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Classic Traveller Advanced


If someone said that they had gotten permission from Marc Miller to re-do Classic Traveller and update for a new era, would you buy it?

Think about it. I have read all the threads on Combat and Experience and other topics here. I have a rough but pretty good idea I think about what people want from Traveller just by looking at the posts.

I came up with a similiar list as a wishlist for T5 but we know that Marc Miller from the playtest stuff has other ideas about skills/tasks and other things.

What if someone could persuade Mr. Miller to let them re-write the Classic rules for today's world?


1. A mix of CT/MT chargen to give more skills but still keep balance.
2. Scientists (Challenger) rules for higher-ed.
3. Alien Race rules for chargen integrated with core rules.
4. A quick gen schema like T5 or maybe Andy Slack's House Rules.
5. Computer Software Support Util for chargen.

Task System

Digest Group Task System -- nuff said.


1. Penetration versus armor rules ala AHL/Striker
2. Action scheme like maybe At Close Quarters.
3. Range Rules like Snapshot.
4. Explosives rules to Andy Slack rules.
5. Better Damage rules.
6. Optional hit location rules.
7. Guidelines for damage against vehicles.


1. Book 2 and 5 rules merged with some MT for vehicle/starship construction.
2. Old CT deckplans still valid.
3. Better computer/tech rules based on some thinking about Moore's Law. (fyi, all computer descriptions twenty years later will look dated)
4. Software program like Highguard type app for Starship design of stats.
5. Lots of Deckplans


Clear simple experience rules not based on chance like maybe Andy Slack's House Rules.


1. Better detailed animal fauna/flora creation.
2. Better Trade Rules (T4 style I heard was good)
3. Better system generation that is simple. (software program maybe)


1. EPIC scenario system
2. Updated tech chart
3. Library data in sections: Combat, Vehicles, Imperial (lots and lots and lots of details)
4. Sample system: map, detail
5. One solo adventure on this world
6. One multi adventure in this system


1. LBB style black with the red stripes but with an ingrained picture near the top like the T5 binder mock-up on the traveller5 page. Best picture is in the milleu 200 section.

2. Lots of good art like Bryan Gibson but stay away from the overly cartoonish stuff. Comic book stylized pics like Bryan Gibson's stuff is great for interior pics but cartoony like the Sunday paper is not good.

3. Thumbnail pictures for major pieces of equipment and weapons. We all know what an air/respirator looks like but Battle Dress and a gauss rifle and a snub auto pistol, no.

4. Adventure seed ideas sprinkled throughout from different milleus.

5. Lots of equipment and armor and weapons and vehicles. More stuff!!

6. Updated tech descriptions in general. (Any rules for tech after a sufficient amount of time will look in retrospect dated unless you abandon the hard science part of Traveller.)
If someone said that they had gotten permission from Marc Miller to re-do Classic Traveller and update for a new era, would you buy it?

Think about it. I have read all the threads on Combat and Experience and other topics here. I have a rough but pretty good idea I think about what people want from Traveller just by looking at the posts.

I came up with a similiar list as a wishlist for T5 but we know that Marc Miller from the playtest stuff has other ideas about skills/tasks and other things.

What if someone could persuade Mr. Miller to let them re-write the Classic rules for today's world?


1. A mix of CT/MT chargen to give more skills but still keep balance.
2. Scientists (Challenger) rules for higher-ed.
3. Alien Race rules for chargen integrated with core rules.
4. A quick gen schema like T5 or maybe Andy Slack's House Rules.
5. Computer Software Support Util for chargen.

Task System

Digest Group Task System -- nuff said.


1. Penetration versus armor rules ala AHL/Striker
2. Action scheme like maybe At Close Quarters.
3. Range Rules like Snapshot.
4. Explosives rules to Andy Slack rules.
5. Better Damage rules.
6. Optional hit location rules.
7. Guidelines for damage against vehicles.


