400tn? Are we assuming a small ship universe, or are we talking about pirates and privateers?
The OP was looking for reasons for DEs, one of which might be protecting the star lanes from commerce raiders (which may or may not be pirates and privateers). I'm just pointing out that I would happily encourage this by flooding the Imperiums borders with many small commerce raiders. Tracking them down with 1000tn Des is an expensive proposition. I'm also suggesting that while a 1000tn DE will "of course" knock out a merchant, it is overkill, more economic solutions exist and in many cases "driving them back" through causing damage, will suffice.
The same dynamic applies when you send a cruiser fleet raiding. It is not the damage it might cause (exceptions and special missions aside), it is that the other side will need to chase it with larger capital ships, that are now no longer in the main fleet. In addition you will need multiple large capital ships working together to cut off jump routes, if it can be done. No raiding cruiser will willingly take on a battleship if there is an escape option.
You "lose" a cruiser from the front line, the other guy "loses" 4 heavy cruisers or 2nd class battleships from the front line trying to pin you down.