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Characterize These Stats!

Well, then, my day is made.

(Too bad we can't do sounds - I've been told my evil laugh is chilling... :D )
Greetings Sophonts!

Here are 6 to characterize.

These are CT, with Book 1 and Supplement 4
reprint from The Spinward Marches Campaign.
Borrowed Level-0 skills from MT.

6 for the road. 4 Ship Crew, 2 High Passengers.

Ship Crew:

Crew 1
8BA7B2 Age:42 6Terms
Imperial Intersteller Scout Service
Detached Duty Scout
Homeworld: Jenghe 1810 C799663-9
Pilot-2 Navigation-5 Engineer-1 Jack-of-Trades-3
Vaccsuit-1 SMG-1 Computer-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0
Laser Drill-0
Languages: Galanglic, Jenghean (-2dm for non-speakers)
Cr1000 SMG Scout Ship

Crew 2
476994 Age:22 1Terms
Homeworld: Jenghe 1810 C799663-9
Computer-3 SMG-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0
Languages: Jenghean (-2dm for non-speakers)

Crew 3
888D38 Age:30 3Terms
ex-Imperial Navy Ensign (Drafted 1st Term)
Homeworld: Roup 2007 C77A9A9-7
SMG-2 Gunner-1 Electronics-1 Mechanical-1
Vaccsuit-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0 Computer-0
Languages: Galanglic, Roup (-2dm non-speakers)
Travellers Cr5000

Crew 4
8448C5 Age:30 3Terms
ex-Dinom Colonial Army Lt Colonel
Homeworld: Dinom 1211 D100535-A
Rifle-1 SMG-2 Tactics-1 Medic-2 Computer-1
Tracked Vehicle-0 Vaccsuit-0 Laser Drill-0
Languages: Galanglic, Dinom (-3dm for non-speakers)
no Cr

2 High Passengers:

High Passenger 1

483A98 Age:62 11Terms
Retired Bureacrat Director
Homeworld: Extolay 1711 B45589A-A
Admin-1 Instruction-5 Grav Vehicle-2
Wheeled Vehicle-2 Dagger-3 Laser Pistol-2
Leader-1 Computer-0
Languages: Galanglic, Vilani.
Cr130,000 5 Mid Passenges, 3 High Passengers,
Cr50 Watch, Cr300 Watch, Cr1000 Watch.
Retirement Pay Cr16,000

Got Commision and Promotion on 1st Term.
No promotions Terms 2-3.
Promotions 4-7. 7th term becomes Director.
Also gains Edu 8 in 7th term.
Gets Leader-1 in 8th Term.
Term 9 was +1 edu
Terms 10-11 get Instruction+1 (already had Instruction-3)

High Passenger 2

A9957B Age:22 1Term
Noble Knight
Homeworld: not specified
Brawling-1 Wheeled Vehicle-1 Carousing-1
?Computer-0 ?guncombat-0
Note sure about leaving these on with this NPC
Languages: not specified
Cr60,000 Travellers 1 High Passege

Thanks in advance guys! :D
Crew 1:

The grizzled veteran of the scout service, with an almost archetypal survivor's cynicism. A veteran of more long-shots, missions-gone-wrong, and operations in grey areas than even he is comfortable thinking about have contributed to provide the ability to adapt and deal with new circumstances (high JoT).

A decent pilot but a navigator with few equals - probably did some exploratory work and maybe some covert courier work. What he doesn't know about jumpspace and how to get a ship in one piece (more or less) from A to B regardless of how hot either of these ends is hasn't been written. He's jumped from inside 100D enough times to be a little blase about it.

Some of the covert work probably explains his skills with the SMG and the fact he ended up in the scouts probably has as much to do with his dirt poor upbringing (low soc).

He's probably at least once had to pass himself off as a rock-hopper (belter) and so he knows how to use a laser-drill and can fake using most of the rest of the tools of the trade and the lingo for an asteroid miner... could be a good cover, with seekers and scouts looking a lot the same at a distance.

As to what work he's still doing for the Scout Service? Well, that'll be something you aren't likely to pry out of him. And if you ask too many questions, you'll find out he's got friends (some none to legit) in a lot of ports around the sector that owe him one and they don't like anyone giving their friend a hard time. It's good to have friends in low places.....

