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Classic FASA Ships converted to T20.

T20 Starship Design Sheet Output

Chameleon - Chameleon Class Commerce Raider
Designed by: FASA

800-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined
AC: 21 (15 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 8 (TL-15) SI: 205 Initiative: 3
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 408.448 MCr (510.56 MCr without discount)
Model/5 Fib (PP: 49/13) Computer Avionics: Less than 1,000-ton Sensors: Very Long Range Communications: Very Long Range
Cargo: 90.4-tons Passengers:
Annual Maintenance = 40.845 KCr (20.422 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 10.211 KCr/Month (102.112 KCr per year)

Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3)
Acceleration: 3-G Agility: 3
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (74 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-15, 5hrs per 400 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph

Hardpoints: 18
1x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-15, +4 To Hit, 4d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
1x Battery 4x Single Particle Accelerator Turret TL-15, +5 To Hit, 5d12 (17/x1), Range: 30,000km
1x 50-ton Missile Bay TL-15, +9 To Hit, 9d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km

Accommodations & Fittings:
24x Single Occupancy Stateroom (24 People)
4x Low Berth (4 People)
1x Sickbay (2 Patients)
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
1x Ship's Master
1x Pilot
1x Astrogator
4x Engineer
1x Medic
4x Gunner
10x Security

Originally designed as Q-Ships and Convoy Escorts for Imperial Shipping lines, it was only a matter of time before Pirates began using them. The 4 Particle Accelerator turrets fire as one battery.
This ship has always been broken. But it is probably one of the ones the T20 rules imply exist in canon with the bay takes up 50% of your hardpoints rule. This incarnation lost two points of armor to keep the cargo capacity about right and provide for a missile magazine.
T20 Starship Design Sheet Output

Condor - Condor Class System Defense Boat
Designed by: FASA

500-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined
AC: 31 (18 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 15 (TL-15) SI: 160 Initiative: 6
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 318.336 MCr (397.92 MCr without discount)
Model/6 Fib (PP: 57/13) Computer Avionics: Less than 600-ton Sensors: Extreme Range Communications: Extreme Range
Cargo: 29.0-tons Passengers:
Annual Maintenance = 31.834 KCr (15.917 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 7.958 KCr/Month (79.584 KCr per year)

Acceleration: 6-G Agility: 6
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (86 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-15, 5hrs per 200 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph

Hardpoints: 15
1x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-15, +4 To Hit, 4d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
1x Battery 2x Single Particle Accelerator Turret TL-15, +3 To Hit, 3d12 (17/x1), Range: 30,000km
1 x Battery of 2x Double Fusion Gun Turret TL-15, +6 To Hit, 6d20 (16/x5), Range: 4,500km
1x 50-ton Missile Bay TL-15, +9 To Hit, 9d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km

Ship's Vehicles:
1x 20-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn

Accomodations & Fittings:
18x Single Occupancy Stateroom (18 People)
2x Low Berth (2 People)
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
1x Pilot
4x Engineer
1x Medic
5x Gunner
7x Security

The Condor, designed by the Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a hard hitting, heavily armored SDB, designed with crew comfort in mind.
This ship has always been broken. But it is probably one of the ones the T20 rules imply exist in canon with the bay takes up 50% of your hardpoints rule. This incarnation lost two points of armor to keep the cargo capacity about right and provide for a missile magazine.
T20 Starship Design Sheet Output

ISCV King Richard - King Richard Class Luxury Liner
Designed by: FASA

5,000-ton Hull (Close Structure) - Partially Streamlined
AC: 10 (7 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 350 Initiative: 1
Starship Size: Large Cost: 1,245.744 MCr (1,557.18 MCr without discount)
Model/7 (PP: 57/13) Computer Avionics: Less than 10,000-ton Sensors: System Wide Communications: System Wide
Cargo: 340.4-tons Passengers:
Annual Maintenance = 124.574 KCr (62.287 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 31.144 KCr/Month (311.436 KCr per year)

Jump-2 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-2)
Acceleration: 1-G Agility: 1
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (114 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-15, 5hrs per 1,000 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 875kph Cruising = 2,625kph Maximum = 3,500kph

Ship's Vehicles:
2x 95-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
18x 20-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn

Accomodations & Fittings:
267x Double Occupancy Stateroom (534 People)
18x Low Berth (18 People)
2x Sickbay (4 Patients)
2x Autodoc
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
7x Command Officers, 3x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 40x Flight Crew
0x Gunnery Officers, x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 3x Engineering Crew
2x Medical Officers, 1x Medical Crew
1x Ship's Troops Officers, 9x Ship's Troops
44x Service Crew

The ISCV King Richard is truly a luxurious vessel. In addition to other passenger accomodations there is also a pool, gym, a Grand Dining Salon, Casino,2 Holo Theatres and a Live Theatre. There are also the shops of the promenade. (In total accounting for about 1360 tons of displacement.) 8 of the passenger staterooms are actually suites. Among the Service crew there are 29 stewards. This allows for 1 Steward per 8 normal passengers and one per two suites. The Flight Crew mans the lifeboats and the ship's two shuttles but are also the shop keepers, dance instructors, croupiers, dealers, cocktail waitresses, theartre troupe, etc. Travelling aboard is designed to be the most luxurious experience you are likely to experience in a lifetime. (Normal passage is charged at KCr50 per jump and Suites are KCr150+ per jump.)

