I am not really familiar with rule 68A yet.
Here it is. Explained in detail.
http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Di...e 68A rule says that,23 of the Traveller Book)
I am not really familiar with rule 68A yet.
You probably have to establish how large a ship's locker is.
Eight semi stiff vacuum suits probably take up a lot of space.
The "locker" size should be in line with size of ship tempered by the standard crew size.
and somewhere I seem to recall (and it may have been a house ruling or even earlier in this very thread) that there is typically multiple lockers spread throughout the ship, and the term "ship's locker" is just for the general availability of things.
I was looking thru the T4 Core rules, the book includes the adventure Exit Visa (which I first saw in the original Traveller Book back in the day). The adventure details the contents of the PC’s (suggested) Beowulf class Free Trader:
Ship's Locker
eight vac suits, each with oxygen tanks for eight hours and short range communicators
four shotguns, each with ten loaded magazines
two automatic pistols, each with ten loaded magazines
four cutlasses, each with a belt scabbard
one lockpick kit
eight sets of cloth armor
one pair of image-intensifier goggles
one radiation detector
one grav belt
one long range communicator
Interesting load out for an ostensibly “cut thru the red tape to get off this frakkin’ world” adventure.
8 vac suits+ oxy tank @ 7,000+500 cr = 60,000 cr
4 shotguns w/ ammo @ 150+100 cr = 1,000 cr
2 auto pistols w/ ammo @ 200+100 cr = 600 cr
4 Cutlass @ 100 cr = 400 cr
lockpick kit = 100 cr
8 sets cloth armor @ 250 = 2,000 cr
image intensify goggles = 400 cr
rad detector = 100 cr
grav belt = 110,000 cr
LR comm = 500 cr
(all prices per MT Imperial Encyclopedia)
Total value 175,500 cr.
I guess we know where you can get next year's ship payments from now... :rofl:
It is possible that annual maintenance regenerates the locker's contents.
Possible, but unlikely.
They order "Starship Inspections For Dummies -- TL 15 print to order edition, volumes I through V".How can some non-Imperial / space fairing world of say TL6 or so that is on it's own realistically have inspectors that can make heads or tails out of what's going on on a TL 13 or 14 starship?
Individual systems that are independent may have conditions if they're TL and law level is high enough, but many won't. How can some non-Imperial / space fairing world of say TL6 or so that is on it's own realistically have inspectors that can make heads or tails out of what's going on on a TL 13 or 14 starship? What? Are they going to look for the Traveller equivalent of bedbugs in the staterooms?
Well if it were MY job to get ships inspected on that TL 6 world I'd brainstorm for about 30 seconds then order some people hired from that TL 13 system a few parsecs away. And send some bright young engineers to train in that same system as inspectors...o:
That might work if your world had the economy and population to support it, but it's not likely if you have a population of 6 or less (less than 100,000). That's a pretty small economy to be importing people expecting pretty good pay.
It might be better to put the starport a few miles from anything else where if a ship crashes that's all that gets destroyed...
That might work if your world had the economy and population to support it, but it's not likely if you have a population of 6 or less (less than 100,000). That's a pretty small economy to be importing people expecting pretty good pay.
It might be better to put the starport a few miles from anything else where if a ship crashes that's all that gets destroyed...