8BA7B2 Age:42 6Terms
Imperial Intersteller Scout Service
Detached Duty Scout
Homeworld: Jenghe 1810 C799663-9
Pilot-2 Navigation-5 Engineer-1 Jack-of-Trades-3
Vaccsuit-1 SMG-1 Computer-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0
Laser Drill-0
Languages: Galanglic, Jenghean (-2dm for non-speakers)
Cr1000 SMG Scout Ship

A bookish young woman, but quite attractive without realizing it, who hasn't seen too much of the galaxy. She used to work on a labship, but got off that pretty quick once the lead scientist made a pass at her. On the way out, she left him a nice computer virus to say thank you for him being the consumate jerk.

She's still getting over the sudden change of career, since he really was a jerk and made her name mud in the local scientific community.

She had to take any route offworld she could, even if it meant crewing for a captain with a bit of a reputation for running in the grey areas. Having her name dragged through the mud pretty much kiboshed the other options locally and she wanted to be elsewhere when the virus finally triggered and paid back her former boss in spades.

She has drawn into a bit of a shell, being a bit quiet and reserved, using that to cover her wounded heart. She's not really a vengeful sort, but she does have a deeply ingrained sense of justice that occasionally asserts itself.

She keeps mostly to herself, but the strains of Vilani Opera can often be heard quietly echoing through the ventillation systems.

Crew 2
476994 Age:22 1Terms
Homeworld: Jenghe 1810 C799663-9
Computer-3 SMG-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0
Languages: Jenghean (-2dm for non-speakers)

Sometimes, life just catches you up. Then all you can do is roll with it. This lad never had much interest in knowledge, but mostly because he was just very bright. He didn't see the point in using other people's answers to problems - he'd just think up his own. So he never did very well in school - it was just too boring and there were too many interesting things to study.

And then along came the Navy and the Draft. That's enough to put anyone off kilter. It isn't (quite) the classic pressgang, but enough to really throw one for a loop.

But if you're smart, you'll get your feet back under you. Of course, being the Navy, smart people aren't always employed where their smarts will do the most good - just where the Navy Bureaux of Personel allocates them. This is a classic example - smart lad, made a gunner.

Not the most compelling subject matter for a smart, imaginative, vaguely ADD sort of personality. He picked up enough to be good at his trade - maintaining weapons systems and operating them. He found firearms training to be a bit novel and fun (after all, you do get to punch lots of holes in targets!), so he took to that part of the training for a time, enough to get competent with an SMG. But overall, he was just under-utilized and coasted.

Eventually, he decided enough was enough and decided it was time to get out and see more of the world. Somebody somewhere needed a smart fellow who could think his way around any problem and who wouldn't be too worried about his limited formal qualifications.

This lad also has a very eclectic set of interests. Anytime the ship sets down anywhere where he can see a new species, visit a new ecosystem, see a new stellar formation, etc. that's all he's really focused on... his work gets only a small portion of his intellect - the rest is studying whatever the latest focus-du-jour is.

Crew 3
888D38 Age:30 3Terms
ex-Imperial Navy Ensign (Drafted 1st Term)
Homeworld: Roup 2007 C77A9A9-7
SMG-2 Gunner-1 Electronics-1 Mechanical-1
Vaccsuit-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0 Computer-0
Languages: Galanglic, Roup (-2dm non-speakers)
Travellers Cr5000

That's it for now....
I would suggest one small twist to Crew 3:

He is illiterate (probably due to a reading disorder) but learns very quickly by doing something. I would suggest a natural ability equal to a JOT skill with anything that involves doing something with your hands (Vaccsuit-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0 Computer-0 represent previous sucess with his natural ability).
from kaladorn, on Crew#1:
And if you ask too many questions, you'll find out he's got friends (some none to legit) in a lot of ports around the sector that owe him one and they don't like anyone giving their friend a hard time. It's good to have friends in low places.....
Ain't that the truth, brother!

on Crew2:
A bookish young woman, but quite attractive without realizing it, who hasn't seen too much of the galaxy. She used to work on a labship, but got off that pretty quick once the lead scientist made a pass at her. On the way out, she left him a nice computer virus to say thank you for him being the consumate jerk.

on Crew3:
And then along came the Navy and the Draft. That's enough to put anyone off kilter. It isn't (quite) the classic pressgang, but enough to really throw one for a loop.
My thinking on that was going to the ImpI Navy as opposed to staying in planet. I was reading on of Ken Bearden's stuff on the CT discusions. He likes having the draft to be able to get tech skills you wouldn't have on the home planet. But that was my thought.

