Overall, the program is slick. I like the look-and-feel—smooth and nice without getting in the way. I think it takes someone who has actually read through Traveller rules trying to turn them into a program to appreciate the effort involved in something like this. So, please do not take any feedback personally—I really do understand the effort that goes into this, especially when you are using it to teach yourself a new language/framework.
I am not internally familiar with the ship/small craft construction rules, so this is really a GUI/usability review. If you are ever interested in a good and entertaining book on user interface design, look at About Face by Alan Cooper. I haven't read the newest versions (3 and 4) but 1 and 2 were both helpful and fun to read. (It was cheaper when it wasn't a textbook.)
I'm looking at
Small Craft Designs as a guest using Firefox on Windows 7 – basically, building a small craft tank. (I'm also running Ad Block Plus and HTTPS Everywhere.)
I unchecked Civilian design – this is a point-defense vehicle. I changed Ship Tonnage to 89. (No real reason for that number, other than not being max but still large.) I then played with the tonnage during design too.
Suggestion: When I enter the ship tonnage, nothing on the screen changes to acknowledge that. The Totals area still shows 44 tons left, even though I increase the size and did not add anything else yet. You should be able to make updates percolate in Ruby on Rails. And just overall, it would be nice if it would update on the fly, instead of requiring a submit. This is the largest (and most difficult to implement) issue for usability. I haven't looked over the code—are you doing the checking on the server side or client side? Let me know if you would like suggestions on what I use for dynamic updating/observables.
Suggestion: While reading the thread, you mention the sections can be dragged around. How about changing the cursor over the title area for each section to be the draggable cursor instead of the text cursor? I like the "fade-away" esthetic, but maybe adding borders to make each box look more like a floating window might signal this feature more strongly also?
Issue: I unchecked fuel scoops, but it gets rechecked whenever I submitted.
Suggestion: Put the USP/Tons/MCr, and EP (surplus) headers in the title bar (or at least at the top) of each section. When I scroll down I forget what each column is. (See next also.)
Suggestion: Maybe put the available tonnage and available energy points in the title bars too? That way when I've scrolled away from the totals section, I can still get that information. Alternatively, add an option for the Totals section to "float" so when the user scrolls, the totals stay visible.
Suggestion: Under weapons, maybe change "select an option" to "none (or select an option)"? When the user selects the "none" option, reset the corresponding "batteries" text to 0. It calculates and displays OK—it is just a minor display esthetic.
Question: My small craft never had anything but 0 for Agility. Is that an issue with my design or the code? (I've pasted the ship summary below.)
Question: The "Control couches" has 2 entered, but the Ship's Complement just says "1 Officer and 0 Ratings".
Suggestion: I think I'd like spaces in the table below rather than underscores for padding. Underscores look to much like negative signs to parse easily.
my tank, Armored Auxiliary
70 ton, TL 15 Military Design, 227.26 MCr
1 crew (Command: 1+0)
| __.__ | __5.60 | __.__ | Flattened Sphere, streamlined, fuel scoops
| 11.20 | _20.16 | __.__ | hull armour #F
| _1.00 | __0.05 | __.__ | 2 x control couches, no bridge
| 13.00 | 140.00 | 12.00 | computer model 9, rated as model 8 (no bridge)
| 11.90 | __5.95 | __.__ | drive maneouver #6
| 17.50 | _52.50 | __.__ | power plant #R
| _4.38 | ___.__ | __.__ | fuel, PP endurance 1 week (25 weeks powered down)
| _3.00 | __3.00 | _5.00 | particle accelerator (barbette) #2 x1
| 61.98 | 227.26 | 17.00 EP used, PP generates 17.50 EPs
229.53 MCr (first ship, includes architect fees) built in 29 weeks
181.81 MCr (20% discount in volume, TCS) built in 24 weeks
CT Ship Designer by Matt. Visit
Now, I'm looking at
Ship Designs as a guest using Firefox on Windows 7 – basically, building a hunting support spacecraft. (I'm also running Ad Block Plus and HTTPS Everywhere.) I'm going to have to look at this section again after looking at the rules.
Suggestion: Same overall GUI suggestions as in Small Craft, especially in regards to having to submit to get updates.
Suggestion: For both builders here: I'm not sure, but would highlighting (red or some other border or an asterisk) next to the offending area work? I know one of the problems is that an issue can be fixed in several places, but if I try to use too many hard points, having Weapons, Hard Points, and (maybe?) the Hull sections marked might help?
Suggestion: Make (an option?) the error report a floating box or put it off to the side, where I can see it when I've scrolled down.
Suggestion: In Bridge, the box (containing 0-4) after selecting the Computer Back Up is not labeled. I think this is number of backups? Maybe have the 0-4 dropdown deactivated if no backup is selected, and only activate it if a type of backup is selected, and have it only have 1-4?
Suggestion: Similarly in Engineering, the text boxes and dropdowns after the drive/plant types are not labeled.
Question: The Power Plant options in Engineering are labeled with "drives". I do not have my books here with me. I think I've forgotten how the Engineering options work together. The suggestion for labels might help with this.
Suggestion: Hard Points section has minus signs in front of zeros for weapon types.
Suggestion: For Payload, is quantity number of items (Workshops, etc) or is it quantity of tons dedicated to Workshops.