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Diving into the Wreck: FSotSI

An issue is that mission as defined by the Traveller setting differs from mission as defined by High Guard. High Guard gives us a fundamental mission: win the battle as defined by the design and combat rules. Achieving that mission doesn't generate the ships that the setting imagines for its missions. One resolves that conflict by either prioritizing the High Guard mission and forgetting about the canon ships or prioritizing the setting missions and accepting that the resulting ships will be a good deal less than optimal.
Salvaging Rebellion Sourcebook ships is pretty straight forward, FSotSI is best tossed into the "fast war-time build" logic while forgetting any historical trend.

That's an excellent point, I've just been reading a book about River class Frigates and the idea of up to 4 officer's slinging hammocks in the wardroom seems a bit odd. Especially as the Chief Engineer a Warrant Officer got a nice large cabin to himself!

Kind Regards

That's an excellent point, I've just been reading a book about River class Frigates and the idea of up to 4 officer's slinging hammocks in the wardroom seems a bit odd. Especially as the Chief Engineer a Warrant Officer got a nice large cabin to himself!

Kind Regards


The Cheng is more important to the ship than a few ensigns. Plus Cheng is likely to have some part or other torn down for repair in that stateroom.
The Cheng is more important to the ship than a few ensigns. Plus Cheng is likely to have some part or other torn down for repair in that stateroom.

The ChEng is also axiomatically an officer, not a warrant (and the warrants in the 3I are SNCOs)
That's an excellent point, I've just been reading a book about River class Frigates and the idea of up to 4 officer's slinging hammocks in the wardroom seems a bit odd. Especially as the Chief Engineer a Warrant Officer got a nice large cabin to himself!

Kind Regards


Really good example. River class were built in the shipyards geared already for making the Flower Class Corvettes, another wartime design fast-build.

Designed 1940. Built from 1941 onwards, entirely a wartime design, but using older drive tech because they were built in the Flower Class shipyards, having no turbines, older reciprocating steam tech instead.

Although designed purely for the wartime duration, HMCS Stormont went on to be Christina O with a complete superstructural redesign and is still in use today.

I wonder if the Chief Engineer was RN and the officers RNVR, RNR or sublieutenants or acting sublieutenants, something like this.
I wonder if the Chief Engineer was RN and the officers RNVR, RNR or sublieutenants or acting sublieutenants, something like this.

Sorry, the Chief Engineer was RN, the other Officers were RNVR or RNR.
Clearly the RN thought the CE post was most important.

I was wondering how this would apply in the 3rd Imperium in the 5FW, there are reserve officers and presumably many new recruits and the need to commission ships from reserve and build new.
