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CT Only: Combat: Dropping +DMs


In a few threads posted over the years, here, I've seen suggestions/recommendations to drop the positive DMs on the Weapon and Range Matrix table. This stems from the beliefs that they're far too generous, resulting frequently in insta-hits - even if the target has cover or attempts to avoid. (God help you if you're unarmored, and attacked at close range by a beast with a thrasher).

I'm curious how many CT Referees - who use the Book1 combat system - modify the combat matrices to reduce insta-hits. Do you find the matrices to be a problem? Or suitable, as-is? If you've dropped +DM from the matrices, have you adjusted -DM values as well?
In a few threads posted over the years, here, I've seen suggestions/recommendations to drop the positive DMs on the Weapon and Range Matrix table. This stems from the beliefs that they're far too generous, resulting frequently in insta-hits - even if the target has cover or attempts to avoid. (God help you if you're unarmored, and attacked at close range by a beast with a thrasher).

I'm curious how many CT Referees - who use the Book1 combat system - modify the combat matrices to reduce insta-hits. Do you find the matrices to be a problem? Or suitable, as-is? If you've dropped +DM from the matrices, have you adjusted -DM values as well?

I pretty much use the combat system from Don Featherstone's Skirmish Wargaming book with modifications for creatures.
Do you find the matrices to be a problem?

No, I'm fine with them. I think the game does its job well.

Don't forget that using Evade and Cover and helps a lot. Cover is "covered" in the Traveller Book but not in Book 1, I think. Cover provides a penalty to the to-hit throw, and just as in real life, combatants should never expose themselves to fire. When they move, they should move from covered position to covered position, using Evade during that movement exposure.

Or suitable, as-is?

It's definitely suitable as-is.

Classic Traveller refers to hits in the abstract, just like the other big game of that time, AD&D.

If an AD&D character has 30 hit points, and a hit is scored by an enemy using a longsword, removing 1d8 of those points, is the victim considered to have been run through?

Of course not. Damage is abstract.

The same is true for Classic Traveller. Two physical stats reduced to zero is required for a Serious Wound. Any result less than that cannot be considered a gunshot wound unless you're talking about a slight graze.

The reason the first blood rule exists is to have a chance of a gunshot would (a Serious Wound) occurring the first time a character is wounded. Most likely, though, damage will be lite--something less than two physicals at zero.
In a few threads posted over the years, here, I've seen suggestions/recommendations to drop the positive DMs on the Weapon and Range Matrix table. This stems from the beliefs that they're far too generous, resulting frequently in insta-hits - even if the target has cover or attempts to avoid. (God help you if you're unarmored, and attacked at close range by a beast with a thrasher).

I'm curious how many CT Referees - who use the Book1 combat system - modify the combat matrices to reduce insta-hits. Do you find the matrices to be a problem? Or suitable, as-is? If you've dropped +DM from the matrices, have you adjusted -DM values as well?
Never did when I was running CT - but then, a CT combat round IS 15 seconds long. Long enough that a guy with a revolver should be able to dump all 6-9 rounds. (Yes, I've fired a 9-shot .22LR revolver, and I've seen an 8 shot in 7.35mm on a large caliber frame.)
I briefly tried using the positive modifiers for armor, and my players hated it, even when it benefited them, so I dropped them. I still used the positive mods for range. This made armors like Jack and Mesh pretty much useless. I've tried over the years to come up with a fix I like, but so far, I prefer this one best for my style of play.
The main problem is that, on some combinations of weapon, armour and range, you auto-hit. The big culprit in melee is the Thrasher, which auto-hits an unarmoured target ON A ROLL OF -4 (that is, even with evasion, parry etc it will still AUTO-HIT). In ranged combat, SMGs, Shotgun and Autorifles auto-hit in Medium and Long Range, but this is far less serious than the Thrasher, or some Book 4 guns, which hit on negative numbers.

Traveller Book cover REALLY helps, as it means you can attack whole others hit you at -4 (which on a 2D6 curve is ALOT).

One option is to emphasize the need of cover and make sure the players understand it, another is to use AHL, in which to-hit and penetration rolls are separate.
You might try my "Double Tap" system. It retains the positive modifiers, but uses a to hit roll and a penetration role. Basically, things like range, skill and visibility/cover/evasion modifiers are applied to the "to hit" roll. Weapon vs armor modifiers are applied to the penetration roll.



Require 2 rolls (base 8+ on each).

One to hit, with weapon range modifiers, electronic/telescopic sights, attribute DMs and skill level modifiers applied.

One to penetrate, with weapon armor modifiers applied.

I'd also make a natural 2 or 3 an automatic fail, so that any attack has a 16% chance of missing.
I have not heard of this. Is it a fan-made Traveller supplement? Is it currently available online, or where???

Don Featherstone was an Englishman who in a sense started miniature war gaming over there, and wrote a large number of books on miniature wargaming. Skirmish Wargaming came out in 1975 and I did a reprint of it in 1995, and still have copies available. It is not Traveller related in the least, but handles combat very nicely from the Stone Age through WW2, and with some tweaks, mainly for weapons stats, current personal weaponry, to include hand grenades. It is percentile die based, with die roll showing it you hit and where the hit is and what it does, modified for any armor and cover. I like the system as it covers about everything in one roll. There are die roll modifiers for expertise and a couple of other things.
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You might try my "Double Tap" system. It retains the positive modifiers, but uses a to hit roll and a penetration role. Basically, things like range, skill and visibility/cover/evasion modifiers are applied to the "to hit" roll. Weapon vs armor modifiers are applied to the penetration roll.



Require 2 rolls (base 8+ on each).

One to hit, with weapon range modifiers, electronic/telescopic sights, attribute DMs and skill level modifiers applied.

One to penetrate, with weapon armor modifiers applied.

I'd also make a natural 2 or 3 an automatic fail, so that any attack has a 16% chance of missing.
So, in a fact, you created a hybrid LBB1/AHL system. I like that! How well does it work in actual play?