Also note that an often overlooked aspect of CT is that characters, straight out of character generation, can use the CT Experience system to immediately improve a skill or gain a new skill.
For example, let's look at the first sample character provided on page 30 of the Characters chapter in the Traveller Book.
Navy 557AF7 Age 30
4 terms Cr0
Computer-1, Gunnery-1, Vacc-1
Traveller's Aid Society
Page 37 of the Traveller Books tells us that all Player Characters have all of the usual weapons shown in that book as a default skill. That is, each PC has all of the usual weapons at Skill-0. So, even though the character above doesn't have any weapon skills, he will not be penalized by the Untrained Weapon Usage rule if he picks up an AutoRifle and starts blasting away. He will be treated as if he has AutoRifle-0.
The player running this character can go a step further to improve the character before play by using the CT Experience rules.
First, the character must make an 8+ Dedication roll, with no DMs. If this roll is not successful, then the character cannot try again until a full game year has passed for the character.
If the roll is successful, then the character can use the Weapon Expertise program to IMMEDIATELY improve one weapon skill and one blade skill.
In this example, the player will want to choose either the Carbine or the Shotgun as his character's weapon skill because of the character's DEX-5 (avoiding DEX penalties). Let's pick the Shotgun.
With STR-5, there are a lot more choices, and for this character, let's pick the Blade.
Given the Experience rules, the character shown above can be improved with Shotgun-1 and Blade-1, straight out of chargen, if the Dedication throw is successful.
The character will look like this as play begins:
Navy 557AF7 Age 30
4 terms Cr0
Blade-1, Computer-1, Gunnery-1, Shotgun-1, Vacc-1
Traveller's Aid Society
Now, according to the Experience rules, those Blade-1 and Shotgun-1 added skills are not permanent to the character unless the 8 year training program is completed. BUT, if the training Dedication throw is made, the character can benefit from the improved skills for 4 GAME YEARS!
Here's another neat part to the Experience rules. Let's say that the character above finds a high tech metal club that can deliver an electrical shock for extra stun damage on a successful hit. The character is considered to have the skill Club-0, right?
Well, the player can drop the training program on the Blade (at which point, the skill will revert to Blade-0) and pick up training with the club. In effect, his Blade-1 skill will drop to Blade-0 and his Club-0 skill will improve to Club-1. The catch is that a character can only attempt a new training program but once per game year.
So, the best thing to do is keep the Blade-1 skill for a full year, and at that point, drop it for the Club-1 skill. But, remember, the 8+ Dedication throw must be made in order for the new Club program to be undertaken (otherwise, it will be another year before the roll can be tried again in order to improve the Club skill).
Whether the Dedication throw for the Club is made before or after the Blade training is dropped is not addressed in the rules and is in the purview of the Ref. A hard Ref might make a player decide to chance the Dedication throw AFTER the Blade training is dropped. An easier Ref might allow a player to know the outcome of the Dedication throw for the Club before the player has to make a decision on whether to drop the Blade training.
I lean to the latter. Skills in CT are scarce enough. Why not allow players to keep their current training program if they are unable to change it to a different weapon?
This illustrates how the CT Experience system can be used to allow players some limited tailoring ability with their characters.