Hello FU,
Originally posted by Fu:So can we use the computer design sequence with starships or not ???
Yes, the CDS can be used to create a Starship's Computer in all respects except for EP as per the Standard Design p. 282 Ship's Computer Data Block and the requirements from Ship's Computer in the SSDS on p. 263. Right now my best suggestion is to use the SSDS Ship's Computers EP requirements instead of the CDS EP figures. Hopefully I or someone else will figure out how to get the CDS EP to match the SSDS Ship's Computers EP and post the fix here.
Originally posted by Fu:
This is really weird. I can see my players saying, humm this computer seems to have a lot of extra power, let's plug it in instead of this old crap over there...
To do so would require us to know the CPU requirements for the space ships programs...
Here is a listing of programs that I put together by combining Jeff Sandmeier's list and combing the programs list from other Traveller versions, CT, MT, TNE, T4.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Program Type Cost PP
Comp. Sec.- Active Def. Misc. 1,000 2
Comp. Sec.- Passive Def. Misc. 1,000 2
Comp. Intrusion-Target Virus Misc. 1,000 2
Comp. Intrusion-Virus Misc. 1,000 2
Comp. Intrusion-Worm Misc. 2,500 3
Database Misc. 1,000 1
Datalink Misc. 400 1
News Daemon Misc. 500 1
Word Processing Misc. 1,000 1
Spreadsheet Misc. 1,000 1</pre>[/QUOTE]This list is primarily the work of Jeff, with one or two I added and is drawn from the Character Skills section of the THB
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Normal Skills Type Cost PP Ability
Accounting Misc. 1,000 1 Int
Appraise [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int
Balance [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Dex
Bluff [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Bribery [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Broker [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int
T/Cartography Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Cleaning Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Climb [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Str
Combat Engineering [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int
Computer Navigation Ops 1,000 1 Edu
Cooking Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Craft [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int/Dex
Damage Control Ops 1,000 1 Int
Demolitions [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Dex
Disguise [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Driving [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Dex
Engineering Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Entertain [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Environmental Analysis Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Expert System Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Forgery [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int/Dex
Forward Observer [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int
Gambling [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int
Gather Information [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Gunnery [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
Handle Animal [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Hide [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Dex
Innuendo [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
Security, Internal Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Intimidate [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Jump [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Str
K/Geology [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
K/Interstellar Law [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
K/Mining [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Knowledge [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Launch Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
Leader [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int/Cha
Liason [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Cha
Move Silently [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Dex
Navigation [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Optical Recognition Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
P/Administration [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
P/Hunting [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
P/Journalist [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
P/Knowledge Related [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
P/Prospecting [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
P/Survey [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
Pilot [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int/Dex
Profession [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
Read/Write Language [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Recruiting [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Ride [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Dex
Routine Vehicle Operations Misc. 1,000 1 Dex
Search [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Int
Security Misc. 1,000 1 Int/Wis
Sense Motive [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
Speak Language [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Spot [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
Survival [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
T/Astrogation [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
T/Communications [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
T/Computer [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
T/Electronics [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
T/Gravitics [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
T/Mechanical [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
T/Medical [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
T/Sensors [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Technical [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Trader [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Wis
T/Transmission Profiling Misc. 1,000 1 Edu
Tumble [T20] Misc. 1,000 1 Dex </pre>[/QUOTE]Note that the price and PP requirements are for the Skills programs are for a single skill point. Each desired level of skill increases both price and PP.
Hope the above helps.