Duke Craig
Aboard a covert survey ship, we find three life signs...
Another strange ship's crew for Traveller. Not Canon. Closest to T4.
Linked with Bestiary here and IISS here <link pending>
Jase “Ace” Rison UPP: 989B95 Scouts Terms 5 Age 48
Str=9, Dex=8, End=9, Int=B, Edu=9, Soc=5, Cha=9, Agl=A, App=9, BM=6, Det=9, Ity=6, Per=A, Wil=A
Skills: Astrogation-1, Brawling-2, Communications-0, Computer-1, Electronics-0, Equestrian-1, Jack of all Trades-1, Linguistics-3, Mechanical-1, Mountaineering-2, Navigation-1, Pilot-1, Pistol-1, Steward-0, Survey-2, Survival (Desert)-1, Vacc Suit-2,
Certifications: Astrogator's Mate, Computer Operator, Cook, Pilot, Ship's Master 5th Class, Spacer, Surveyor 2nd Class
Ace is ex-IISS. He was employed in the Field Branch Survey Office for 4 terms and the Exploration Office for 1 term. Sometimes getting into trouble with military types at Star-towns he prefers to argue with his fists than firefight with small arms. Now 48 yo, Ace has been doing initial contact most of his life and has a modified scout/courier. His interests include mountaineering and frontier survival. He is fluent in several languages including: Utane, Reginan, Bilanidin (Vilani), Darrian, and Vargr (Gvegh). He is Captain/Pilot of the Lynne’s Escape.
Yalzudnuld “Yalz“ ZBehr UPP: 485B95 Navy enlisted Terms 5 Age 48
Str=4, Dex=8, End=5, Int=B, Edu=9, Soc=5, Cha=9, Agl=8, App=7, BM=5, Det=3, Ity=5, Per=8, Wil=8
Skills:Astrogation-0, Agronomy-2, Carousing-1, Computer-1, Electronics-2, Engineering-2, Gunnery-1, Hunting-1, Linguistics-2, Medical-2, Navigation-1, Rifle-1, Survival-2, Vacc Suit-2
Certifications: Computer Operator, Engineer-Drives, Ship's Medic, Spacer
Yalz is ex-CPO in the Line Branch of the Darrian Space Force. She is qualified as a Drives Engineer, Medical Technician and Turret Gunner. She speaks several languages including Gangelic, Darrian and Rim anglic. Yalz has an interest in farming and agriculture and learning about primitive cultures. She is Engineer/Gunner aboard ship.
Andyne “Dyno” Patte UPP: A84CA7 Scientist Terms 5 Age 44
Str=A, Dex=8, End=4, Int=C, Edu=A, Soc=7, Cha=7, Agl=8, App=A, BM=9, Det=A, Ity=3, Per=B, Wil=B
Skills:Biology-1, Communications-1, Computer-2, Diving-1, Electronics-2, Liaison-2, Linguistics-2, Medical-3, Observation-2, Sensors-2, Streetwise-1, Swimming-2, Survival-1, Vacc Suit-1, Xeno-Medical-2
Certifications: Computer Operator, Ship's Doctor, Sensors Operator, Xeno-Medic, Spacer
Dyno's background is a bit of a mystery. He prefers not to say where his homeworld is/was located. He is a scientist and academic. He has served one term in the Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine on Rhylanor and has published data about several previously unknown species. He speaks Zhodani (Zdetl), Anglic, and Aslan (Trokh). He is Medic/Electrician aboard ship. He is a "Trekkie" and has seen every episode of Star Trek a late 20th Century Earth vid program. He relates highly to the fictional Vulcans and Romulans. He is driven to explore and find new lifeforms and cultures to calalog and classify.
Aboard the Scout Courier Lynne’s Escape TL15 Scout/courier wear value = 8 appears badly damaged on external view "What a piece of junk! can it fly again?" is often heard from adjacent port berths.
