In a few threads posted over the years, here, I've seen suggestions/recommendations to drop the positive DMs on the Weapon and Range Matrix table. This stems from the beliefs that they're far too generous, resulting frequently in insta-hits - even if the target has cover or attempts to avoid. (God help you if you're unarmored, and attacked at close range by a beast with a thrasher).
I'm curious how many CT Referees - who use the Book1 combat system - modify the combat matrices to reduce insta-hits. Do you find the matrices to be a problem? Or suitable, as-is? If you've dropped +DM from the matrices, have you adjusted -DM values as well?
I'm curious how many CT Referees - who use the Book1 combat system - modify the combat matrices to reduce insta-hits. Do you find the matrices to be a problem? Or suitable, as-is? If you've dropped +DM from the matrices, have you adjusted -DM values as well?