1. Book 2 and 5 rules merged with some MT for vehicle/starship construction.
2. Old CT deckplans still valid.
3. Better computer/tech rules based on some thinking about Moore's Law. (fyi, all computer descriptions twenty years later will look dated)
4. Software program like Highguard type app for Starship design of stats.
5. Lots of Deckplans


Clear simple experience rules not based on chance like maybe Andy Slack's House Rules.


1. Better detailed animal fauna/flora creation.
2. Better Trade Rules (T4 style I heard was good)
3. Better system generation that is simple. (software program maybe)


1. EPIC scenario system
2. Updated tech chart
3. Library data in sections: Combat, Vehicles, Imperial (lots and lots and lots of details)
4. Sample system: map, detail
5. One solo adventure on this world
6. One multi adventure in this system


1. LBB style black with the red stripes but with an ingrained picture near the top like the T5 binder mock-up on the traveller5 page. Best picture is in the milleu 200 section.

2. Lots of good art like Bryan Gibson but stay away from the overly cartoonish stuff. Comic book stylized pics like Bryan Gibson's stuff is great for interior pics but cartoony like the Sunday paper is not good.

3. Thumbnail pictures for major pieces of equipment and weapons. We all know what an air/respirator looks like but Battle Dress and a gauss rifle and a snub auto pistol, no.

4. Adventure seed ideas sprinkled throughout from different milleus.

5. Lots of equipment and armor and weapons and vehicles. More stuff!!

6. Updated tech descriptions in general. (Any rules for tech after a sufficient amount of time will look in retrospect dated unless you abandon the hard science part of Traveller.)
Originally posted by ACK:
If someone said that they had gotten permission from Marc Miller to re-do Classic Traveller and update for a new era, would you buy it?
I like most of this. Things I don't like:

1. Penetration versus armor rules ala AHL/Striker
I never cared for this, but I know most people do, so I'd probably be willing to live with it.

1. Book 2 and 5 rules merged with some MT for vehicle/starship construction.
All I really want is a Book 2 style system. Any "advanced" system, however, should be full formed first so that the "basic" system can be 100% compatible with it.

Clear simple experience rules not based on chance like maybe Andy Slack's House Rules.
I never really felt the need for anything here. I agree that I didn't like the MT rolling for improvements at all.

Concerning this whole area, I don't have a preference for or against anything here.

1. EPIC scenario system
I don't really care for the EPIC system. All I want adventure-wise is patrons.

So, would I buy it? I don't know. I'm pretty happy with CT. Especially since the reprints and the QuickLink volume containing books 1-3 are available.

The character creation section might be the key. I like Book 1+Citizens of the Imperium, but a little more complexity (and thus, detail) and more average skill levels could be good. (As well as having all the careers in 1 book instead of 2.)

Having a non-life-path system (Slack's or something more complex) could be good. (Some players have a strong dislike for games where they can't craft characters rather than generating them.)

In any case, if there are multiple ways to create characters, I expect them to be balanced.

Have character creation rules that I like more than CT and support a style not too far from CT Books 1-3, and I'll probably buy it.

(Aw, who am I kidding. I'll buy it anyway.
Originally posted by ACK:
If someone said that they had gotten permission from Marc Miller to re-do Classic Traveller and update for a new era, would you buy it?
I like most of this. Things I don't like:

1. Penetration versus armor rules ala AHL/Striker
I never cared for this, but I know most people do, so I'd probably be willing to live with it.

1. Book 2 and 5 rules merged with some MT for vehicle/starship construction.
All I really want is a Book 2 style system. Any "advanced" system, however, should be full formed first so that the "basic" system can be 100% compatible with it.

Clear simple experience rules not based on chance like maybe Andy Slack's House Rules.
I never really felt the need for anything here. I agree that I didn't like the MT rolling for improvements at all.

Concerning this whole area, I don't have a preference for or against anything here.

1. EPIC scenario system
I don't really care for the EPIC system. All I want adventure-wise is patrons.

So, would I buy it? I don't know. I'm pretty happy with CT. Especially since the reprints and the QuickLink volume containing books 1-3 are available.

The character creation section might be the key. I like Book 1+Citizens of the Imperium, but a little more complexity (and thus, detail) and more average skill levels could be good. (As well as having all the careers in 1 book instead of 2.)

