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Characterize These Stats!

Not a problem. Just thought I'd point it out so that no one else got the wrong ideas.
I'd like to see what people make of this guy:

UPP: B97994
Skills (7 Total): Mechanic-1, Electrical-1, Engineering-1, Vacc Suit-1, Gunnery-1, Streetwise-1, Jack-of-Trades-1

4 Term Merchant, 3rd Officer (Age: 34)
Muster Out Benefits: 5000 Cr., Low Passage x3, +1 EDU
I'd like to see what people make of this guy:

UPP: B97994
Skills (7 Total): Mechanic-1, Electrical-1, Engineering-1, Vacc Suit-1, Gunnery-1, Streetwise-1, Jack-of-Trades-1

4 Term Merchant, 3rd Officer (Age: 34)
Muster Out Benefits: 5000 Cr., Low Passage x3, +1 EDU

Big, no clutz, and in fair shape, 3rd Officer Don Miller has had a fairly non-remarkable career in the Engineering department. Originally hired as a roust, he quickly made a place for fixing dents and brackets. While never formally schooled, he was transferred to the engineering duty, and allowed several years to acquire skill as an engineer, spending a good amount of time working on the electronics first. Once he made 4th officer, he also committed to a 3rd term, and learned the ins and outs of a vacuum suit doing inspections. Also, he was forced by happenstance to take to the gunnery chair as his battle station, due to jealousy from the ship's chief engineer. When the chief retired, Mr. Miller was promoted to his post and then to 3rd officer. He spent much of this term in search of used parts, low passengers, and doing all the little things that other officers wouldn't and the hands couldn't.

Over the years, He has saved very little. Due to a deal gone south, the captain made it clear he was no longer needed, and handed him a handful of low passage coupons to "get the hell away from my route!" He's got a few months back pay in pocket, and made good use of his spare time for general knowledge courses on the computer.
I'd like to see what people make of this guy:

UPP: B97994
Skills (7 Total): Mechanic-1, Electrical-1, Engineering-1, Vacc Suit-1, Gunnery-1, Streetwise-1, Jack-of-Trades-1

4 Term Merchant, 3rd Officer (Age: 34)
Muster Out Benefits: 5000 Cr., Low Passage x3, +1 EDU

high strength and only average endurance, seems to indicate obesity. Though he is remarkably agile for a big man
No real professional level skills, a drifter
Bright, learned but low social...maybe he is a born drifter

So I am calling 20% John Goodman, 20% Fred Ward in Tremors and 60% Big Lebowski (the Dude, not the other guy)
ummm, coool, can i use these?

And considering Baron von Thornwood's Profession, *palm and flashes IMI6 IDent Plaque* do he know these people? And can he contact them becomes the next question, I mean does His Excellency go to the meetings? *grins*
I always like seeing what people come up with for these. Here is a Diplomat I rolled using Sup 4. The skills are a bit, unusual...
6957AB 6 Term Diplomat (Counselor)

Instruction-3, Interrogation-3, Liasion-1, Forgery-1 Carousing-1, Grav Vehicle-1, Administration-1, Body Pistol-1

40,000 Cr. +4 EDU, High Passage, Weapon, +1 SOC
Instructor Bond.

I always like seeing what people come up with for these. Here is a Diplomat I rolled using Sup 4. The skills are a bit, unusual...
6957AB 6 Term Diplomat (Counselor)

Instruction-3, Interrogation-3, Liasion-1, Forgery-1 Carousing-1, Grav Vehicle-1, Administration-1, Body Pistol-1

40,000 Cr. +4 EDU, High Passage, Weapon, +1 SOC
Why he's actually an Intelligence Officer (with Body Guard or Cultural Attache duties on paper), but when they scoop up a person with info they need, they call Instructor Bond. :cool:

He also supplements his income teaching in the INI Academy.
I always like seeing what people come up with for these. Here is a Diplomat I rolled using Sup 4. The skills are a bit, unusual...
6957AB 6 Term Diplomat (Counselor)

Instruction-3, Interrogation-3, Liasion-1, Forgery-1 Carousing-1, Grav Vehicle-1, Administration-1, Body Pistol-1

40,000 Cr. +4 EDU, High Passage, Weapon, +1 SOC

Counselor Sir Jon Jones, Agency programmer and indoctrinator.

