Thanks! I discussed it with a Twilight:2000 newsgroup over a couple of weeks to get feedback on the current situation in Eastern Europe. If Russia joins the EU I'll have to start with a civil war scenario...Originally posted by BMonnery:
There's been a lot of discussion about changing the history over the years, and none of the alternatives ever really satisfied me, the closest being:

Any scenario will be obsolete shortly after the ink has dried (or the upload has finished). 2300AD's scenario (and Twilight's) has the advantage of being sufficiently detailed to be interesting and provide a good point of departure.
Except, how long before this is obsolete?
And I'd *love* a d20 version of 2300AD. With d20 modern out, T2K20 and d2300 would fill gaps in the market. 2300AD's style is still contemporary, more so than the last decade or so of SF TV, and despite the constant whining about realism, it has few enough handwaves for the recognizable geopolitics and technology to carry the feeling of realism.