Having a non-life-path system (Slack's or something more complex) could be good. (Some players have a strong dislike for games where they can't craft characters rather than generating them.)

In any case, if there are multiple ways to create characters, I expect them to be balanced.

Have character creation rules that I like more than CT and support a style not too far from CT Books 1-3, and I'll probably buy it.

(Aw, who am I kidding. I'll buy it anyway.
Originally posted by RobertFisher:

The character creation section might be the key. I like Book 1+Citizens of the Imperium, but a little more complexity (and thus, detail) and more average skill levels could be good. (As well as having all the careers in 1 book instead of 2.)

Having a non-life-path system (Slack's or something more complex) could be good. (Some players have a strong dislike for games where they can't craft characters rather than generating them.)

In any case, if there are multiple ways to create characters, I expect them to be balanced.

Have character creation rules that I like more than CT and support a style not too far from CT Books 1-3, and I'll probably buy it.

(Aw, who am I kidding. I'll buy it anyway.
Non-life-path system? Do you mean a point system?

If so, that is why I mentioned Andy Slack's quick gen or the T5 quick gen systems. Both, are quick ways to forge a character by points as oppossed to rolling them up.
Originally posted by RobertFisher:

The character creation section might be the key. I like Book 1+Citizens of the Imperium, but a little more complexity (and thus, detail) and more average skill levels could be good. (As well as having all the careers in 1 book instead of 2.)

Having a non-life-path system (Slack's or something more complex) could be good. (Some players have a strong dislike for games where they can't craft characters rather than generating them.)

In any case, if there are multiple ways to create characters, I expect them to be balanced.

Have character creation rules that I like more than CT and support a style not too far from CT Books 1-3, and I'll probably buy it.

(Aw, who am I kidding. I'll buy it anyway.
Non-life-path system? Do you mean a point system?

If so, that is why I mentioned Andy Slack's quick gen or the T5 quick gen systems. Both, are quick ways to forge a character by points as oppossed to rolling them up.
I like your list, Ack.

If I may offer my thoughts, section by section. This is all, of course, IMHO.

The T5 quick character system is a must, it's one of the simplest, most obvious developments and it works.
Computer support is a must throughout, even if it's just a disc of pdf forms, tables and summary sheets.

Task System
Ditto, you got it spot on. I did not like the T4 task system and I don't like the T5 version either, but that's just my opinion and several people do like it apparently. I will continue withe the DGP/MT system regardless.

I actually prefer the way T4 handles penetration to the AHL/Striker and MT systems.
For hit location rules you could do worse than the DGP rules.

Based on High Guard but with the full tech tree of weapons. Don't stop at TL12 or 15 but give them all up to TL25-30 like in MT. Full integration with vehicle design, no dubious and ill-defined units for vehicle construction.
Starship combat based on Mayday with sensor rules, fully compatible with vehicle scale and personal combat please.

Yep, I use those as well.
Bring back trade route generation. T2300 had some good ideas for fauna and flora creation, borrow some ideas. Software, yes please.

I like the library data idea(with plenty of illustrations) for equipment etc(but see below), and the sample adventures.

You've hinted at this with point 4 but, to put it plainly, keep the Imperium background out of everything bar a campaign suggestion or suggestions. Provide a sample Imperial setting in the referees section but stress that the rules are for designing your own settings or adapting your favourite Sci-fi themes to your game. Era sourcebooks can follow as supplements or web resources.

And finally, a web site dedicated to the game.

I like your list, Ack.

If I may offer my thoughts, section by section. This is all, of course, IMHO.

The T5 quick character system is a must, it's one of the simplest, most obvious developments and it works.
Computer support is a must throughout, even if it's just a disc of pdf forms, tables and summary sheets.

Task System
Ditto, you got it spot on. I did not like the T4 task system and I don't like the T5 version either, but that's just my opinion and several people do like it apparently. I will continue withe the DGP/MT system regardless.

I actually prefer the way T4 handles penetration to the AHL/Striker and MT systems.
For hit location rules you could do worse than the DGP rules.

