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Colonists and Spacers


In the "Born in Space" thread in this subforum, I mentioned I´m trying to create a Spacer core class, to account for characters that grew up on starships, space stations, generation ships or small outposts on vacuum/uninhabitable worlds. It became clear to me that it´s going to be much more the mirror image of the Barbarian than a variant of the Belter.

Thinking about that, it dawned to me that maybe it would also be a good idea to build a Colonist class, for characters from low to mid tech backwater worlds, probably agricultural, usually colonized relatively recently. Colonists would be more competent with technology than Barbarians, but they mostly get along without technology or with relatively low-level technology. Here I´m thinking of people like the settlers in the Western movies - or, come to think of it, of characters like Luke Skywalker at the beginning of the original Star Wars movie.

I have not yet fleshed out these classes, but I´d like to share what I´ve got so far, to hear your comments.

BAB progression: probably +1 per 4 levels
Saves: good Will save
Stamina: 1d6+Con modifier per level
Skills: 7+Int modifier per level

Special Class Feats

Machine Empathy: (Prerequisite: Gearhead feat)
The character can tell if a device of TL 9 or higher is working properly merely by listening to the sounds it makes, watching its displays, and detecting other small signs of malfunctions that would escape anyone else.
At any time, the Spacer can try to find out if a device is damaged or malfunctioning by making an appropriate Technical skill check at a -5 as a free action; he can spend additional time concentrating on the device, and gains a bonus of +1 for every full round spent concentrating, up to a maximum of his Spacer class level. The DC to detect a malfunction is the same as the repair DC.
If the spacer fails to detect an existing malfunction or damage, his Machine Empathy cannot detect that malfunction or damage until the device has been repaired, or received further damage/incurred more malfunctions.

Naturephobia: (analogous to Technophobia; all Spacers get this at level 1)
The Spacer is not accustomed to being in a natural environment, nor to any low-tech equipment; he receives a -2 penalty to all Craft, P/Hunting, Ride, Animal Handling, Intuit Direction and Survival skill checks.
They also suffer a -4 penalty for using equipment of TL 7 or lower, except if the equipment is the same for higher TL (example, they could use a sword or shotgun without penalty, but not, for example, a TL 7 computer system.)

Naturesavvy skill:
(equivalent to Technosavvy)

Spacers suffer the same restrictions for being able to take additional Spacer classes as do Barbarians

BAB progression: probably +1 per 2 levels
Saves: good Fort save
Stamina: 1d8+Con modifier per level
Skills: 5+Int modifier per level

Special Class Feats

The Colonist suffers from Technophobia, like the Barbarian, but for him it only affects items of TL 10 or higher.

Technosavvy skill:
like Barbarian

like Barbarian

Animal Whisperer:
like the Barbarian class feat

Species Specialization:
like the Big Game Hunter class feat

Atmospheric Adaptation: (prerequisite: Tainted (Atmosphere digit 2,4,7,9) homeworld)
The Colonist has adapted to his homeworld´s atmospheric composition to the point that he can breathe its tainted atmosphere without the aid of a filter mask or similar apparatus for a significant duration (about 15 minutes per point of Con, plus 15 minutes per Colonist class level). The Referee can decide that this feat also allows breathing all tainted atmospheres, or those with exactly the same UWP atmosphere digit.
I really like these. My only questions are on the technophobic trait of the colonist class. Why? Colonists can come from high tl worlds, and bring high tl stuff with them... E.G. Earth Two ( I know, it was an AWEFUL show, but they have a great tech model)
Hmmm. I would orient the Machine Empathy feat more at environmental systems. He might not be able to tell whether a car is running properly, but he would notice the change in airflow if the A/C dropped a 1/2psi. He would definitely hear a leak into vacuum, no matter how small.

Also, why would Spacers be restricted from additional classes in any fashion? They would be pilots, navigators, belters, bureaucrats, etc....
I was thinking for of people who are born into the Colonist situation, in SF´s typical, relatively low-tech colonization approach.

Spacers would also be able to tell if, for example, something it wrong with the cooler of their tabletop PC. Heck, a friend of mine could figure out there was something wrong with the mains adapter of my computer just from listening to it when he switched it on and off - which, incidentally, is what gave me the idea for that feat.
As for class restriction, I was thinking that all other classes (except for Belter and maybe Navy and Ace Pilot) involve changes to their spacer lifestyle. If they get too accustomed to breathing fresh air and camping out, they stop being typical spacers.