"defense in depth" you're thinking of static defense and static depth. maneuver is dynamic depth.
Nope, I'm talking about a full fledged
Defense in Depth including, among others, Holding, Fixing, Blocking, Economy of Force and Maneuver forces such as
Trading Space for Time, Counter Attack, Retrograde, Reaction, Rear Guard, Breaking Contact, Raid and Guerrilla Warfare, etc.
I'm an ex Field Grade Officer and know how to research, plan, evaluate and execute a proper
Defense in Depth.
I've run the scenario to many times to count (Since TCS came out) and war-gamed it with any number of other amateur as well as professional warriors.
A J4 Fleet will lose. Send me a
typical J4 BB, or Cruiser, design you think will win and I'll be happy to show you the counter. To get J4 & Meson "T", decked out to survive ship, you are looking at
700ktonnes per ship. Unworkable against a Credit for Credit expenditure Fleet designed at lower Jump number.
Again, under the current rules, your J4 invading fleet
CAN NOT make effective repair to battle damage. Even
IF, and that's a big
IF, you took a system with extensive yards you can't use them for years, if ever.
I don't have catch up to your J4 Fleet, just wear it down till I either can, or "catch" it in the right place. You can run all over the Marches (for quite a while) but you can't "win" without taking the right Systems. Take a hundred or more crap planets and you've done nothing as I can retake them as soon as you move on (or try to hold against a superior counter attacking force). Assuming it's even worth the effort. No, I'm not going to even try to have a serious defending force every place, just the "right places". Without taking those "right places", you achieve nothing worth calling victory.
Those places we do fight, even if I lose a fleet, yours
CAN NOT repair, and I have many, many, more ships in many, many fleets. Your invasion fleet(s) get(s) weaker (and slower) to the point I can now chase it down. Still, why bother? You have take certain systems to "win" and control the Marches.
Do you really think a J4 fleet will EVER take Mora? That just isn't going to happen!
So, rather than continue to tell me I'm wrong, let's compare fleets.
BTW Don't begin to think
ALL my ships are going to be J2, there will be a good, workable mix.
Also, while your Fleet(s) are invading, what's defending your territory from retaliation? Even a "slow" J2 fleet will clean up. Again, expending Credit for Credit, you can't win in the long run.
Attacking with "enough" J4s doesn't leave you anything worth talking about to defend with. With J2s I can outgun ANY J4 fleet you can build. I an easily do this in your own territory causing you to abort your attack or face destruction. Even then, you are out gunned and out numbered.
With J4s you are talking about a "cavalry" style of warfare, while I'm looking at "combined arms". Cavalry can't win alone. Never has, never will. (You can take, but you can't hold.)
It's all about weapons at the right place at the right time.