Based on High Guard but with the full tech tree of weapons. Don't stop at TL12 or 15 but give them all up to TL25-30 like in MT. Full integration with vehicle design, no dubious and ill-defined units for vehicle construction.
Starship combat based on Mayday with sensor rules, fully compatible with vehicle scale and personal combat please.

Yep, I use those as well.
Bring back trade route generation. T2300 had some good ideas for fauna and flora creation, borrow some ideas. Software, yes please.

I like the library data idea(with plenty of illustrations) for equipment etc(but see below), and the sample adventures.

You've hinted at this with point 4 but, to put it plainly, keep the Imperium background out of everything bar a campaign suggestion or suggestions. Provide a sample Imperial setting in the referees section but stress that the rules are for designing your own settings or adapting your favourite Sci-fi themes to your game. Era sourcebooks can follow as supplements or web resources.

And finally, a web site dedicated to the game.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I like your list, Ack.

I actually prefer the way T4 handles penetration to the AHL/Striker and MT systems.
For hit location rules you could do worse than the DGP rules.
Never had T4 but as long as its simple that is cool. What are the hit location DGP rules like? I use ones I found from travellercentral and add my own damage modifiers.

Heard a few people with very good things to say about both T4 chargen and personal combat.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

Based on High Guard but with the full tech tree of weapons. Don't stop at TL12 or 15 but give them all up to TL25-30 like in MT. Full integration with vehicle design, no dubious and ill-defined units for vehicle construction.
Starship combat based on Mayday with sensor rules, fully compatible with vehicle scale and personal combat please.
Oh my gosh, I like that bit a lot but you have to have a software tool like High Guard or something. That would differentiate T5. If the rules rock and the people who wrote the original software willing I bet it would not even be hard to convert.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

Bring back trade route generation. T2300 had some good ideas for fauna and flora creation, borrow some ideas. Software, yes please.
Trade route generation I had forgot about this.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

You've hinted at this with point 4 but, to put it plainly, keep the Imperium background out of everything bar a campaign suggestion or suggestions. Provide a sample Imperial setting in the referees section but stress that the rules are for designing your own settings or adapting your favourite Sci-fi themes to your game. Era sourcebooks can follow as supplements or web resources.

And finally, a web site dedicated to the game.
Ok, there is very little I disagree with here. Milleu should seperate if you have adventure seeds in the core books they should be varied between different milleus you plan on supporting and issuing.

Default milleu campaign book should ship almost immediately after the core books.

FarFuture.net needs some serious TLC. By the gods, that thing is a sparse mess.

Also, am I the only out there that still likes reading a good adventure book?

One of the toughest consumer decisions I made this year was choosing to buy the JTAS 1-12 reprint as opposed to the Classic adventures.

Epic system seems nice for playing but the sample one posted here -- Odyssey I think is very hard to read from a story point of view. I would have thought the scene model would have been the opposite.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I like your list, Ack.

I actually prefer the way T4 handles penetration to the AHL/Striker and MT systems.
For hit location rules you could do worse than the DGP rules.
Never had T4 but as long as its simple that is cool. What are the hit location DGP rules like? I use ones I found from travellercentral and add my own damage modifiers.

Heard a few people with very good things to say about both T4 chargen and personal combat.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

Based on High Guard but with the full tech tree of weapons. Don't stop at TL12 or 15 but give them all up to TL25-30 like in MT. Full integration with vehicle design, no dubious and ill-defined units for vehicle construction.
Starship combat based on Mayday with sensor rules, fully compatible with vehicle scale and personal combat please.
Oh my gosh, I like that bit a lot but you have to have a software tool like High Guard or something. That would differentiate T5. If the rules rock and the people who wrote the original software willing I bet it would not even be hard to convert.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

Bring back trade route generation. T2300 had some good ideas for fauna and flora creation, borrow some ideas. Software, yes please.
Trade route generation I had forgot about this.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

You've hinted at this with point 4 but, to put it plainly, keep the Imperium background out of everything bar a campaign suggestion or suggestions. Provide a sample Imperial setting in the referees section but stress that the rules are for designing your own settings or adapting your favourite Sci-fi themes to your game. Era sourcebooks can follow as supplements or web resources.

