RL:I played NOTHING like a Star Wars fight...
Inertia matters, no spin on a dime, no instaboom targets...
And the SW license was WEG, not Mayfair.
I really liked the d6 WEG mechanics in the Star Wars games. It was my first RPG after D&D BECMI, and then I was hooked on d6 only game mechanics and then I found Traveller. I tried GURPS but it just seemed 'ok' to me, since Traveller 2d6 could do everything GURPS could do, but with less fuss and use the judgement call of everyone at the table.
What I do like about GURPS, but I suspect it is more with The Fantasy Trip (TFT), is the tactical hex grid game play - sometimes I want to have my players think like a chess game in combat, and save the Roleplaying for outside of combat. But again - TFT is a little more complicated then needed in my personal experience (when do I change the 3/stat dice vs 4/stat vs +3/-3 etc to dice rolls).
This is due to having a rich history with Battletech and Mechwarrior (only 2d6 game mechanics ++smiles++). 2d6 with baseline dice targets and modifications can be used with the 2d6. Sure... some can argue that only 36 combinations and a roll range of 2-12; however, do we really need 216 combinations, and a roll range of 3-18 if we limit the 'hard-core' rules to combat and 'wing-it' during the out of combat RPG roleplay?
Is "Classic Traveller getting stale" - not the basic core rules since the 2d6 can handle any roleplay out of combat, and it can handle great in depth tactical combat hex grid as well. I think what happened since the 90s, is the splat books of RPG and having a rule for every little thing - has trained a generation of TTRPG players to think "rules = rollplay" and not (fun = roleplay). This might NOT be the case for every player, but I noticed more folks that are new to the hobby, talk about "the rules on page xxx says this" and they all flip to the pages before the game moves forward. COME ON... keep the game going, have fun, if your are not sure how to handle it... just use a simple d6 x-in-6 chance of something, but keep the FUN going. It is not like we are playing Advanced Squad Leader by Avalon Hill - we are playing a fantasy or scifi game usually.
In addition, the number of game systems that have been modeled off the Classic Traveller 2d6 rules is an example of how versatile the system really is. Example: Armor vs Target number or Armar as damage reduction - the options seem endless for a simple system that has 36 combinations and a scale of 2-12. Just update the Classic Traveller items with more moden items, and scale the tech levels, and I think we have another 30+ years of fun filled nights/days with Classic Traveller 2d6 rule system.
These days I only play: Classic Traveller, WEG d6 star wars, Battletech and D&D BECMI but with only 1d6 dice rolls for everything with some 2d6 mixed in and character back story to give them some none combat abilities.
NOW - a game I wish that would come and get an offical translaion is the Sword World RPG from Japan. I have only been able to get a glimps of it, and let me tell you - what they did with only 2d6 and a combat chart and damage output tables.... is a work of modern art!!!
Side note-
All these years I had no clue that Warhammer was based on d6 dice rolls and usually limited to a single dice for outcomes. Due to the latter, I have been running super rules light RPG game nights with WarHammer rules on hex maps with the d6 (attack, wound save) mechanic. Just really flexible what can be done with equipment and items.