Then again, he could have been a really good office drone (Bureacrat). And the Bureacrat I had, High Passenger#1, could have been much better in the Navy. I think the initial UPP I had on there was like 9BA677, if I recall correctly.

from atpollard:
He is illiterate (probably due to a reading disorder) but learns very quickly by doing something. I would suggest a natural ability equal to a JOT skill with anything that involves doing something with your hands (Vaccsuit-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0 Computer-0 represent previous sucess with his natural ability)
I dunno. I'll take that under advisement. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Looking forward to your thoughts on the last 3 folks.
:cool: :D
The "Colonel" was well suited to a military life. He excelled in school and then excelled in his chosen vocation, rising very quickly through the ranks to the rank of Lt. Colonel. Even in a planetary force, this is impressive progress.

The "Colonel" is quite competent with firearms and small unit tactics. He's led men in small unit combat actions and has been slightly wounded in several of them. Not much phases him, but he does have the vacuum dweller's traditional antipathy for the hiss of a punctured vacc suit.

Along the way, he was cross-trained as a field medic and this skill proved useful both for himself and for those in his charge during several of the more intense operations of his career.

He's hit nearly the limit of possible progress in an Army for a planet with a 5 Pop. It was time to get out and look for new challenges. He'd done enough fighting, been shot at enough, and just found that he couldn't revert easily to a workaday groundside life again. He was still young and shipping out to see some more of the Imperium seemed like a good bet. So he blew his last credits on some good holobooks, some music recordings, and some nicer-than-Army-issue rations for the trip.

He's a good man to have in your corner in a pinch, though he has to work on losing the upright posture, the clockwork pace, and the look of purpose so common to military personel if he's going to be much good in low profile work.

If you're from Dinom, you're going to know a bit about Vacc Suits, and working with the new Captain has given him a bit of insight into the use of mining equipment. He hasn't quite got all the Belter slang down yet, but he can fake it as long as he isn't scrutinized too closely.

Crew 4
8448C5 Age:30 3Terms
ex-Dinom Colonial Army Lt Colonel
Homeworld: Dinom 1211 D100535-A
Rifle-1 SMG-2 Tactics-1 Medic-2 Computer-1
Tracked Vehicle-0 Vaccsuit-0 Laser Drill-0
Languages: Galanglic, Dinom (-3dm for non-speakers)
no Cr

2 High Passengers:

High Passenger 1

For some folk, retirement is a place where they slow down. Not so for the retired bureaucrat... former Director of Special Projects working directly for the Countess of Extolay. Some who know him might say his 'retirement' is only a fiction, a cover-story.

The ex-Director started out as a junior forensic accountant in the Extolay Civil Service. Extolay being an impersonal bureaucracy, civil service jobs are quite common destinations for talented individuals. Being large and bureacratic, the government can also become a haven for corruption, and men like the young forensic investigator worked to root out corruption and waste.

Over time, he rose through the ranks, tackling tougher and tougher cases and getting into a lot of undercover work. This sort of work was where he learned to be a bit of a madman behind the wheel or control yoke and an accomplished back-alley fighter when necessary.

His rise through the ranks and participating in several dramatic operations against organized crime brought him to the attention of the Countess herself. He was then recruited to work in her Special Projects Directorate as a roving troubleshooter with fairly extensive purview and powers.

His high instruction skill is explained by the fact that a man with this much experience in the field is a huge asset to an institution and thus he ended up for a sizable number of years running training programs for various special investigators and undercover agents for the SP Directorate.

Now he's officially retired and travelling on private business (as in 'none of anyone elses'). Yet there will be those who still believe you can't teach an old dog new tricks and that this is really some larger scale or longer term covert operation that he's involved in. This is an idea that gets an icy glance from the ex-Director, but then he just rolls his eyes exasperatedly and goes about his business.

483A98 Age:62 11Terms
Retired Bureacrat Director
Homeworld: Extolay 1711 B45589A-A
Admin-1 Instruction-5 Grav Vehicle-2
Wheeled Vehicle-2 Dagger-3 Laser Pistol-2
Leader-1 Computer-0
Languages: Galanglic, Vilani.
Cr130,000 5 Mid Passenges, 3 High Passengers,
Cr50 Watch, Cr300 Watch, Cr1000 Watch.
Retirement Pay Cr16,000

Got Commision and Promotion on 1st Term.
No promotions Terms 2-3.
Promotions 4-7. 7th term becomes Director.
Also gains Edu 8 in 7th term.
Gets Leader-1 in 8th Term.
Term 9 was +1 edu
Terms 10-11 get Instruction+1 (already had Instruction-3)

High Passenger 2

Young and pretty, this young woman has recieved a Knighthood (making her a Dame) as a consequnce of her family connections. She is distantly related to some mid-level subsector noble. The Knighthood gives her an ability to move around in polite society and to see the worlds of the Imperium.

