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crewmans locker

Doc Robert A.Timberwolf Looking for a Star Port in columbus ohio area on earth in sol of sol sector to play or host a game. 18 years exspirance host an game play.

My med bay locker's are very large in my 50 ton med bay fully equiped: I store in my personal locker 4 emergancy survivalkits an med kits my TL15 Goss Mechinegun TL16 W/ 300Rds slap. neural stuner rifle w/ 12 charged mags TL16. Sneak suit 3 each doc's size W/ TL16 pris goggles 3 each.
armer vac suit AC:7/5/5/5 w/ magnetic boots Tl 14. mountian and rock climbing full and complete set of gear TL14 (if you are a rock climber like doc you will know). a pictur of my fev girl assorted some neked pic's she is hot.assorted hollow games some game boards from old earth games. high quility rashions 4 case's a good bottle of wiskie 5 good suits 2 tux's 2 officer Navel dress uniforms w full decorations with other matching items a pair of gold cuffs a gentlemens cain with a small sword an phaser combined TL16 378 peace troy once gold coins tarren gold coins.lock picking devise.exstra anagethics 2 cases of in case i am stranded for a long time. and a black book of friends an ladys i can go too.
welcome aboard col.....Geeezzzzz.....with all those goodies you could have a game OR one HELL OF A PARTY!!!!....
;) :cool:

Good Luck on your seach for a game!!!!!
Originally posted by Lt Col Timberwolf:
Doc Robert A.Timberwolf Looking for a Star Port in columbus ohio area on earth in sol of sol sector to play or host a game. 18 years exspirance host an game play.

My med bay locker's are very large in my 50 ton med bay fully equiped: I store in my personal locker 4 emergancy survivalkits an med kits my TL15 Goss Mechinegun TL16 W/ 300Rds slap. neural stuner rifle w/ 12 charged mags.TL16 Sneak suit 3 each doc's size W/ TL15 pris goggles 3 each.
armer vac suit AC:7/5/5/5 w/ magnetic boots. mountian and rock climbing full and complete set of gear TL14 (if you are a rock climber like doc you will know). a pictur of my fev girl assorted some neked pic's she is hot.assorted hollow games some game boards from old earth games. high quility rashions 4 case's a good bottle of wiskie 5 good suits 2 tux's 2 officer Navel dress uniforms w full decorations with other matching items a pair of gold cuffs a gentlemens cain with a small sword an phaser combined TL16 378 peace troy once gold coins tarren gold coins.lock picking devise.exstra anagethics 2 cases of in case i am stranded for a long time. and a black book of friends an ladys i can go too.
Great Gibson, if that's your medical bay, I'd hate to see your armory. By the by, where in the spinward marches are you actual medical drugs? Loot locker at the end of your bed? :confused:
I got this character Narisa her locker is fairly tame, clothes (some a tad racey), shoes, fashon mags, lanwage books, a first aid manual and a teach your self self-defence guide.

it's whats behind the secret panal
. whips, restraints, shear body suits (most in black),some esoteric looking items, a colection of oils, losions and pistions, kinifes and a nymber of packs of pills & hypo viles with coustom markings. All thease things she uses in her profesion and hobbies, and before anyone with a mind in the gutter sais a word she is a bounty hunter orignaily from the Irklan highlands with a intrest in pre indrustral warfair and fighting arts(weapons, tatics, marshal arts,tridisons ect.) the body suits are TL 12 coustom fitted combat envroment suits with IR & visual chameleon options. and her hobbies include beating on gangs of armed streat punks and walking in to poser dojos and prasting "dissasembily of the human body" on the instructers
Wouldn't dyslexia result in transposed words and letters rather then just completely wrong ones?

Unless yourre trying to simulade an ozdrallian drawwwl.

The tight leather dominatrix-assasin is slightly over-used, but always good to fall back on. That's why you have stereotypes, makes it so much faster to describe these things.

Now if only I knew why when I look at Howard I think Eureka?
Did I say leather? thease puppies are color shift camoflage armored environment suits and she wheres Combat not CF Boots unless the disquise calls fo it. she is her owen person, so to speak, (and an orignal creasion from the mid 90's) not a Sydney Bristo or Marilith Millions rip-off. Narisa is a person of pragtisim & practility, her equpment is an extension of that outlook.
alright who painted my A2 far trader purple with pink and neno yellow pokka dots.
Trader Jim I want to see your sells book.