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Classic Traveller getting stale?

Pentatomic divisions for the win. Not so 5 unit after nukes though, which was the point.
We also did a "command and control chain" version of that required a unit to be within some distance of it's HQ unit in order to be able to initiate an attack. HQ units suddenly became important for something beyond being a defensive road block. Killing an HQ unit could shut down a offense. Fun times.
I was honestly just thinking this week about how many other gamers I know have played it, let alone even heard of it - I have many fond memories of large asphalt driveways, 30' tape measures, and fleets of Micronaughts...

I can not say I have played it but I definitely studied the rules.
I was honestly just thinking this week about how many other gamers I know have played it, let alone even heard of it - I have many fond memories of large asphalt driveways, 30' tape measures, and fleets of Micronaughts...

I couldn't afford (nor find) naval minis, so I played Battlewagon, Broadsides & Boarding Parties, and WS&IM. And some Harpoon. And a bunch of space navy wargames: Starfire, Star Fleet Battles (Des, Cdr, Capt eds), Full Thrust, SLAG!, Star Fleet Battle Manual, Babylon 5 Wars, Mayday, Aerotech, Renegade Legion Interceptor, Sky Galleons of Mars, Ironclads and Ether Flyers, Jovian Chronicles... have but haven't run Star Blazers Fleet Battles.

I've tried Star Trek Attack Wing, ACTA-SF, and X-Wing... enjoyed but not enough to get into them.

Of those, I like Starfire 3rd ed, B5W, and the 1889 boardgames best...
Played but disliked both TNE ship combat games...

Mayday holds up better than most of those...
I couldn't afford (nor find) naval minis, so I played Battlewagon, Broadsides & Boarding Parties, and WS&IM. And some Harpoon. And a bunch of space navy wargames: Starfire, Star Fleet Battles (Des, Cdr, Capt eds), Full Thrust, SLAG!, Star Fleet Battle Manual, Babylon 5 Wars, Mayday, Aerotech, Renegade Legion Interceptor, Sky Galleons of Mars, Ironclads and Ether Flyers, Jovian Chronicles... have but haven't run Star Blazers Fleet Battles.

I've tried Star Trek Attack Wing, ACTA-SF, and X-Wing... enjoyed but not enough to get into them.

Of those, I like Starfire 3rd ed, B5W, and the 1889 boardgames best...
Played but disliked both TNE ship combat games...

Mayday holds up better than most of those...

I was blessed with the presence of several long-term wargamers, a healthy gaming club, and an amazing FLGS (Games Plus in Arlington Heights) so that gave me access to all sorts of games even in the one off. I started wargames playing WS&IM with my dad, plus a handful of other AH games. We never did minis really (though he had a bunch of old Napoleonic flats in the basement) and that was more my adult years with friends - lots of BT, 40K, SFB, and then DBM, and SM/Epic, and I found GZG's FT/DS/SG suite and really like them still. I've played more than I can remember over the years, but those are all the ones that stuck enough play a decent amount.

SFB completely spoiled me. It just suits me, with all its diversity, rule lawyering, complexity, etc. I haven't played in decades, still hard to play other games for me.
SFB completely spoiled me. It just suits me, with all its diversity, rule lawyering, complexity, etc. I haven't played in decades, still hard to play other games for me.
Federation Commander is what happens when Babylon-5 Wars crossbreeds back with SFB...

I have used Traveller with SFB to run SFU games, but Bk 5/MT Advanced just don't do the setting right, and that was in the early 1990's... I've also used Bk5 to generate MT stats (really, Bk5, MT, and T20 are ratings compatible!) for the Tech Manual ships...I remember the CA being 19 KTd.

The MGT Prime Directive is, as far as I can tell, vaporware.
I have not played FC. I don't know, but I'm betting it doesn't have the magic of SFB. Just the words, the tech, etc.

The magic of SFB is all about the timing and maneuver. Even though is a turn by turn, hex by hex counter game, you can, at times, just feel the ship creaking as the player is trying to get it to turn onto the proper facing of the target ship, at the proper range, with all of the things that need to align to get it there. It's not just a slugfest. Move, fire, move, fire. Far more nuanced. Makes the one on one tournaments actually pretty dynamic.

And that all comes from the complexity of the game, unfortunately.
I couldn't afford (nor find) naval minis, so I played Battlewagon, Broadsides & Boarding Parties, and WS&IM. And some Harpoon. And a bunch of space navy wargames: Starfire, Star Fleet Battles (Des, Cdr, Capt eds), Full Thrust, SLAG!, Star Fleet Battle Manual, Babylon 5 Wars, Mayday, Aerotech, Renegade Legion Interceptor, Sky Galleons of Mars, Ironclads and Ether Flyers, Jovian Chronicles... have but haven't run Star Blazers Fleet Battles.

I've tried Star Trek Attack Wing, ACTA-SF, and X-Wing... enjoyed but not enough to get into them.

Of those, I like Starfire 3rd ed, B5W, and the 1889 boardgames best...
Played but disliked both TNE ship combat games...

Mayday holds up better than most of those...
Being a big FASA and Battletech fan, I always wanted to try Renegade Legion; however, I could never find it and when I did could not afford it.