SOC-14 1K
As long as you're comparing like with like, the high end rider will always tactically outperform the ship by a significant margin...You'll usually find that with a high end/high jump combination you can field an entire squadron of riders for each individual ship.
And this is EXACTLY the counter to "not being able to divide a squadron". With BR/BT you're are fielding one SQUADRON per SHIP! You can send a whole squadron anywhere that your opponent can send one ship.

The factors counting against riders are strategic. The biggest against the traditional rider/tender combo is probably that they're pretty much good for only one thing and that's offensive operations in war. Coupled with the need for ships to cover the riders if they need to withdraw, you end up being able to spend less on your battleline because you have to buy more cruisers, escorts etc.
Good for all facets of warfare if properly escorted. Those escorts are amazingly cheap.:devil: