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CT+, what would you do?

Originally posted by jappel:
If it hasn't been mentioned already, some sort of point-based chargen, even if optional, is really required to meet the sensibilities of today's gamers IMHO, or at least some mechanism to grant a bit of control over skill selection. I ran some MT sessions this past weekend and while folks found the random chargen entertaining, there was some frustration. One player went 6 terms in the scouts (basic MT chargen) without picking up any gun combat skills. (Naturally, he rolled "Weapon" as a benefit 5 times and wound up with a laser pistol and Laser Weapons-4, but it was a definite issue while he was in-service.) Another had one of those bad runs that sometimes occur; we tried three times to come up with something viable and wound up using a pregenerated character.
An idea I've occasionally toyed with is a mix of choice and random. For each term, the first skill is chosen by the player, for the second roll the dice and then choose which table to use, for the third choose the table then roll the dice. If there's a fourth skill cycle round again.

Or something similar to that - it feels to me like a measure of the Traveller approach whilst not railroading a character in an unwanted direction. But you can still end up with a skill which you didn't plan on but might come in handy at an unexpected moment.
What I'd do with CT+ is basically what I'd do with T5. Rewrite the computers, fiddle TLs 1-8 (advance them a bit in timeframe, tl2 is Iron and so forth, plus modify what they can do), and then make something that gives characters more skills (i.e. one skill per year a la T4).
A similar proposal I saw posted somewhere was to have two options for career terms- you can either take a "pregenerated" term or a "random" term. Pregenerated terms allow you to pick what skills you receive for that term, but don't allow access to special duty, decorations, and similar benefits, while random terms randomize skills but allow rolls on the aforementioned goody tables.

The idea, as I recall, was for there to still be an incentive to do some random chargen, but to let players have the option of making sure their characters were able to do the one or two things that were really central to their character concepts. I believe the example given was someone who wanted to play a sniper-type character taking one pregenerated term to make sure his character had at least one level in Rifle.
Sorry for not giving credit, but I can't recall where it was that I first saw this idea.

Another idea: perhaps we might import a bit from TNE and eliminate enlistment rolls? As far as I know, no other RPG requires you to randomly roll to see if your character can gain access to certain abilities, without any recourse. Under the TNE rules, a character could automatically enter a career if they had the prerequisites, which really strikes me as a better way of doing things.
The old T5 draft tacked on the concept of 'waivers'. In a very Travelleresque way, one can request a 'waiver' for any requirements roll, with the target number equal to the character's social standing or less. A cumulative -1DM (per use) limits the number of waivers that can be made. So the second time a waiver is applied for, there's a -1DM. The third time, there's a -2DM, and so on.

The waiver can be used for entrance requirements, commission/promotion rolls, continuation rolls... but not wounding rolls, and of course not benefits rolls.
Originally posted by robject:
Actually, Zakrol, that's the aim of all the folks in this particular topic. I admit to steering the conversation, since it slacked off and needs a kick to get going again.
Excellent! A minor concern is how the politics of the situation work. Given that CT+ has been officially canned, isn't that a worry that after we have brought together the pinnacle of Traveller perfection :D that the powers that be might tell us it must never grace a website again?

But what the heck, here's my votes so far...

CT+ Probable Concepts

Separated from canon. CT+ implies the ruleset by which Traveller can be played, rather than the background. (Gruffty, robject)
Agreed. Especially as this might mean it could fall under the limited license? Can't remember the proposed terms but no OTU was one of them.

Plus, source books can be a later project

LBB1 - Chargen

MT's basic CG. (Sigg, Aramis, Fralix, robject, Taylor (I think), Zakrol, Maladominus (I think))

About 50 skills, cleaned up and integrated with all careers. (See topic) (Sigg, robject, Maladominus?)

Homeworld skills (level-0 or level-1), some chosen, prior to enlistment. (Taylor, Fritz88, robject)
Agreed on all the above.

Use Life Pursuits as a mechanism for player choice and/or specialization. (Sigg, Fritz88, robject)

Alternate, simple points based system: 42 + [years in career] points to spend on characteristics and skills. (Sigg)
Not sure about the life pursuits - some sort of non or less random chargen options should allow choice and specialisation.

A points based chargen would need thought to make it balance. We would need to know what a typical skill level is after a number of terms. Maybe make higher skill levels cost more to limit munchkinism? So a tentative yes as an alternative.

LBB1 - Task System

Target number scale of 4 8 12 16 20, and a DM of characteristic/3. (Aramis, Sigg, robject)

LBB1 - Equipment

Steal Peter Vernon's "Consolidated Equipment List": http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/peter/vehicles.html
(Sigg, robject)
As long as it's broadly in line with CT/MT lists but from the page that sounds like the intention.

LBB2 - Starships

Include all the necessary deckplans of all typical player career ships (i.e. Types S, A, L, K, etc) in ONE section. (Maladominus, robject)
Yes. Good idea.

CT+ Unresolved Concepts

Chargen B - Skill Acquisition

On the acquired skills table: "pick from, or roll dice on, the following tables", with the caveat that if you choose, no more than two levels in a particular skill can be gained per term of service. (Sigg)

Eliminate random rolls for skills. (Taylor)
Allow for both approaches, with a suggested methods (kept to a handful - say: pure choice, pure random, a mix as I suggested in my previous post).

Have a combination of basic skills, choice, and randomly assigned skills depending on type of character. (Fralix)
Sounds similar to what I was suggesting for the mixed path, so yes.

No limit on number of skill levels. (Fralix)
Only for purely random acquisition. Chosen skills should have a limit as over high skill levels can break task systems on only 2d6.

Chargen E - Extras

A special duty roll to gain more benefits per tem. (Sigg, robject, Zakrol?)
Yes - if this is the MT concept. Useful as balancing mechanism between careers and other generation methods (if they end up in CT+)

Benefits: Rolls on the money table are what you have managed to save during your terms of service. Assume that the character has acquired any basic equipment reasonable to their past history. Unusual or special (for example, military only) equipment must be purchased or acquired by some means up to the PC and referee. (Fralix)
Sounds good.

Personal Combat

Armor reduces damage. (Sigg, Taylor, robject)

Use flexible vs rigid armor. (Sigg, robject)

T4/T20 hybrid damage system (simpler than MT's pen/dmg rules, closer to CT). (Sigg, robject, kafka47?)
Not able to comment as I'm not familiar with these rules.

Weapons should have pen and damage values. (Amazingly great for scalability, closer to MT) (Oz, Aramis, Bromgrev)
I do like the MT pen/dmg system though. Knowing just what your PGMP-14 does to the escaping scout ship drops out for free.

Keep the same old combat system, because changing it would seriously alter the "Classic setting". (Maladominus)
The original combat as was had too many can't hit and can't miss situations. The +/- factors were sometimes very high and there are only 11 possible rolls on 2d6.

Vehicle Design

Starship construction based on T20/High Guard. (Sigg, Fralix, Aramis)

Vehicle/Starship construction on two levels: a modular design level, somewhere between HG and LBB2 in complexity, and a module design level. (robject)
Yes and I think this can mesh with the above suggestion that T20/HG base be used. That is the modular design level - enough basic modules should be provided that the module design is not immediately needed.

A fully-scaled system for vehicle design, from scooters to starships (and beyond, to space stations). (Bromgrev, robject)
As long as it doesn't end up with MT complexity and having to count kilo-litres.

Vehicle Combat

Starship combat based on Mayday/LBB2 hybrid plus sensor tasks from MT. (Sigg, robject)

Use MT's damage rules. (Aramis)
Not really done enough ship combat to comment. I don't like the HG level of abstraction though.


Trade based on T20's tables, but with a per parsec revenue base. (Sigg)

LBB-based (perhaps revised) rules. (robject)
I'm all for per parsec revenue. A rebalance would be needed and something needs to be done of the gravitation of goods and passengers from high tech to low tech worlds that seems to be present in CT, MT and T20 systems.

Well, that was a bit of an epic. Robject, you are a brave man to undertake all this collation of opinions.... thanks for taking it on.
I like Chaser's idea. :D I think this would be a great way to balance the "point" method and the random chargen (which, let's face it is CT). I would make the incentive small/enough:
Pregen term
3 skills initial term
2 skills per term - all off certain skill lists
Promotion for every term after making Position/Commission roll, with 1 extra skill for promotion - off the Advanced Educ (or 8+) table
1 Life Pursuit/Hobby skill level allowed per term

Random term
2 skills initial term
1 skill per term
1 skill for Position/Commission
1 skill/promotion + 1 if promotion+4
Special Duty roll - 1 skill + 1 if SpecD+4
OR SPecial Duty can take a school - say 5 hard to get skills, but no others for term
2 Life Pursuit skills per term, unless school (then 1)

The concept is good, but the guidelines feel bulky. I still think Life Pursuits handles the problem more gracefully.

Actually, I had an idea for the bazillion-career "problem" that's somewhat related to Chaser's idea in combination with Burning Wheel and "Advanced Education"-like tables.

These are just additional skill tables for each career, which can be taken as "pregenerated" career paths (a la Burning Wheel?) where you pick four of the six available skills, or alternately randomly roll on them. Additionally, they could have (optional) skill and characteristic entry requirements (a la Adv Edu table?). How you use them depends on how the referee wants them used.

Example One - Scout Career Paths

Scouts could have a nice range of predetermined assignment paths:

XBoat Service - no requirements

Logistics - INT 8+, Comp skill

Survey & Expansion - DEX 8+, Exploration skill

Ranger - END 8+, Weapon skill
1. Physical+1
2. Weapon
3. Pilot
4. Gunner
5. Stealth
6. Tactics

Outpost - SOC 6-, Leadership skill
1. Mental+1
2. Exploration
3. Weapon
4. Zero-G
5. Computer
6. Admin

Detached Duty

Example Two - Soldier Career Path

Field Command - INT 8+, Leader
1. EDU+1
2. Strategy
3. Hvy Wpns
4. Leader
5. ?
6. ?

Infantry - no requirements
1. Physical+1
2. Tactics
3. Fwd Obs
4. Weapon
5. Stealth
6. Survival

Jump Troops - END 8+, Zero-G
1. INT+1
2. DEX+1
3. Energy Weapon
4. Battledress
5. ?
6. ?

COACC - DEX 8+, Ship's Boat

Fleet Ops - SOC 8+
1. Mental+1
2. Engineering
3. Naval
4. Pilot
5. Gunnery
6. Sensors

On Loan to Other Career

Other, Less Developed Examples

Rogue Career Paths
Organized Crime
Free Agent

Scholar Career Paths
Applied Sciences
Materials Research

Agent Career Paths
Intelligence Officer
Tactical Surveillance
Corporate Proxy

Noble Career Paths
Imperial Government
War Ministry (MiniPac??)
Trade Regulation Authority
Ambassadorial Post
You know, the Special Duty Roll could be part of the Wounding Roll -- if the roll succeeds spectacularly, rewards are granted. If the roll fails, the character receives wounds -- and a wound badge, and perhaps even a medal, of course, but maybe also a medical dischange (double benefits). Those wounding rules are T5 draft, of course
Going all the way back to the start of this thread I've realised that there is a much quicker way to produce CT+.

Take The Traveller Book, add the two pages it would take to describe the task system, add the eight pages it would take to include the Citizens careers (revising the skill tables slightly to include the skills necessary from LBB4-8 and CotI, possibly add special duty to each career as per MT to make characters compatible skills wise with advanced characters).

Rewrite the combat section slightly to use the T20/T4 armour reduces damage dice then damage, include the personal weapons from LBB4 and CotI - this section would end up being the same length.

Add a two page referee's guide to tasks.

Hey presto, a 172 page book with everything you need to get started, bar the dice...
Good idea. A set of "errata" (modernata?) for TTB. I like that.

It might also need to extend starship construction, but I and others have done that, or we can add a footnote to "use T20/HG".

Yes. I like that.

It's a great idea.

The Traveller Book Modernata
- some version of Aramis' task system
- a replacement skill list (51 base skills, not including vehicle, gun, and blade clusters).
- careers added
- all careers edited to fit new skill list
- special duty rolls addenda
- an expansion of Book2 starship design (??), or simply a reference to T20/HG.
- a chart for determining homeworld skills
- deckplans for the basic starships
- update to combat rules (more at T20/T4)
- add personal weapons from Mercenary and CoTI.
Deck plans, rats, I forgot about the deck plans.

A selection of common small craft - 2 pages

Scout/Courier - 1 page

Beowulf - 1 page

A2 - 1 page

Fat Trader - 1 page

Corsair - 1 page

Gazelle - 1 page

Patrol Cruiser - 1 page

Subsidised Liner - 1 page

That's ten more pages for a 182 page book in total.

