This may be a dumb question, but is there any reason why a jump-1 ship (like a Type A) couldn't carry some extra fuel in its cargo bay, and make a second jump? Sort of like an internal drop tank?
I really like the Beowulf class, but looking at starmaps, it seems that no matter where you start, it can't go very far before running into an empty hex.
none. nothing stops you designing a J1 ship with 20% fuel storage (i.e. enough for two jumps) as standard. all you need for a stock beowulf to tranfer fuel form a tank in the cargo hold to the main tanks is a length of hose. looking at the deck plans, you could site the tank at the rear of the cargo bay and, either assuming a pipe to the fuel tanks is installed thier or that you install one, you could pipe the fuel into the mian tanks the moment you enter jumpspace. failing that, when in realspace you could vent the hold, go EVA and feed teh fuel into the tanks via the skimmers and purifiers, agian, a linkage to the cargo hold could be installed to allow you to jump, then refine the fuel while in jump. thus, a ship could jump, refine in jump, pop out of jump in deep space (or a system edge), then immidatly begin to plot it's next jump.
I think lower tech socities would do that a lot more than higher tech ones. The one jump fuel set up makes sense when dealing with developed space, with well mapped fuel scorces and a few parsecs leeway, but with a J1 craft, especially in a "early days" situation where you are not too sure wether there is a fuel scorce at the end of the jump, i'd say it makes more sense to have a return trip already in the tanks so that you have explore a system with the knoweldge that you can get back without needing to find fuel in the wild.
also, if J1 is all you have, then you have to simply work with the tools you have and take what advantage of thier properties as you can. the extra reach advantage would, IMO, lead to J-1 ships with fuel to 2 ro even 3 jumps in them, allowing them to reach across the voids between clusters, linking groups of worlds.