Any assessment of 'pirate potential' in terms of figuring out whether escorting is a thing is going to require a matrix of sensor ability vs. 'business model'.
The three business models ranked in order of difficulty would be
1. Boarding and taking the ship/cargo/ransom passengers
2. Cargo only, boarding or not
3. Destroy the ship
The difficulty comes in what degree the pirate/raider must match vee/position with the target ship. That's a function of relative accels and sensors.
So the sooner the P/R knows what course/vee the target ship has, the better he can be in position. Of course that means so will any defender in radio range.
A key advantage would be pirates/raiders getting intel on outbound ships- cargo, G-rating, destination, course.
Commerce raiders would typically have the #3 business model, but might look to do #2 for supplies and #1 for building/replacing ersatz fleets without maintenance bases.
Defenders would look to business model #3, but LE/boarding/inspection would require #1, presumably lack of cooperation would go to #3.
The thing that catches my eye is how the sensor vs. maneuver game allows for piracy.
CT had 150,000km for civilian and 600,000lm for mil/scout ships, MgT1E apparently has even less range, 50,000km+ for detecting just a blip (although a matching course should be a dead giveaway). MgT HG may have greater ranges, so educate me, I don't have that book.
The really interesting part is CT ships maintaining silence as it is expressed in the rules, which I always took to mean entirely powered down.
The ranges drop down to 75,000 and 300,000km respectively in open space, and 1/8 in orbit, which is 18,750/75,000 km. Orbit doggo would be tough to do in any high traffic/station/sensor satellite environment but doable at lower tech/starports. But the open space ones might offer opportunity for drifting into lanes and only firing up when a target comes along.
There is also the window of time opportunity to get a ship and get out before LE/navies come along. That is where rules regarding whether one has to be at vee to the jump target or at 0 vee for jump looms large in pirate potential.
Just using CT again for maneuver examples, you really want to get the business done before ship-killing defenders get below that -5 500,000km DM. That means a narrow band to allow for matching vee and getting onboard, and jumping out-system near the 100D line (because most target ships just won't have the vee to escape pursuit in realspace).
SO given those time constraints, the more your business model is #2 or #1, the more likely your boarding/cargo scooping ships are high-G small boats and you have an escape mothership for the boats to make for, probably the corsair.
So most of the time the threat to Beowulf should more a couple of fighters and a shuttle, with a corsair maintaining silence until the boats arrive and it's time to jump.
Now just destroying should be pretty easy with a really short detection range, and that is where our friends the escort destroyers/SDBs come in. A lot of pirates and raiders are likely to remain silent if they know equal or superior firepower is within range.
More efficient for deterrent value if they convoy in or out of gravity wells. DEs would jump with the ships in convoy, particularly for routes through less patrolled systems, SDBs would stay 'at the coast'. Fighters would be more in the mix too assuming a more small boat pirate/raider universe.