She is a pretty, decorative, and very atheltic young woman. She isn't the brightest woman, but this takes the form of niavete more than outright stupidity. She tends to take people at face value and not exercise healthy skepticism often enough.

Her priveledged upbringing and her title have allowed her to know a life devoid of want or responsibility. She has taken advantage of this and become quite social (perhaps even a bit wild...).

This has sometimes taken her into dodgy places that a woman of greater wisdom and skepticism might have eschewed, but she pursued interesting experiences more than was entirely safe or respectable and still does. As a consequence, she has had to learn how to handle herself a bit in rough situations (Brawling, probably in the form of some martial art like Aikido or Kickboxing).

Right now, she's just looking for the next new experience, the next bit of fun, the next interesting person to meet, or the next party to attend. She's not worried about the future and she has an optimism partially born of ignorance which tells her there is plenty of time to worry about 'getting a boring grown-up life' when she's a decade or two older - for now, the FUN is what matters. Travel and keep going until the credits run low, then hit the family up for some more money and repeat!

A9957B Age:22 1Term
Noble Knight
Homeworld: not specified
Brawling-1 Wheeled Vehicle-1 Carousing-1
?Computer-0 ?guncombat-0
Note sure about leaving these on with this NPC
Languages: not specified
Cr60,000 Travellers 1 High Passege
Mistor kaladorn:
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
You've done a man's job, sir.
Crew4: Yep. Pretty straight forward.

High Passenger1: Uh-huh. Operator, heh. Interesting.
When I started rolling the stats I pondered about whether to have all the vehicle skills all in one skill. Like so: Wheeled Vehicle-4. Fudge the re-enlist roll, and I could of had a guy sorda like "The Transporter" dude. I think I like yours better.

High Passenger2: Oh dear! So you got a "Paris the Heiress" type who can beat you up. Not good. Nope, not good atoll man.

Again, thank you sir. Tis much appriciated.
My last two (for the moment, and the first set):

#7: 777A86 Engineer-2 Mech-3 Commo-2 Electronics-1 Gravitics-1 Computer-1 Robotics-1 Rifles-1 Vacc-1 Stealth-1
Comm, Handcomp, Toolkit, Carbine, 27000 Cr

#8: 98B855 Heavy Weapons-2 ATV-2 FArtillery-1 Shotgun-1 Rifleman-1 Long Blade-1 Short Blade-1 Battldress-1 Forward Observer-1 Stealth-1 Bribery-1
ACR, Sword, PRIS Binoculars, 3000 Cr.
Originally posted by plop101:
[QB] Mistor kaladorn:
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Glad to help.

High Passenger1: Uh-huh. Operator, heh. Interesting.
When I started rolling the stats I pondered about whether to have all the vehicle skills all in one skill. Like so: Wheeled Vehicle-4. Fudge the re-enlist roll, and I could of had a guy sorda like "The Transporter" dude. I think I like yours better.
It's not often I see a high ranking bureaucrat who has laser pistol 2 and dagger 3. That requires some explaining. And then I thought of the Untouchables - basically a bunch of Federal Government forensic accountants with guns (obvious precursors, in a sense, of modern CSI dramas). And I thought... here we've got a functionary, possibly an accountant, who has weapon skills. An anti-corruption investigator would make an interesting model.

"When Jabba sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue - because that's the Anchorhead way!"
Another set of stats for anyone to characterize:

787BA6 3.5 Term ex-Merchant (Female, TL-12)
Medical-5 Computer-3 Commo-3 Electronics-3 Vac-suit-2 Mechanical-1 Bribery-1 Trader-1 Gunner-1 Trader-1 Pistol-1 Rifle-1 Philosophy-1

35,000 Cr, 2*High Passage, Medical Kit

799A99 (Psi-9) 5 Term Doctor (Male, TL-13)
Medical-3 Language-2 Computer-2 Biology-2 Pistol-1 Mechanical-1 Robotics-1 Electronics-1 Vacc-1 History-1
Last edited:
these are just, quick off the top of my head examples.

