I recall we had discussions on several of these points:
[snip lots of good stuff]
His problem then is whether he has the resources to hunker down until rescue catches up with him or whether he needs to take a lifeboat in order to meet his rescuers halfway. On that point, as I understand it, his ship becomes salvage once he abandons it. Seems to me he has a strong interest in seeing that it's equipped so he can hunker down and hope for a tow rather than abandon it.
Great summary of previous discussions.
I am not a particularly big fan of lifeboats for starships for most of the reasons mentioned by others.
I, personally, prefer greater compartmentalization to contain damage to one area.
There are two points, as I see it, that do favor the argument for a lifeboat:
1. From a meta plot standpoint, lifeboats are as much a part of the literary grist mill of Space Opera as Faster than Light travel.
So all other things being equal, there is an advantage in leaning a little on the side of "yes Virginia, there are lifeboats."
2. Starships contain within their hulls vast quantities of really dangerous stuff and it is Hubris comparable to "the Titanic is unsinkable, so why install lifeboats" to think that no disaster could ever create a need to abandon the ship. There was some discussion earlier in the topic on how long it would take to die from exposure to vacuum. Exposure to the vast quantities of cryogenic liquid (which is known to embrittle and weaken anything that it is stored in) is a far more deadly environment than the vacuum of space. An argument can be made that inside a starship hull is a more dangerous location than outside the hull.
As a brief aside, I think that the dangers of the Engineering Compartment are underestimated. Especially the fusion reactor, which is really as much of a magic box as the MD and JD since everything we think we know about fusion does not seem to hold true for the Traveller Power Plant. Where is the massive radiation shielding to absorb the high energy particles? Where is the "teaspoon" of hydrogen to power the ship for a year? Where is the vast empty magnetic space that contains the tiny plasma stream? Where is the copious waste heat from the core-of-the-sun temperatures?
So YMMV on the "need" for lifeboats or the "need" for vacc suits or the need for any safety at all.
I simply see room to view a starship as a potentially dangerous environment ...
... therefore, a location that might benefit from an escape pod
... (for all of those stowaways and plucky droids one encounters on adventures.)