Originally posted by BillDowns:
I like it, but something is bothering me. I guess its that somehow, I feel the Herc ought to be able to get a last-ditch effort at hitting the missle, even at some gawd-awful DM.
The Herc
almost did detect the missile--and typically, in open space, it probably would.
--1-- The Herc's sensor roll was piss-poor. A 4! And even with that low roll, the Herc only missed detection of the missile by one lousy stinking point.
(I actually rolled those dice--I didn't fudge the rolls for purposes of this example. I'm actually using this scenario in my RL game.)
--2-- And, I imposed a -2DM for "camouflage" as the Surveyor clinged to the asteroid. Out in open space, this DM wouldn't be applied.
So, normally, the Herc would have detected the missile even on a roll of 3+ (only a roll of 2 would have failed out in open space).
If this scenario occurred out in open space, the Herc would have had a 97% chance of detecting the missile!
(How's that for your sense of a last-ditch effort?)
--3-- The Herc is victim to perfect circumstance in this situation.
---> The Surveyor is clinging, relatively motionless (not moving from hex to hex) on an asteroid. Out in open space, it would be damn suspicious for a ship to just be floating there at relative stop.
---> The Surveyor is also a typical ship seen in this asteroid belt. It wasn't a Vargr Corsair grabbled to that asteroid. It was a ship that seemed like it had a right to be there.
---> And, when the Surveyor went active and locked onto the Herc, it wasn't unusual. It's probably common for ships that are close to each other to scan local vessels--they're on the look out for pirates and such too! In any other scenario, the lock obtained by the Surveyor would probably raise the alarm on the Herc very high!
--4-- Finally, the Surveyor had a pretty incredible (and very illegal) missile aboard with that nuke. A 6G12 nuclear missile (doing 10 regular damage throws and 2 radition damage rolls)!
I just realized, though, that I screwed up a hair in that example.
At a range of 12 hexes, the 6G12
COULDN'T get to the Herc in one combat round.
From a velocity of 0, the max distance that missile could have travelled in the combat round is 6 hexes. The other 6 hexes would have been traveled in Round 2.
The Herc WOULD AUTOMATICALLY pick the missile up on the Round 2 Passive scan (if the players remember to look at the sensors and make the Round 2 detection roll). The missile, on Round 2, would be at 6 hexes from the Herc...3 hexes from the Herc should the Herc move in its movement phase before checking the sensors.
At 3 or 6 hexes, the Herc needs a 6+ roll. The missile is considered active, so it's a +6DM to that roll. And, the missile no longer benefits from the -2DM from camouflage of the asteroid.
At 3 or 6 hexes, that missile would have been detected.
THEN the Herc would have blown the missile out of the void with the EIGHT throws it gets for it's 8 beam laser weapons later in the round.
I bet you feel better now, eh?
This does assume a Passive-steered missle.
No. All missiles, under these rules, are considered active. And the +6DM is applied to them (offset somewhat by the -2DM for target size).