The ship is unarmed and unarmored but the arrival of the King Richard in a system brings out the system defense fleet, almost as if on parade.

<Edit!>What follows are my notes. Sorry, I forgot they were here. <Edit>

The Grand Tour takes 4 years and goes from Capital to the Spinward Marches, Capital to Gateway or Capital to the Solomani Rim. (PEL lines has 12 such ships 4 ships per route.) The entire grand tour can be booked, from any of the ports along the route, for MCr5 for a regular room and MCr15+ for a suite.

It is generally, especially in more frontier regions, escorted by a dedicated (Privately owned) Destroyer Escort and 3-4 Patrol Corvettes, plus may have a Naval Escort depending on the importance of several of its passengers.
There you go.
I do welcome comments. Hopefully I haven't gotten too many typos in there.
Many of the ships were broken under the High Guard rules so conversions don't work out quite the same as they would if they worked under HG. The Condor and Chameleon are still broken but fun ships to deal with anyway.
Greetings and salutations,

What race produces the Camel-class medical launch?

And thank you for posting this information.
Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:
Greetings and salutations,

What race produces the Camel-class medical launch?

And thank you for posting this information.
My dear Marquis, IIRC it is a standard Imperial vessel, which saw some use in the Fifth Frontier War (FFW).
You are quite welcome.

It is an Imperium design.

I did my best to group the ships by race/government. So the Zhodani, Solomani (All one design) Aslan and Imperium are grouped together. Though the Maru and Desiree Keah aren't really political.

Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:
Greetings and salutations,

What race produces the Camel-class medical launch?

And thank you for posting this information.
You are quite welcome.
The Spreadsheet did most of the hard work. Since I am about to start a T20 Campaign set in the Spinward Marches, I needed to get it done anyway.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

Wow, that's quite an effort Bhoins.

Thanks for posting it
Hey Bhoins:

Truly, this -- and you -- rock! Thank you!

Dumb question for you: do you own the Aslan Ships set? (You must.) If so, how and when did you find it? How much $?

How about the Merchant Ships set?

The Strayaow is from Adventure Class Ships Vol. 2. I recently purchased that out of a store in Ohio for 19.95. (Did a search for it on Yahoo and there it was.)

Adventure Class Ships, Vol.1 I picked up new about 20 years ago.

The Aslan Mercenary Cruisers. (Yes I have that set too.) Which included the pinnaces, the 2 3000 Ton ships and information on the Teahleikhoi Regiment I paid for new about 20 years ago. (I think it was less than $15 for the set.) SGS has the rights and it is on their website but not available yet.

Alas I never picked up Merchant ships back when it was published and haven't found it since. (If I had it would be here.
) If you really want me to do the Merchant ships email SGS and get them off their butts and get the stuff distributed. (I am also looking for the Fenris and 15mm King Richard deckplans.)

Originally posted by dancha:
Hey Bhoins:

Truly, this -- and you -- rock! Thank you!

Dumb question for you: do you own the Aslan Ships set? (You must.) If so, how and when did you find it? How much $?

How about the Merchant Ships set?

I came across sovereigngames.com -- the store in Ohio -- in 2001 or early 2002. At that time he still had many copies of many, many items, so I bought at least one of everything. He did not have Aslan or Merchant sets, though. But he did have copies of the booklets that came inside those two sets, so I have those. The booklets have all the stats, of course...

You might send sovereigngames.com an email, and ask if they still have copies of the booklets.

For me, the Aslan and Merchant sets are part of the small "holy grail" items missing from my (large) collection. I think I've seen the Aslan set on ebay a couple times over the last 2-3 years, but I don't think I've seen the Merchant set, except maybe on travellertrader.com, and it went fast, of course!

Oh well...
Well the deck plans will eventually be available from SGS so since you already have the books you should be in good shape.

Originally posted by dancha:
I came across sovereigngames.com -- the store in Ohio -- in 2001 or early 2002. At that time he still had many copies of many, many items, so I bought at least one of everything. He did not have Aslan or Merchant sets, though. But he did have copies of the booklets that came inside those two sets, so I have those. The booklets have all the stats, of course...

You might send sovereigngames.com an email, and ask if they still have copies of the booklets.

For me, the Aslan and Merchant sets are part of the small "holy grail" items missing from my (large) collection. I think I've seen the Aslan set on ebay a couple times over the last 2-3 years, but I don't think I've seen the Merchant set, except maybe on travellertrader.com, and it went fast, of course!

Oh well...
I am in favor of keeping them there. They are very good conversions into T20 of classic Traveller Starships for the Aslan and Vargr.

Originally posted by Egapillar:
More to the point, how do we get the "!"s off of those two year old topics at the top?
Agreed. You might want to check with Hunter or maybe even Malenfant about getting this thread stickied.

I'd be all for it!

That's not the issue. This is a discussion forum. If you leave "really good posts" stuck at the top, eventually you will have to scroll down several screens worth to see the new content.

All anyone has to do is search for "T20 conversion", to find these posts, anyway.
Another possible solution would be to place all of these conversions into a document, and ask Hunter to post it to the file library. Once it's there, you can drop them all down to one post that says "Go look at this file for all the cool conversions gathered together in one place."

So, who wants to do it?
