Originally posted by Plankowner:
I think you mean this...
NORMAL damage, the player can decide which stat to apply the damage to, thus spreading the damage around and protecting a low stat.
RANDOM damage is just that, the player has no control over which stat will be reduced and therefore cannot protect a low stat. This would be worse for the player, therfore is desired at higher hit rolls.
Your table gives you how many of the damage dice the player can apply and how many are random.
Did I come close?
You got it, brother. You got it.
Here's what I've penciled in on my house rules--
Attack roll is EVEN? Torso hit.
Attack roll is ODD? Roll on hit location chart.
NOTE: This is quick and easy ... and the percentage chance to hit each location is farily close to real life hit locations (obtained from some stats I have put out by the US. Dept. of ATF).
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">EVEN throw = Torso
ODD throw = Roll 1D on chart.
Hit Location Chart
1. Head +1 Random Die
2. Torso
3. Left Arm -1 Random Die
4. Right Arm -1 Random Die
5. Left Leg
6. Right Leg</pre>[/QUOTE]Add +1 Random Die for every 2+ points rolled over target. (This will allow better armor penetration and more destructive potential on more successful attack throws.)
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Attack Roll Random Die
----------- -----------
8-9 +0
10-11 +1
12-13 +2
14-15 +3
16-17 +4
18-19 +5</pre>[/QUOTE]==============================
(I'm using my re-arranged DM house rule method I listed earlier in this thread.)
Jake fires his Carbine at Henri. Henri is at Medium Range and wearing Cloth armor. Jake as expertise of Carbine-1 and DEX-9.
Attack throw is: 10
Attack Throw DMs
10 ... To-Hit Throw (EVEN attack throw means Torso hit if the attack is successful.)
+1 ... SKILL - Jake's skill
+1 ... DEX - Jake's DEX bonus with Carbine
-2 ... RANGE - Carbine at Medium Range
10 ... TOTAL - Attack Throw. (Hit successful to Torso.)
Since Jake roll 2 over his target of 8, he gets 1 random die among the 3D he will roll for damage against Henri.
I'll include 1 red die among the three I roll for Jake's damage (1 red die, and 2 white dice). The red die will be the random die.
The random die will be listed first when I record the damage in the next sentence.
Damage Throw (roll Carbine damage of 3D): 5 / 4 / 1
Damage Throw DMs
-5 ... ARMOR - Henri's AV for Cloth Armor
-3 ... ARMOR ADJUSTMENT - Carbine vs. Cloth
Jake hit Henri, in the chest, rolling a total of 10 points of damage (on dice 5 / 4 / 1 ). A total of 5 points of damage are applied randomly to Henri's stats.
But, Henri is wearing Cloth armor which absorbed most of the damage.
Henri's player can reduce damage by a total of 8 points. So, he decides to wipe out the "5" random die first, and with the remaining 3 damage reduction points, lowers the "4" die to a total of 1.
The final result of this hit is: Jake hit Henri in the chest, but Henri's Cloth armor absorbed most of the shot. The Carbine round did penetrate the Cloth armor (probably messed up the armor a bit), but damage to Henri is minimal. He takes two points of damage (in two different dice of 1 / 1, and these die can be applied to Henri's stats at defender's choice in the normal CT fashion), but that was probably some brusing that occurred to Henri's chest after the armor absorbed the Carbine shot.
What if Jake had roll 12?
Well, this would indicate TWO random dice included in the Carbine shot, and if everything in the above example remains the same, then Henri would have 1 point of damage applied randomly to his stats, and the other point of damage would be applied by the defender normally.
Notice how much the armor helped. Figure what would have happened, with the same original rolls, had Henri been shot in the head...or had no armor on.
More than likely, Henri would be out for the count...maybe even dead.
Combat in CT is dangerous (and still dangerous under these house rules).