And finally, a web site dedicated to the game.
Ok, there is very little I disagree with here. Milleu should seperate if you have adventure seeds in the core books they should be varied between different milleus you plan on supporting and issuing.

Default milleu campaign book should ship almost immediately after the core books.

FarFuture.net needs some serious TLC. By the gods, that thing is a sparse mess.

Also, am I the only out there that still likes reading a good adventure book?

One of the toughest consumer decisions I made this year was choosing to buy the JTAS 1-12 reprint as opposed to the Classic adventures.

Epic system seems nice for playing but the sample one posted here -- Odyssey I think is very hard to read from a story point of view. I would have thought the scene model would have been the opposite.
'Bout the only way I'd buy it was if it was essentially MT corrected to match the HG percentages and volumes...

Seriously, though, as far as I am concerned, CT advanced WAS AND IS MegaTraveller Revised... another product I'll be dreaming of forever.
'Bout the only way I'd buy it was if it was essentially MT corrected to match the HG percentages and volumes...

Seriously, though, as far as I am concerned, CT advanced WAS AND IS MegaTraveller Revised... another product I'll be dreaming of forever.
Originally posted by Aramis:
'Bout the only way I'd buy it was if it was essentially MT corrected to match the HG percentages and volumes...

Seriously, though, as far as I am concerned, CT advanced WAS AND IS MegaTraveller Revised... another product I'll be dreaming of forever.
Wait a sec read back over my list... that is almost what I said. Most of what I said made it into Megatraveller.

I never had T4 but if its combat takes in pen/atten versus armor and at the same time is supposed to be simplier than MT and that is cool. Simple is good.

Never liked the MT idea of progression and prefer Andy Slack's method.

I know that you have probably seen my posts on other threads praising MT and how it tried to bring together the advanced personal combat, Task System and a construction schema that included vehicles and starships.

I called it CT Advanced because that is the word thrown around many of the T5 parts of this board and on traveller5 itself. People keep saying they just Classic Traveller with this or that updated. I even pointed out some people talk like what they really want is essentially the MT rules whether they realize it or will admit or not.

I like to keep an open mind to blending in short bits of T4, T5 or some Andy Slack House rules in a CT Advanced concept.

They key is that the rules for so much of Classic Traveller ended up getting spread out and many times when people point this or that shortcoming people quote off solutions that very few people have. Paying $50 bucks for the Classic Games reprint for the AHL/Striker rules seems silly for someone who role-plays and does not wargame at all.

I want MT reprints so very bad so I feel what you are feeling... I got into Traveller late MT was the first version of Traveller I got.

Imagine a old-school die hard D&D guy getting through with this really long campaign. I wanted to play a Science Fiction game and bought Megatraveller.

The Task System concept blew my mind. It was revolutionary for me.

Does anyone know what Andy Slack is doing now?

He would be perfect for this. After all I am basicly running the Marc Miller/Andy Slack version of Traveller.

There is not one Slack House rule I have not used in one shape or form. If it was not for the mtcg program I would have used his quick gen program as well. BTW, I am not saying the man would give a flying flip about doing such a thing just that he would perfect to do it.
Originally posted by Aramis:
'Bout the only way I'd buy it was if it was essentially MT corrected to match the HG percentages and volumes...

Seriously, though, as far as I am concerned, CT advanced WAS AND IS MegaTraveller Revised... another product I'll be dreaming of forever.
Wait a sec read back over my list... that is almost what I said. Most of what I said made it into Megatraveller.

I never had T4 but if its combat takes in pen/atten versus armor and at the same time is supposed to be simplier than MT and that is cool. Simple is good.

Never liked the MT idea of progression and prefer Andy Slack's method.

I know that you have probably seen my posts on other threads praising MT and how it tried to bring together the advanced personal combat, Task System and a construction schema that included vehicles and starships.