Another set of stats for anyone to characterize:

787BA6 3.5 Term ex-Merchant (Female, TL-12) Medical-5 Computer-3 Commo-3 Electronics-3
Vac-suit-2 Mechanical-1 Bribery-1 Trader-1 Gunner-1 Trader-1 Pistol-1 Rifle-1

35,000 Cr, 2*High Passage, Medical Kit
Miss Terada is an asian female, a mercenary in the employ of a mercenary clearing house in the Spinward
Marches. She holds a courtesy rank of sergeant and specializes in operations that require
white-collar skills AND the female touch. She's attractive but not stunningly so. Her
high computer and comm skills make her ideal as posing as a business woman. She uses
her medical knowledge to employ drugs of various types to assist in her operations,
sometimes via injection, sometimes via TRANQ rounds in her snub-pistol and other ways.
She's often found carrying a memory stimulant that gives the subject an eidetic memory
for its duration. She can then conduct interrogations or debriefings of others (or
herself) recalling recent events and happenings with incredible precision. It's easy to
get lost in memories and the technique requires special preparations. In addtion she's
currently been hired to acquire information on an auction house on a TL8 world, where
operatives will be arriving within the week to bid on behalf of a buyer. Threats have
been made and Miss Terada will be the vanguard providing detailed layout information
on the site, just in case anything happens. In addition, while there, she's found that
the entire complex is wired together by a wireless LAN, so participants can monitor
any of a number of auctions happening concurrently via special hand-comps given out
during registration. With her own TL12 hand-comp she should be able to hack the system,
if she's game and provide further advantage for the arriving team.

799A99 (Psi-9) 5 Term Doctor (Male, TL-13) Medical-3 Language-2 Computer-2 Biology-2
Pistol-1 Mechanical-1 Robotics-1 Electronics-1 Pistol-1 Vacc-1 History-1
Pistol-1 twice ? is that Pistol-2 ? ;)

Lonneggar is a Vilani doctor who has the bad habit of finishing people's sentences
for him, something he can't always control. While his medical history has been successful
it's the stigma attached to his psionics that often results in his moving around.
He was travelling to a new job when Vargr corsairs attacked the liner he was on. Taken
prisoner, Lonneggar was pressed into indentured service as a medic for the raiders.
Currently the vargr are happy to let him while away the time doing his job and tinkering
with biology and robotics. A Zhodani interloper has sensed his abilities and has a proposal for the
Vargr: an antiquated Zhodani vessel in exchange for the doctor; whom they'd like to employ in
the Human Client States. What will the Vargr do ? How demanding taskmasters will the Zhodani
be ?

might need to change the Vilani doc to another race.
Thanks for the save, Gadrin! Pistol-1 it is, just twice, and it's been edited for just once.

And these are wonderful characterizations, thank you!
OK, I will toss in a set from LBB1-3:

Adino Tane Phirun
9AAA62 6-term Marine Force Commander (Male, TL-12)
Brawling-5, Blade Combat (Cutlass)-2, Gun Combat (Rifle)-1, Gun Combat (Revolver)-1, Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1, Electronics-1

Characterize away! :D
OK, I will toss in a set from LBB1-3:

Adino Tane Phirun
9AAA62 6-term Marine Force Commander (Male, TL-12)
Brawling-5, Blade Combat (Cutlass)-2, Gun Combat (Rifle)-1, Gun Combat (Revolver)-1, Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1, Electronics-1

Characterize away! :D

How does someone with soc-2 even make it into the Marines anyways?

Anyways: Mr. Phirun used to be a Marine. He joined to get away from his crime-riddled homeworld, and despite his apparent very low status managed to rise to the rank of Force Commander - but the criminals from back home came looking. Phirun tried to resist them - shipboard missions, combat, leadership training - and still managed to fall in with the criminals. After retirement, he's trying to get further away from the criminals, and is willing to use his extensive combat skills to do so.
Last edited:
Re: Dr Lonnengar
If the Vargr deal does go ahead, the Zhodani would consider this a fair trade....
(The Doctor would effectively be considered a Intendant, due to his Psi Strength of 9. Unfortunately due to age, they may not be able to raise his Psi to 10, the minimum for Noble status...).
From his POV, he'd probably agree to go....
Re: Dr Lonnengar
If the Vargr deal does go ahead, the Zhodani would consider this a fair trade....
(The Doctor would effectively be considered a Intendant, due to his Psi Strength of 9. Unfortunately due to age, they may not be able to raise his Psi to 10, the minimum for Noble status...).
From his POV, he'd probably agree to go....

There is no minimum Psi for nobles in the Consulate.
All prole children with PSR 9+ are made intendents.
Intendents' children are intendents.
Nobles' Children are Nobles.
Proles' children of PSR 2-8 are proles;
Proles' children of PSR 9+ are intendents.

It's Soc that has to go up to make it from intendent to noble.