Even if you did send it to me, post it here. I feel much more comfortable about errata if it's shaken out publicly.
Also, my stupid errata mistakes generally get caught by all these fine folks, and they are generally polite about it... :rofl:
Howdy, Don.
Here is the main portion of an email I sent you a while back, just in case.
"I found a couple incorrect things in the original books. Additionally, I found a wording that doesn't make much sense.
1) This first one is a misspelling, trivial in nature, may not be worth mentioning:
BASIC TRAVELLER (301, 1981 edition)
CHARACTERS AND COMBAT (Book 1, 1981 edition)
Page 36, Untrained Weapon Usage (correction): In the first sentence, where the DMs are discussed, "definding" should be "defending."
2) This is an actual mistake and should make it into the errata, although minor:
BASIC TRAVELLER (301, 1981 edition)
WORLDS AND ADVENTURES (Book 3, 1981 edition)
Page 17, Personal Equipment , Vacc Suit (correction): Last sentence should read "More fully described, with variations, in Book 1, page 41." (not page 42)
3) This is the item where the wording doesn't make sense to me.
BASIC TRAVELLER (301, 1981 edition)
Page 36, Morale (correction?): A portion of the second paragraph reads:
"For an average party, 7+ is the throw to stand, or not break and run. Valiant parties may have a higher throw."
Basically, I think the word HIGHER should read LOWER.
The target number needed to be rolled is the "throw". In the case above, the throw is "7+" for an average party. I asked myself, "Self, why would a "Valiant party" have to reach a higher throw (a more difficult throw) to keep from running away?" It seems logical that a Valiant party would have to reach a lower throw (a greater chance to stand their ground). I liken a Valiant party to be a highly motivated, elite, possibly belief driven force, which would stand its ground under more dire circumstances.
I guess another way to clear it up is to eliminate the sentence and add to the DM list: "+1 (or +2) if a party is Valiant." This solution doesn't really seem right because DMs are usually based on quantitative factors, whereas throws are usually adjusted using qualitative conditions."
Keep up the good work.