I called it CT Advanced because that is the word thrown around many of the T5 parts of this board and on traveller5 itself. People keep saying they just Classic Traveller with this or that updated. I even pointed out some people talk like what they really want is essentially the MT rules whether they realize it or will admit or not.

I like to keep an open mind to blending in short bits of T4, T5 or some Andy Slack House rules in a CT Advanced concept.

They key is that the rules for so much of Classic Traveller ended up getting spread out and many times when people point this or that shortcoming people quote off solutions that very few people have. Paying $50 bucks for the Classic Games reprint for the AHL/Striker rules seems silly for someone who role-plays and does not wargame at all.

I want MT reprints so very bad so I feel what you are feeling... I got into Traveller late MT was the first version of Traveller I got.

Imagine a old-school die hard D&D guy getting through with this really long campaign. I wanted to play a Science Fiction game and bought Megatraveller.

The Task System concept blew my mind. It was revolutionary for me.

Does anyone know what Andy Slack is doing now?

He would be perfect for this. After all I am basicly running the Marc Miller/Andy Slack version of Traveller.

There is not one Slack House rule I have not used in one shape or form. If it was not for the mtcg program I would have used his quick gen program as well. BTW, I am not saying the man would give a flying flip about doing such a thing just that he would perfect to do it.
Here are the few things I DISLIKED about MT as CT Advanced...

The interrupt system is a pain. Very realistic, but pain.

Controls Section: Systems should have a CP collumn, as the calcs present don't always fit the design concepts... T4 hit it about right with workstations....

No maintenance rules; I use the TNE ones in MT, now... simply using 2d6 vs WV+2.

Retaining the HG combat system. Especially when the stats are given for most of the offense side in the personal/vehicular combat section (MT PM Pg 80).

No gun design system.

Experience rules badly broken... but better than CT, I suppose. (And making it possible to get those 1 year "Lucky Roll" 7 skills in a term from Advanced CG)

Only a few Advanced Carreers in core or even expanded core... Core should have at leaast had all the military careers (Army, Navy, Scout, WetNavy, Flyer, Pirate/corsair, and since it was already done, Merchant). Scientist and Noble also should have been there.

Personally, I think 12, or even 18, was too few careers considering the narrowness of even the MT carreers. CivilAviator, Colonist, Citizen/Functionary, and Lawyer would be good adds, plus Merc and Starmerc. Maybe also Psionicist. Since the Millieu was bound in to the MT rulebooks, the Merc and Starmerc careers would be worthy of tie-in... however, some argue Mercs and Starmercs are jsut Army and Navy... or are pure Adv CG.

Tasks being Att/5: I use Att/3 and upp difs by 1point (4/8/12/16/20). (it makes a 1 point change to Att DM's for Joe Normal 777777, so a 1 point counter to the targets to maintain the odds... but I also raise the DM limit to +9).
Here are the few things I DISLIKED about MT as CT Advanced...

The interrupt system is a pain. Very realistic, but pain.

Controls Section: Systems should have a CP collumn, as the calcs present don't always fit the design concepts... T4 hit it about right with workstations....

No maintenance rules; I use the TNE ones in MT, now... simply using 2d6 vs WV+2.

Retaining the HG combat system. Especially when the stats are given for most of the offense side in the personal/vehicular combat section (MT PM Pg 80).

No gun design system.

Experience rules badly broken... but better than CT, I suppose. (And making it possible to get those 1 year "Lucky Roll" 7 skills in a term from Advanced CG)

Only a few Advanced Carreers in core or even expanded core... Core should have at leaast had all the military careers (Army, Navy, Scout, WetNavy, Flyer, Pirate/corsair, and since it was already done, Merchant). Scientist and Noble also should have been there.

Personally, I think 12, or even 18, was too few careers considering the narrowness of even the MT carreers. CivilAviator, Colonist, Citizen/Functionary, and Lawyer would be good adds, plus Merc and Starmerc. Maybe also Psionicist. Since the Millieu was bound in to the MT rulebooks, the Merc and Starmerc careers would be worthy of tie-in... however, some argue Mercs and Starmercs are jsut Army and Navy... or are pure Adv CG.

