Strength can definately change (though not necessarily with *that* much work). Education can *definately* change with some continued learning programs. Also, the more you learn, the better able you are to learn, so Intelligence could increase, IMO (albeit very slowly, perhaps). Endurance and Dexterity could increase with enough training, IMO (albeit much more slowly than strength).Originally posted by hirch duckfinder:
. This should work for increasing ability scores, as well (except Social Standing).
my two-pence worth :--
---- i forgot to say . i think ability scores are very difficult to change . this requires exceptional circumstances . even education is hard to gain - the character would have to take months / years out to improve . strength can change a little with a LOT of work , dex can never really change ( you can improve its specific application -- i.e. a skill that uses dex e.g. shooting a gun ) . intelligence cant change ( unless by organic change - e.g. brain disease ) . endurance is like strength . social standing can change , but usually not by much . generally speaking characters are too busy to achieve any of this . i'm not much into reff-ing gym programmes .
basically i think abilitiy scores are genetic dispositions - you can tinker a little but fundementally they stay the same .
On character generation:
The problem with using the char-gen sequence as it is is that the skills that one can get (and the levels that one can get them in) are very limited, unless you use Books 4-7, which leave the other thirteen prior career services at a significant disadvantage (except with Mercenary, where it seems that you roll Garrison, which yields no chance of skills, too often).
Now, you *could* fix this by allowing the T4 char gen tables to be used, but then you would have to use some task system, and the game would essentially be T4, not Classic Traveller.
New Idea: It would perhaps be much better to give 2.6 experience points per term *in addition* to the normal skills per term, and let the players spend those on whatever they wish.