The question, under US law, is not "Did you actually cost them money?" but "Did you reduce their ability to have made money with it had they chosen to do so?"
Which can be:
1) you actually cost them money by depriving them of sales
2) you cost them future sales by devaluing their IP
3) you made money off their IP without their permission and outside the bounds of fair use
4) you derived value for an unrelated IP by use of their IP without permission
5) you derived an IP from theirs without their permission, and someone else then made money off of it with your permission
Which can be:
1) you actually cost them money by depriving them of sales
2) you cost them future sales by devaluing their IP
3) you made money off their IP without their permission and outside the bounds of fair use
4) you derived value for an unrelated IP by use of their IP without permission
5) you derived an IP from theirs without their permission, and someone else then made money off of it with your permission