I wonder how long this would all take if the Traveller Book were to be OCRd?
One problem is that TTB is out of print and not easy to get hold of. Whenever it appears on ebay the price soon goes pretty high.

I don't have a copy myself and don't see me getting one anytime soon..
Originally posted by robject:
You know, the Special Duty Roll could be part of the Wounding Roll -- if the roll succeeds spectacularly, rewards are granted. If the roll fails, the character receives wounds -- and a wound badge, and perhaps even a medal, of course, but maybe also a medical dischange (double benefits). Those wounding rules are T5 draft, of course
robject -

You want to be really leary of combining too many things into a single roll, and especially of chaining things based on exceptional success or failure. It really tends to cause weird things at the ends of the bell curve. Not saying it shouldn't ever be done, but it definitely needs some stress testing.

- John
You're right. And I'm not one to closely examine things, I'm just a brainstormer.
No worries, sir. I'm largely in my playtester / nit-picker mode at the moment while you guys are doing the heavy lifting. Plus I'm at work and should really be building these devices I've got to test tomorrow...

- John
Originally posted by Fritz88:
Yeah, Mike, there might be some level of choice involved. But, mostly, there is (in the military, police, paramilitary like the Scouts) a lot of being assigned to things because you are the person someone thought best for the job. (Usually, that means you are the only one not on TDY (Temporary Duty).) And your disagreement doesn't amount to much.

I have always allowed rolling, THEN choosing the table to reflect that wiggle room. You may not want ANY of the skills that a 3 gives you, but you get to choose the lesser of 3 evils.
Assuming 1 skill per year (and I've been doing it that way for a long time regardless of system) I require 3 rolls (one from each table) and allow 1 choice (with explaination and possilbe Ref veto if the explaination isn't good
). This way the player gets *some* choice to customize the PC, but still has to live with the "randomness of nature"...so to speak.
Sounds vaguely like what Life Pursuits is supposed to do for T5. Hmm. Traveller conforming to the way the people actually play?
Task System
Want - one page "at a glance" task description
Want - one page of task examples

Target number scale of 4 8 12 16 20, and a DM of characteristic/3. (Aramis, Sigg, robject)
I'd suggest using steps of 2 not 4 and keep chararcteristic/5 or steps of 3 and use characteristic/3. For example...

Characteristic/5 scale. First odds with generic characteristic level of 7(1) and Skill of 1, second with a total of 5 for a high end PC, and 3rd the max allowed DM

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> 2 5 8
2 Automatic 100% 100% 100%
4 Easy 100% 100% 100%
6 Routine 92% 100% 100%
8 Average 72% 97% 100%
10 Difficult 42% 83% 100%
12 Formidable 17% 58% 92%
14 Staggering 3% 28% 72%
16 Incredible 0% 8% 42%
18 Hopeless 0% 0% 17%
20 Impossible (virtually) 3% </pre>[/QUOTE]...or...

With the Characteristic/3 you get a 2 for the Generic (7), so we'll use 3 and 6 for the odds, and set 9 or perhaps 10 as the DM max.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> 3 6 9
3 Easy 100% 100% 100%
6 Routine 97% 100% 100%
9 Average 72% 97% 100%
12 Difficult 28% 72% 97%
15 Formidable 3% 28% 72%
18 Staggering 0% 3% 28%
21 Hopeless 0% 0% 3%
24 Impossible </pre>[/QUOTE]The second method, 3 by 3, is the best one, IMO. At least, that's my thinking today.
The Traveller Book Modernata
2pp - Sigg's version of Aramis' task system
2pp - A referee's guide to tasks
8pp - Five or Six careers added (edited to fit new skill list)
- Special duty rolls added?
- "Life Pursuits" = code for player choice.
1-5pp - A moderate skill list (~51 base skills).
1p - A chart for determining homeworld skills
10pp - Update to combat rules (more at T20/T4?) & add personal weapons from Mercenary and CoTI.
- An expansion of Book2 starship design (??), or simply a reference to T20/HG.
- Deckplans:
1p - Small common craft.
1p - Scout/Courier.
1p - Beowulf.
1p - Marava.
1p - Merchant.
1p - Corsair.
1p - Gazelle.
1p - Patrol Cruiser.
1p - Liner.