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Characterize These Stats!

Originally posted by Jame:
A new challenge: come up with a character for the stats provided. Over the next week or so, I'll post several characters, and anyone who wants to can create a character for them.

Character number one:

67699C 2.5 term Noble
Short Blade-2 Pistol-2 Recon-2 Linguistics-2 Leader-1 Computer-1 Intrusion-1 JOT-1 Vacc Suit-1

200,000 Cr, Autopistol, Blade.
His Excellency has spent the last several years as the Duke's personal "troubleshooter." He is calm, cool, collected, and while bright and well educated, not a serious egghead. His dueling prowess is his primary merit; if it requires serious force, he calls for marines. He will fight with the troops, and has lead several "urgent searches under warrant." He is feeling somewhat naked these days, since he lost his warrant, and spent several months recovering from wounds on one such grounds intrusion.

His Excellency is the spare; his sister is the heiress. He chose to serve for patriotic reasons, and chose to serve in the court of the duke for safety reasons... little did he know he'd have been safer in the Corps!

Character two:

898865 Rifle-1 Brawling-2 Long Blade-2 Vacc-1 Recon-1 Carousing-1 Grav Vehicle-3 SMG-1 Gunner-1
15,000 Cr, Sword, SMG
Gunnery Sergeant Harlan Harlanzon.
This ex-marine recon trooper spent his fair share of time on loan to the duke's office. He's been the Baron's bodyguard and sneak & peek man for some time. He tends to drink a bit off duty, and is also the Baron's driver. His career is distinguished, and he's not a brute. He is, however, well connected from 16 years active, and 4 on detachment to the ducal office of investigations.

Character three:

A67984 Rifle-2 Pistol-1 Tactics-2 Brawling-1 Streetwise-1 Vacc-2 Gunner-1 Short Blade-2
21,000 Cr, Blade, Pistol, ACR
Drek has a bit of a problem; he's been a privateer of no rank for 3 terms. He was never active, and specialized in the boarding actions department. He does, however, owe his freedom to the Baron, who cleared him of certain questionable actions, in exchange for his personal fealty as a man at arms. He's not socially correct, and is big, pot-bellied, and showing his age. 8 years of the Baron's service have rendered him a bit tight in the suit, but he's still a rather dangerous foe. He has maintained his streetside connections, and officially is a "Mercenary Liaison" who was employed in the Ducal office of Investigations.... In truth, he was another member of the ops team. He recruited some reliable but questionable folk for various odd "Unwelcomed Inspections."
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
A pity - pity I tell yah - the players who piss off these three.
What makes you think that there're just three?
For example, character 4:

658AA9 Admin-1 Legal-1 Trader-2 Grav Vehicle-1 Vacc Suit-1 Steward-3 Streetwise-2 History-1 SMG-1 Computer-2 Medic-1 Liason-1 Commo-1

SM? Is that SMG? Submachine gun? If so...

Number 4 is an example of a 'split' career, something I wish more versions of Traveller allowed.(1)

He first went to college. The history and computer skills along with the high EDU stat come from that.

Next, he served a hitch the planetary or Imperial army, most likely only one term. ROTC? His commo, grav vehicle, medic, and SMG(?) skills date from that term.

Finally, he joined an established merchantile line. Not a free trader because of the training he has obviously recieved. He could have learned those skills as a free trader but his physical stats suggest he isn't that old. That suggests in turn he has been to various trade schools that free traders cannot provide.

In the merchantile line, he has served in the Purser and Sales departments. Steward, Liaison, and Vacc Suit derive from the former with Admin, Legal and Trader from the latter. In the Pursers, he may have started off as 'soft' security, the kind of muscle that isn't walking around in a uniform and instead blends in with the regular staff. Part of the Streetwise skill could date from this.

After a promotion and/or transfer (Cover blown? Job well done? Injury, look at DEX 5?), he enters Sales. This is a good move considering his INT and EDU.

Have fun,

1 - My groups toyed with rules regarding split careers many times.
What if Character 4 is someone like Alfred the butler from the old Batman Series? Someone who handles all of those pesky day-to-day details for Character 1.
1 - My groups toyed with rules regarding split careers many times.
try reservists.

shipyard worker / marine reservist, 20 years
vacc suit 3, 0G 3
computer 2, electronics 2, mechanics 2
ACR 1, tactics 1, recon 1, ? 1, ? 1
schools: tech, space, infantry
Originally posted by atpollard:
What if Character 4 is someone like Alfred the butler from the old Batman Series? Someone who handles all of those pesky day-to-day details for Character 1.
Sounds like a fit for me.
Originally posted by Jame:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
A pity - pity I tell yah - the players who piss off these three.
What makes you think that there're just three?
</font>[/QUOTE]I was really hoping you would say "What makes you think they're not PCs for my new PBEM campaign?" ;) Just wishful thinking!

This would make an excellent sleuthing team - particularly with the butler. All they need is a far trader and crew to provide passage. Shoot, that'd even get them ortillery provided they can add some one with fwd obs skill (or would No 1's JOT skill work for that?)
Originally posted by SGB - Steve B:
Shoot, that'd even get them ortillery provided they can add some one with fwd obs skill (or would No 1's JOT skill work for that?)
Ummm, not a good idea to have the principal (in any sense of that term) being a forward observer! That's a little up close and personal, with a few too many things going boom in close proximity to be letting your meal ticket do that job!
Originally posted by Fritz88:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SGB - Steve B:
Shoot, that'd even get them ortillery provided they can add some one with fwd obs skill (or would No 1's JOT skill work for that?)
Ummm, not a good idea to have the principal (in any sense of that term) being a forward observer! That's a little up close and personal, with a few too many things going boom in close proximity to be letting your meal ticket do that job!
</font>[/QUOTE]Interesting point.

