SOC-14 1K
Having been in the military and worked with people and weapons, I would not use that at all. If the person was in a combat unit, maybe, but the much larger number of military personnel are not in combat units, and may fire a weapon once a year for familiarization, and that is it. As for pistols, I definitely would not use that. If you hand someone with only automatic pistol expertise a Single-action Army .45 Colt revolver, I am not sure if he or she could figure out how to reload it without some training, and I am not sure if under pressure they would think to thumb-cock the hammer back.
I'm down with all this. I have always assumed the expertise ranks for weapons in the original Traveller rules goes far beyond most training, and even weekend range shooters.
Remembering that anyone in CT without any training starts at a DM -5 in handling a weapon, I assumed that the getting to rank 0 is actually a big deal. Additional ranks (which on a 2D6 bell curve are a BIG DEAL) involve solid experience with the weapon in repeated combat situations, with live fire and the tension of wounding and possible death. How the weapon feels, how to load in the middle of a firefight from muscle memory alone, the most effective use of cover while firing based on the weapon's length, how it kicks when fired, an instinct for ammo is going to run out, and so on. If the PC has spent time in the field during many combats, getting used to handling it without having to think about it -- then he gets that expertise-1 or higher.
While I can definitely see the game/bookkeeping value of combining weapons, I really love the texture provided by making each weapon category quite distinct.