I've used AHL/Striker (they are functionally the same for combat resolution, differing only in movement and secondary action rules) both with AHL/Striker style wound levels and by converting to dice damage, and by using a modification.
Method One: my players didn't like the wound levels, since they resulted in much different feel.
Method 2: players liked it, but it was slow
replace the damage table, and since I don't have mine to hand, the first light wound was 1d3, next number was 1d6, then 1d6+1d3, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 5d6, 6d6, etc
Method 3: (Pen+2d6-AV)*(Bk 1 Damage Dice as integer) damage to atts.
So a pen 5 rifle with 4d gets (5+2d6-AV)*(4). I then had players roll 1d6 at a time, and apply it to stats as normal, until down to 6 or less remaining, at which point the remainder was treated as a single die.
Worked well, but a bit slower. Players didn't really grok the why.
MT is essentially a variation on Striker/AHL as well (Pen is the same number as in Striker/AHL, and AV differs only above 100...)