I'm also not sure JOT should work for fwd obs skill. Cannon seems to allow it - but a lot of being a good fwd obs is knowing what words to use to get the arty to hit where you want it and not where you don't want it to - which is normally fairly close by. It's a specialized vocabulary issue - and not something you can figure out as you go - because being off "just a little" is often worse than being off by a mile (the just a little is right on top of you - the mile may be totally empty.)

For a combination of gunnery and JOT would proably work because you'd have the vocabulary then.

Or maybe JOT should work
- IF the contingency had been considered and some "quick" training gone through in advance with the "fwd obsv" and gunner ...
- or IF the person calling in has the time to calmly talk through shot placement with the gunner so they get it right the first time.

But it shouldn't work as the "gee - we're in the middle of a running gun battle - let me place a quick fire order into the ship and they'll hit the target I'm discribing even though the ships sensors can't see it" type fwd obs skill.

Just trying to run through how I think I'd GM it in my head - might be worth a separate thread.
SGB, that all depends on what direction the strike is "off"! Even with good skills and coordination, we weren't supposed to clear an aircraft "hot" until it's weapons would impact somewhere toward the bad guys, instead of short of the target.... :eek:
Originally posted by Fritz88:
SGB, that all depends on what direction the strike is "off"! Even with good skills and coordination, we weren't supposed to clear an aircraft "hot" until it's weapons would impact somewhere toward the bad guys, instead of short of the target.... :eek:
Fritz - As a former ground pounder that's good to know. As an engineering officer I was taught how to call in artillery - but not how to get close air support or naval gunnery support. We were cautioned to leave that to the fwd obs specifically trained for the task. When you see what a cluster bomb with dual purpose munitions can do you really DON'T want that falling short.

Kind of think ortillery would fit that bill as well.

Do we have a number 5 coming? If so does he have some fwd obs background? Or do we start working on the next "team"?
4 more coming.

Here're two:

Character 5: 7947987 Navigation-3 Pilot-2 Grav Vehicle-2 Wheeled Vehicle-2 Sensors-1 Survey-1 Electronics-1 Commo-1 Mechanical-1 Computer-1 Vacc Suit-1 Gunner-1 SMG-1
SMG, Hand Computer, Long-range Comm Set, 8,000 Cr

Character 6: 5958BA Medical-4 Computer-1 Robotics-2 Instruction-1 Genetics-1 Recon-1 Biology-2 Pistol-1 Linguistics-1 Equestrian-1 Forensics-1
Short-range Comm, Pistol, Medical kit, Surgical kit
Quick and dirty, Character 5 looks like a Scout who misjumped the 36 hex theoretical maximum and has spent a LONG time away from home and people.
But has he got one heck of a map collection.
How's this possiblity?

No. 6 appears to be a medical doctor in the service of our "fixers' duke. He has a broad intereste in sciences and the time to spend developing these interests. However, since the duke has on occasion needed him to provide assistance to character no 1 and his less socially acceptable friends, No 6 has also decided to invest time in learning to protect himself, preferably by scoping out the situation (Recon) and if not then with a handgun.

Perhaps No 5 is a recent addition to the crew hired for piloting the starship the team is using. The old scout description sounds great for a background.

Just a thought.
No 6 is an upper crust lass from an agricultural/pastoral planet. (Well, actually, some might call it backward.) There she grew up around the nobler sports: target shooting, horse riding, snarf hunting (Recon), etc. Naturally, she went off to school to become a doctor or lawyer or some such appropriate profession.

While there, however, a rebellious streak began to show, and she began to dabble. She began tinkering - with gadgets and with creatures. She got into a little bit of trouble with some experiments she was running (she was a teaching assistant during her grad work) that weren't necessarily the most ethical.

The "fixer" helped her out of her tight spot, and she now works for him on his team, as the doc. She also has lots of time to spend tinkering: a little cybernetics here, a little robotics there, a little "bioengineering" everywhere. She's not really a mad scientist, just a little ... odd. And, try to ignore the strange noises coming from her stateroom at night....
Originally posted by Fritz88:
The "fixer" helped her out of her tight spot, and she now works for him on his team, as the doc. She also has lots of time to spend tinkering: a little cybernetics here, a little robotics there, a little "bioengineering" everywhere. She's not really a mad scientist, just a little ... odd. And, try to ignore the strange noises coming from her stateroom at night....
You have struck gold, Fritz, absolutely gold.
Originally posted by Jame:
Character 6: 5958BA Medical-4 Computer-1 Robotics-2 Instruction-1 Genetics-1 Recon-1 Biology-2 Pistol-1 Linguistics-1 Equestrian-1 Forensics-1
Short-range Comm, Pistol, Medical kit, Surgical kit
How about if Character 6 is an Imperial Research Scientist. Inspired by the old Mr. ED TV series, she has dedicated her life to the creation of an organic/robotic hybrid cyborg for use as a recon agent for special operations. Who would ever suspect the stupid looking horse is really an enemy spy.

And she was knighted for her efforts!

(note: Medical-4 is veternary medicine).
Originally posted by Fritz88:
She's not really a mad scientist, just a little ... odd. And, try to ignore the strange noises coming from her stateroom at night....

Priceless, absolutely priceless! The fixer has Doctor Miss Frankenstein on his team!

James' players are going to loathe us all for the help we've given him! cue evil laughter....

Have fun,