A bespectacled padre of the GTRC church passes the flummoxed Captain with his dead jani-bot, raises an eyebrow.
"Bad day in the fresher Captain Jim?" (makes sign of the cross over bot.). "For a small donation to the widowed Belters & Scouts orphanage, I can say a few words over the poor dear."
(sidesteps as a Lt Lisa-Navigator huffs by, tosses hot pink Vacc suit at Skipper Jim, trying to hold pants aloft in one hand, smoking 9mm in the other.
"Strange creatures ye have aboard here. I'll pray for a safe return from Jump space for us all.."
"In nomine Patrae, In nomine filiae, In nomine Spiritus Sanctus.."
(Father O slips into Lifts, continues prayer as the Fuming LT Lisa glares down hallway at the befuddled Skipper. Doors close. prayer stops. Power goes out. Lights go off. Kissing sound, Shocked gasp/ sound of pistol whipping commencing. Crashing sound in lift. Power comes on 25 seconds later. Maintenance hatch is ajar, The Father O has been slapped by a pistol packing LT, a red rose lies on the floor, and the Priest looks agog at the LT.
"I beg your pardon miss,(points upwards), he went thataways!"