creating a character today, I noticedm that the skill Disable Device is missing from the sheet. has that skill been ditched in favor of using the Technical skills for such activity? (I am working from an older manuscript while awaiting the book's release, since I will have to buy a copy).

First impression of the sheet is good. It looks tidy and uncluttered.

I know that all d20 game sheets up to now have had skills printed on them, but due to the number of skills in T20, how about just leaving blank spaces to be filled in as required? Or even just listing Untrained use OK skills? I can see some characters running out of space for their Technical and Knowledge skills quite quickly.

Swap the Equipment Carried box with the Feats/Special Abilities box and put a central line down the Feats/Special Abilities box.
This allows more kit to be listed whilst still allowing plenty of slots for Feats.
I think it would speed things up to have check off boxes in the feat section for Armor, Weapons and Vessels proficiencies:

o Marksman o Lasers o Combat Rifleman
o High Energy o Field Artillery o Ship’s Wpns
o Armsman o Swordsman o Archer

o Light o Medium o Vac Suit
o Battledress

o Grav o Wheel o Track o Legged
o Starship o Ship’s Boat o Jet o Rotary o Prop
o Lighter-than-air o small boat o lrg boat o sub o hovercraft
Due simply to the number of skills available to a modern, near-future or SF character, why not simply have the skills section explicitly list the skills that can be used unranked (since EVERYBODY has a chance of using these) and leave the rest of the list blank lines, broken into suitable columns of course. You'd still have the little box to check for being a cross-class skill and the columns for Skill Name, Total Mod, Ranks, Attribute Mod and Attribute, but the entries would all be blank to allow anything to be entered.

Just my 0.02 Creds,
Simon Jester
Originally posted by Simon Jester:
...why not simply have the skills section explicitly list the skills that can be used unranked and leave the rest of the list blank lines...
I'd buy that for cr .02! I have thought that should be the way to do the 3rd Ed character sheets for a while (why do I need all those skills I can never have mocking me and making it hard to find the ones I can use). It would also address the possible issue of running out of the blank spaces left for the cascade skills found under the Technical, Professional, or Knowledge skills.

Other than that it's nice, clean, and based on my d20 knowledge it seems complete enough. No little box for character doodles but that's minor, and a lot of people don't use it anyway.

So does everyone have the Charisma stat now, not just Vargr, like in TNE? And for that matter do Vargr now have a Social Standing stat too. If not maybe there could/should be specific character sheets for each race, which could then include racial unarmed attacks pre-printed (Human punch, Vargr bite, Aslan claw, etc. or are these all the same in mechanics)?

Rabid Vargr asked "Are we allowed to post this character sheet on our own traveller sites or is that a no-no till you've got the thing published?" I'd guess it's fine but a definitive answer would be nice.

ScoutCadet469 suggested (among some good ideas IMO) "And you might want to take a part of the bottom of the "Other Possessions" block and make a separate area/block for a Starship. Maybe two or three lines at most." As usual I seem to find one point to differ on, this one. I think a Starship requires it's own "character" sheet Not every character will have one, heck not even every party will. The "Other Possessions" block is good enough to list the ship's name, that's all the character needs to "carry", just the registration, not the whole ship. ;)

Anywho that's my cr .02, is Mr. Murphy rich yet
I like the Kingdoms of Kalamar/Living Kalamar sheets KenzerCo came up with.

They list all the skills you can use undtrained and then a bunch of slots for you to write in the skills you took which require training.
Hey, any chance that you can make it so that those of us with a full version of acrobat can type the information right onto the sheet? My current DM does that for our 3rd ed game and I would love to do it for my Traveller game when it comes out. It comes out next month right?
Well, the Mad Irishman have been known to make Forms version of the character sheets (check out his web site: www.mad-irishman.net). We're hoping he would do the same for T20. Even we Acrobat Reader users can at least type info and print it. Can't save unfortunately unless I buy Adobe Acrobat.
Well, technically you don't have to buy Acrobat...besides lots of freeware/shareware alternatives, Acrobat Exchange will supposedly let you do it, and I think it's like $40. Not free, I know, but better than the full version of Acrobat.

I haven't heard back from Hunter yet about what changes he wants made permanent, but I'll probably post a beta 2 at my site tonight or tomorrow. It's not really any different except for a couple of corrections, a split Feats area, and some adjustments on sheet 3 per suggestions. I'll wait to hear from Hunter before I decide to pull the skills or reduce them to untrained only.

I like the character sheet and look forward to updates. The full version of AA is very steep (I think about $400.00 last I checked). Also most of the sort that allow typing do not allow you to save the Data. I plan to modify E-tools or add formats to PC Gen which is D-20.

It would be cool to have the form look more like the CT forms and charts version, but this is way better than I could do!

Great job Mad Irishman.