This 58 year old modified starship has three staterooms, J2, M2.2, 1 mining laser, extended sensor suite, poor quality (only 3 tons) combined living area, ELS prone to breakdown (roll 10+ every two weeks on 2d6, modified by Engineering), one emergency low berth (which doubles as the dining area), carries 8-10 weeks of supplies (including 2-3 weeks air bottles) and 8 tons cargo space.
Personal Equipment: Cold weather clothing and kit, Desert Survival clothing and kit, Urban fatigues,
40 l backpack, 3 liter water, 1 l drink bottle,
9 mm Autopistol 3 mags + 150 rods,
7 mm BA Hunting rifle + 150 rds + 3-9 Scope
Ship’s Locker
3 x TL 12 HE Vacc Suit AV 2 PLSS (endurance 4 hours), 1 x LR Thruster pack
Various electronics sensors for planetary survey, including: Satellite, navigational, Sat-nat receiver, Radiation counter, Atmospheric sampler, “Sniffer” Bioscanner, and others
Electronics kit,
Mechanical tools,
3 x Medical kits, 1 x Surgical instruments
Various drugs (mostly medical)
Battel Computer optimized for planetary survey
Map Box + various holocrystals
3 x 3,000 km comms
1 x PRIS binoculars
3 x Goggles IR/LA, 3 x binoculars, 1 x Electronics binoculars, various spotlights and torches
The ship carries various cargoes in the trinkets and beads category for trade with primitives.
The three members of the crew met on Utoland in the Federation of Arden in 784. The Lynne’s Escape crew hires out to governments, navy or IISS to perform initial contact surveys, often on a covert basis. The Lyne’s Escape has worked for SolSec, IISS, Imperial Navy, and SORAG.
The ship’s log includes worlds of the Spinward Marches, Foreven, Deneb, Corridor, Vland, Lishun, Core, Massilia, Diaspora, and Solomani Rim Sectors. The Lynne’s Escape has visited 242 worlds across three Imperiums by 792 TI.
Thanks for reading.
Another strange ship's crew for Traveller. Not Canon. Closest to T4.
Linked with Bestiary here and IISS here <link pending>
Jase “Ace” Rison UPP: 989B95 Scouts Terms 5 Age 48
Str=9, Dex=8, End=9, Int=B, Edu=9, Soc=5, Cha=9, Agl=A, App=9, BM=6, Det=9, Ity=6, Per=A, Wil=A
Skills: Astrogation-1, Brawling-2, Communications-0, Computer-1, Electronics-0, Equestrian-1, Jack of all Trades-1, Linguistics-3, Mechanical-1, Mountaineering-2, Navigation-1, Pilot-1, Pistol-1, Steward-0, Survey-2, Survival (Desert)-1, Vacc Suit-2,
Certifications: Astrogator's Mate, Computer Operator, Cook, Pilot, Ship's Master 5th Class, Spacer, Surveyor 2nd Class
Ace is ex-IISS. He was employed in the Field Branch Survey Office for 4 terms and the Exploration Office for 1 term. Sometimes getting into trouble with military types at Star-towns he prefers to argue with his fists than firefight with small arms. Now 48 yo, Ace has been doing initial contact most of his life and has a modified scout/courier. His interests include mountaineering and frontier survival. He is fluent in several languages including: Utane, Reginan, Bilanidin (Vilani), Darrian, and Vargr (Gvegh). He is Captain/Pilot of the Lynne’s Escape.
