Instead of using XP as outlined in the Drawing on Experience method detailed above, a player can save his character's XP, using it to improve the character's skill level as described here.
Proceedure for Skill Improvement
1. First, a skill must be elligible for improvement (see above).
2. Second, a number of XP must be spent equal to the desired skill level x 10:
Required XP = Skill x 10
3. Third, an improvement check must be passed:
Skill Improvement = 2D + Skill + EXP Penalty for INT or less.
4. Lastly, a permanency check mus be passed, within a specified time period, for the skill increase to be permanent.
Skill Permanency = 2D + Skill + EXP Penalty for EDU or less.
This system embraces the Classic Traveller idea that characters can improve skills for a short time, but the improvement may or may not remain permanent. As stated on page 103 of the Traveller Book, "...additional training and dedicated practice with specific weapons may provide better [skill] levels on a temporary basis. Skilled marksmen achieve their best work when at the peak of their training."
This experience system embraces that idea by allowing first a skill improvement check and then requiring a skill permanency check within a specified time period.
The specified time period is a number of (in-game) weeks equal to the character's EXP score. Skill permanency, like skill improvement, requires a skill to be elligible for permanency. (It is wise to attempt skill improvement on a character once the character has two tick marks next to the skill, allowing both the skill improvement and skill permanency check to be made back-to-back.)
Additional XP can be used as a beneficial -DM on the throw above, and such may be required if the character has either a low INT or EDU score, or the EXP Penalty is high.
Eskhile has earned and saved 43 XP. And, one Critical Success has been thrown on Eskhile's Computer skill previously (making the skill elligible for improvement).
Currently, Eskhile's skill is Computer-2. Remember, his stats are INT-7 and EDU-7. And, from above, his EXP Penalty is +8.
Eskhile's player wants to attempt to improve Eskhile's Computer skill at this time.
Step one of the skill improvement process was completed when the Critical Success was rolled on a Computer task in a previous game.
Step two of the process was completed when Eskhile earned 30 XP (the amount needed for Computer-3).
Now, Eskhile's player is attempting step 3. Eskhile must succeed on the skill improvement check: 2D +3 +8 for 7-.
Two dice are thrown. +3 is added for the new skill level. +8 is added for the EXP Penalty. And, the total must be less than or equal to Eskhile's INT-7.
Obviously, this throw cannot succeed, so Eskhile needs to spend more XP in order to lower the throw. Eskhile's 43 XP were reduced to 13 XP once the 30 XP were spent for the skill improvement attempt (step 2).
As it stands right now, Eskhile's roll is: 2D +11 for 7-.
If Exkhile spends 11 XP, he can reduce that roll to: 2D for 7-. This would leave him 3 XP (that he may need on his permanency roll in step 4), but, instead, he decides to bolster his skill improvement roll by two more points, leaving himself only 1 XP.
His decided roll for skill improvement is: 2D -2 for 7-.
Roll 2D: 3, 2
With an adjusted total of 3, the skill improvement roll is successful! Eskhile is now considered to have Computer-3.
Eskhile's improvement to Computer-3 is not permanent until the skill permanency roll is made.
Eskhile's EXP is 14, therefore, in the next 14 weeks (game time), Eskhile must roll another Critical Success on his Computer skill in order to make the skill elligible (if he was smart, whe would have waited to attempt improvement once he had two CS tick marks next to his Computer skill).
Should the skill never become elligible, Eskhile's Computer skill will revert to Computer-2.
Or, if Eskhile does roll a CS on a Computer task, but then, before the permanency check is made, a Critical Failure is rolled on a Computer task, the elligibility tick mark will be removed.
But, for the sake of this example, let's say that, during the next 14 game weeks, Eskhile does roll a CS on his Computer skill. And, let's say, during those game sessions, he picks up another 9 XP (bringing his total to 10 XP). Once the Computer skill is elligible for the permanency check (and Eskhile's player believes he has enough XP to over come the DMs on the permanency throw), Eskhile can attempt the fourth and final step in improving his skill.
He makes the permanency check: 2D +3 +8 for 7-.
That's 2D +11 for EDU or less.
Eskhile has a total of 10 XP at this point. He decides to use it all to decrease his roll, so now, his roll is: 2D +1 for 7 or less.
If the roll is successful, Eskhile's skill of Computer-3 becomes permanent. If he fails, the skill reverts to Computer-2 (and a lot of XP has been spent).
Let's give Eskhile a break and say that he makes the check. He now has Computer-3, but his EXP Penalty is raised one point (he has a new skill level): EXP Penalty of +9.