Tasks being Att/5: I use Att/3 and upp difs by 1point (4/8/12/16/20). (it makes a 1 point change to Att DM's for Joe Normal 777777, so a 1 point counter to the targets to maintain the odds... but I also raise the DM limit to +9).
Originally posted by Aramis:
Here are the few things I DISLIKED about MT as CT Advanced...
That is why I worded the whole proposition the way I did.

I know there are limitations and things people do not like about Megatraveller.

I also understand that a corrected Megatraveller or a fully corrected T4 with the Digest Group Task System could make a rocking T5. I will even go so far as to say that plain old Classic Traveller with the older version of Andy Slack's House Rules (which took a slightly more complex look at personal combat) would be really cool if it took all the CT stuff and gathered it into one place.

For example, I still have no canon book in my posession that lists all the available Alien types with characteristics modifiers and career paths for the players that want to play an alien race. That is why I use mtcg with my group.

We are talking about just a slightly modified CT with the most common best systems for combat, personal progression and construction tasks. Put that all together with more pictures, more detailed lists of equipment etc...etc...

We have a great game but you almost have to be a collector to have all the pieces. Even if you buy the reprints putting together all the best pieces and hunting down house rules from so many different places is a pain.

Besides this was just an idea. Just sounding off because so many of the comments on the T5 side of the boards seem to echo the idea that a CT Advanced is really what the Trav fans want.
Originally posted by Aramis:
Here are the few things I DISLIKED about MT as CT Advanced...
That is why I worded the whole proposition the way I did.

I know there are limitations and things people do not like about Megatraveller.

I also understand that a corrected Megatraveller or a fully corrected T4 with the Digest Group Task System could make a rocking T5. I will even go so far as to say that plain old Classic Traveller with the older version of Andy Slack's House Rules (which took a slightly more complex look at personal combat) would be really cool if it took all the CT stuff and gathered it into one place.

For example, I still have no canon book in my posession that lists all the available Alien types with characteristics modifiers and career paths for the players that want to play an alien race. That is why I use mtcg with my group.

We are talking about just a slightly modified CT with the most common best systems for combat, personal progression and construction tasks. Put that all together with more pictures, more detailed lists of equipment etc...etc...

We have a great game but you almost have to be a collector to have all the pieces. Even if you buy the reprints putting together all the best pieces and hunting down house rules from so many different places is a pain.

Besides this was just an idea. Just sounding off because so many of the comments on the T5 side of the boards seem to echo the idea that a CT Advanced is really what the Trav fans want.
Originally posted by ACK:
Non-life-path system? Do you mean a point system?
Well, I don't really care if it is point based or not. I'm just saying that some people want to craft characters without rolling any dice. A point based system is one way of doing that. I don't know if there are other ways, but I'm not ruling them out if there are.

(And--perhaps--anything else is essentially point-based in disguise. I dunno. The essential point is that some people don't want any chance in their character creation.)

If so, that is why I mentioned Andy Slack's quick gen or the T5 quick gen systems. Both, are quick ways to forge a character by points as oppossed to rolling them up.
Yes, and that's why I referenced your mention of Slack's method. It'd do, but I think something a bit meatier would be appreciated. It doesn't need to be quick. The people I'm talking about--who like to craft characters--are willing to invest some time into doing so.
Originally posted by ACK:
Non-life-path system? Do you mean a point system?
Well, I don't really care if it is point based or not. I'm just saying that some people want to craft characters without rolling any dice. A point based system is one way of doing that. I don't know if there are other ways, but I'm not ruling them out if there are.

(And--perhaps--anything else is essentially point-based in disguise. I dunno. The essential point is that some people don't want any chance in their character creation.)

If so, that is why I mentioned Andy Slack's quick gen or the T5 quick gen systems. Both, are quick ways to forge a character by points as oppossed to rolling them up.
Yes, and that's why I referenced your mention of Slack's method. It'd do, but I think something a bit meatier would be appreciated. It doesn't need to be quick. The people I'm talking about--who like to craft characters--are willing to invest some time into doing so.