Yalzudnuld “Yalz“ ZBehr UPP: 485B95 Navy enlisted Terms 5 Age 48
Str=4, Dex=8, End=5, Int=B, Edu=9, Soc=5, Cha=9, Agl=8, App=7, BM=5, Det=3, Ity=5, Per=8, Wil=8
Skills:Astrogation-0, Agronomy-2, Carousing-1, Computer-1, Electronics-2, Engineering-2, Gunnery-1, Hunting-1, Linguistics-2, Medical-2, Navigation-1, Rifle-1, Survival-2, Vacc Suit-2
Certifications: Computer Operator, Engineer-Drives, Ship's Medic, Spacer
Yalz is ex-CPO in the Line Branch of the Darrian Space Force. She is qualified as a Drives Engineer, Medical Technician and Turret Gunner. She speaks several languages including Gangelic, Darrian and Rim anglic. Yalz has an interest in farming and agriculture and learning about primitive cultures. She is Engineer/Gunner aboard ship.
Andyne “Dyno” Patte UPP: A84CA7 Scientist Terms 5 Age 44
Str=A, Dex=8, End=4, Int=C, Edu=A, Soc=7, Cha=7, Agl=8, App=A, BM=9, Det=A, Ity=3, Per=B, Wil=B
Skills:Biology-1, Communications-1, Computer-2, Diving-1, Electronics-2, Liaison-2, Linguistics-2, Medical-3, Observation-2, Sensors-2, Streetwise-1, Swimming-2, Survival-1, Vacc Suit-1, Xeno-Medical-2
Certifications: Computer Operator, Ship's Doctor, Sensors Operator, Xeno-Medic, Spacer
Dyno's background is a bit of a mystery. He prefers not to say where his homeworld is/was located. He is a scientist and academic. He has served one term in the Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine on Rhylanor and has published data about several previously unknown species. He speaks Zhodani (Zdetl), Anglic, and Aslan (Trokh). He is Medic/Electrician aboard ship. He is a "Trekkie" and has seen every episode of Star Trek a late 20th Century Earth vid program. He relates highly to the fictional Vulcans and Romulans. He is driven to explore and find new lifeforms and cultures to calalog and classify.
Aboard the Scout Courier Lynne’s Escape TL15 Scout/courier wear value = 8 appears badly damaged on external view "What a piece of junk! can it fly again?" is often heard from adjacent port berths.
This 58 year old modified starship has three staterooms, J2, M2.2, 1 mining laser, extended sensor suite, poor quality (only 3 tons) combined living area, ELS prone to breakdown (roll 10+ every two weeks on 2d6, modified by Engineering), one emergency low berth (which doubles as the dining area), carries 8-10 weeks of supplies (including 2-3 weeks air bottles) and 8 tons cargo space.
Personal Equipment: Cold weather clothing and kit, Desert Survival clothing and kit, Urban fatigues,
40 l backpack, 3 liter water, 1 l drink bottle,
9 mm Autopistol 3 mags + 150 rods,
7 mm BA Hunting rifle + 150 rds + 3-9 Scope
Ship’s Locker
3 x TL 12 HE Vacc Suit AV 2 PLSS (endurance 4 hours), 1 x LR Thruster pack
Various electronics sensors for planetary survey, including: Satellite, navigational, Sat-nat receiver, Radiation counter, Atmospheric sampler, “Sniffer” Bioscanner, and others
Electronics kit,
Mechanical tools,
3 x Medical kits, 1 x Surgical instruments
Various drugs (mostly medical)
Battel Computer optimized for planetary survey
Map Box + various holocrystals
3 x 3,000 km comms
1 x PRIS binoculars
3 x Goggles IR/LA, 3 x binoculars, 1 x Electronics binoculars, various spotlights and torches
The ship carries various cargoes in the trinkets and beads category for trade with primitives.
The three members of the crew met on Utoland in the Federation of Arden in 784. The Lynne’s Escape crew hires out to governments, navy or IISS to perform initial contact surveys, often on a covert basis. The Lyne’s Escape has worked for SolSec, IISS, Imperial Navy, and SORAG.
The ship’s log includes worlds of the Spinward Marches, Foreven, Deneb, Corridor, Vland, Lishun, Core, Massilia, Diaspora, and Solomani Rim Sectors. The Lynne’s Escape has visited 242 worlds across three Imperiums by 792 TI.
Thanks for reading.