That was a good summary of Dave, and I can compensate for the slight bias seeing as you admit to it
Well, in terms of maturity, I thought that Survival Margin was a high point in Traveller's history. It read kind of like a Modernist novel, replete with sources claiming authority in the text; exposure of the inner thoughts of many characters; ironic juxtaposition of information in the master narrative etc. Mainly because of the multiple perspectives, I found it subtler than most other published material. OK, don't laugh. I turned a blind eye to the obvious and blunt 20th century Earth history references, the penchant for unsubtle melodrama etc., and enjoyed it for reminding me that history is just the lies that we've agreed to tell.
It's funny to hear a lot of comment on Dave's unified vision etc., as I always take the tone from Survival Margin as indicating that there is no true history of the New Era, just different opinions. My campaigns focus on the political divisions within the RC and the battle for ideological domination of the emerging empire/republic.... there are many opposing voices and struggles with conscience. There have been quite a few warcrimes trials, different cultures revere different figures as heroes for entirely incompatible reasons etc. In many ways, my New Era RC reflects the fractiousness of the old Imperium and the Rebellion, and my campaign is a constant reminder that people do not learn the lessons of history etc.
I personally find it amusing that people willing to engage in the necessary logical leaps to justify Jump Drive will not offer Virus the same courtesy. But I like the fact that we don't all agree - it fits with my concept of the universe as fractious and divided on such matters. I see modern parallels in the divided debates on GM foods, global warming, the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, whether or not we should attack Iraq....
Anyway, I hope you don't think I'm a tosser for writing 'Survival Margin' and 'modernist novel' in the same sentence
I think it is telling though that I enjoy reading Survival Margin with the same illicit pleasure that I used to get from reading the first edition of Gamma World
I love the possibilities arising out of destroyed cultures I guess......