He conducts the intensive training for new staffers. His background includes a few tours as a bodyguard, and that's what he teaches.

Calm, cool, yet capable of great charm when needed, his role as indoctrinator is two fold: To find out where the new bodyguard's loyalties lie, and to provide the skill baselines needed for body guards: Grav Vehicle–0, Carousing-0, and Body-Pistol-0.
I love this tread and the interesting ideas it generates so much, that I've got another... an MgT Sword Worlder this time:

1 Term Marine (Ground Assault - Officer)
2 Terms Nobility (Administrator)

Skills: Carousing-2, Leadership-2, Admin-1, Advocate-1, Gun Combat (Slug Rifles)-1, Tactics (Military)-1, Zero-G-1, Athletics-0, Battle Dress-0, Comms-0, Computers-0, Drive-0, Heavy Weapons-0, Persaude-0, Stealth-0

Weapon, Blade, +1 EDU, 100,000 Cr.

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I love this tread and the interesting ideas it generates so much, that I've got another... an MgT Sword Worlder this time:

1 Term Marine (Ground Assault - Officer)
2 Terms Nobility (Administrator)

Skills: Carousing-2, Leadership-2, Admin-1, Advocate-1, Gun Combat (Slug Rifles)-1, Tactics (Military)-1, Zero-G-1, Athletics-0, Battle Dress-0, Comms-0, Computers-0, Drive-0, Heavy Weapons-0, Persaude-0, Stealth-0

Weapon, Blade, +1 EDU, 100,000 Cr.


Bradley James Iohannson III

Unfortunately for Brad, his Marine career was cut off when his father and eldest sister died under suspicious circumstances. While dutiful to the family's expectations the entire change of pace has deepely unsettled Brad. About three hours after the funeral, he was discretely pulled from the arms of several partly clad and mostly drunken assiciates of no repute. Chemical binges ruled much of his first few years as head of the family; so much the estates suffered badly. It was only a few scant years ago that Brad stayed sober enough to see the effects of his grief on the servants who had loved and cared for him years ago. They had trusted him, and most had stuck with him even through his coming to terms with the deaths.

Fortunately for them, the family estates, and Brad himself, a few close friends have helped him get through the loss. While Brad still knows next to nothing about the running of a noble's estates, he has tried to learn what he can and hire those who cover where he is lacking.

How would you physically describe a character with 7AD for physical stats? Stocky? Wiry and lean? What does that much endurance mean in comparison with a normal level of strength?
Wiry and Lean. Maybe even a bit skinny.

Those seem to be nearly ideal stats for a soldier where great physical strength is sometimes a detriment. A soldier who can shoulder a heavy ruck, carry it 20 miles, and still be able to fight is more use than one who can lift a small car but falls out on the march.

I'd describe that character as maybe a marathon runner or triathlete.
Someone who eats properly, exercises regularly and does so to their personal limits and just a tad beyond. +1 for the tirathelete/IronMan type.

If a military background then the reall backbone of the squad. Always getting everything squared away before going ot sleep, able to maintain energy over a period of 2-3 days, and really hard to stop.

I really like this thread for some reason, so here is another set of stats I need help with.

How would you characterize these TNE stats? What is the best way to reconcile the low Agility, with the high initiative (which will give the character two actions per round)?

Bear in mind that TNE stats are typically 2d6-1, with an average of 6.

STR: 9
AGL: 1
CON: 9
INT: 8
EDU: 11
CHA: 9
Initiative: 6
Computed Weight: 112 KG!