Lest we spend another 10 or 12 pages fruitlessly giving you information that you're going to - umm - "not see", I'm going to suggest you do more research on the subject of infections and infection control. Rather than just learning about all the deadlies out there, maybe do a little research into exactly how they spread, how long they survive outside of a host, how long it takes for an infected host to begin showing symptoms, at what point an infected host becomes infectious, and perhaps most importantly how big or small they are. When you've done that and can find me a bacterium that can get through a nonporous material constructed to prevent the passage of oxygen and nitrogen molecules without leaving the construct leaking said oxygen and nitrogen molecules, we can explore the issue in more detail.
Let's look at this from a different perspective.
From Canon we know that
- there are several different rulesets from which to choose
there are a wide variety of type of ships in the Traveller universe other than just 'normal' commercial vessels
there are a wide variety of trades other than just 'normal commercial operations'
there is a wide range of tech levels in any given milieu
there is a wide range of millieus to choose from in published Canon rules and adventures etc ranging (I believe) from 1st contact between the Terrans and Vilani up to a post Computer Virus era
in several Canon sources there is direct reference to 'lifeboats'
in several Canon sources there is also reference to other small craft either being used as, or which can be used as lifeboats
there are numerous small scraft standard designs
there are several rulesets that allow you to design other non-standard small craft
there are some additional Canon objects that can also be used as makeshift lifepods and/or special duty lifepods (which include both the emergency re-entry modules and escaper bubbles that others have noted)
As such from all the above it appears that it is established Canon that lifeboats can and do exist, as such it kind of seems to me that shouldn't really be a matter of debate
Beyond this in Canon;
- it is also established that serious diseases can and were spread by interstellar travel and trade after contact was made between the Terrans and the Vilani
it is also established that the Vilani (and other 1st Imperium species) had trouble dealing with and treating outbreaks of these diseases
As such it appears that as established Canon this shouldn't really be a matter of debate either.
And in addition from Canon it is strongly suggested in one of the first adventures published that the passengers and crew of a ship appear to have used one of their small craft as a lifeboat to escape an outbreak on their ship.
As such its hard to debate this as being a possibility either.
As such, from Canon the conclusions that seem logical to me are that;
- lifeboats exist in some form
various craft can be used as lifeboats (or lifepods)
rule systems appear to exist to allow you to create a specific craft if you don't like available options
these lifeboats can be used for a wide variety of operations
To me the only real debate appears to be whether the existing craft that exist which can be used as lifeboats (or even lifepods) are suitable to all potential tasks and applications and/or can something else be developed and/or added to what is currently available.
Whether someone chooses to include such a craft or not on any vessel they design is a matter of their preference. Currently there do not appear to be any specific rules requiring their use, even though craft that can be used as lifboats are carried on many standard designs. Whether anyone thinks that additional rules may be warranted for requiring either lifeboats, lifepods or some other systems (including such things as safe rooms, redundant systems and the like) could also be debated as well.
As such, then everything I see points to both the fact that lifeboats do already exist and that diseases can and were transmitted via interstellar travel and trade. Based on Canon those would appear to me to be something that would likely be considered 'facts'.