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Do You Use RAW Spacecraft Combat Rules?

Do You Use RAW Spacecraft Combat Rules?

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Regardless of what Traveller edition you play, do you use your Traveller edition's spacecraft combat rules more-or-less Rules As Written, or do you do something else? Would love to know how folks are handling this in the field. :)
I use CT LBB2 as written, and space combat has come up just a few times. No missiles have been involved, which also made it easier. The fact that I completely messed up hits and damage also made it easier, and faster, but it was wrong...:rofl:
I voted for the second option “but tweaked.” MgT 2e currently.

I use different turn lengths based on range (borrowed from GURPS ...Spaceships?... away from my books ATM) from 10 second Personal Combat rounds up to week-long turns at fleet/system level. So Thrust to Change numbers have been adjusted.

I’ve tweaked some construction rules and use a modified Personal/Vehicle/Ship damage scale (from 2e playtest). This has led to modifying damage and mass of some weapons. I use a house rule for sensors (inspired by T5 sensor construction) so EW is tweaked a bit as well.

For the most part just massaging the numbers to make things a bit more streamlined and integrated with just a few actual rule tweaks.
Oops! Copy and paste error — the second poll option was supposed to end with “...rules but tweaked.” Doesn’t look like I can edit it though.

A Moderator or Admin ought to be able to fix it for you; send one of them a Private Message and ask.
Adventure Class Starship Combat

I feel confident with both Mongoose Traveller 1e starship combat, using it as written.

I also feel confident with Traveller5 starship combat, using it as written.

That said, I would feel better using naval engagements as a thematic backdrop to what the PC Travellers are doing on the Adventure Class Starship (ACS) scope. A fast resolution system for massive naval combats would be appreciated.
For a role played space combat I use a combat system based on what is written for the ship's boat skill expanded to give other characters stuff to do too.
If I want to map it out I use range bands as per Starter Edition but on circular graph paper.

If a space battle is a major feature of the evening then it is out with hex mats and vector movement as per LBB2/Mayday/Triplanetary/Battle Rider.
When running MT, I use the vehicle/unit combat mechanics, rather than the High Guard variant. It's great that the ship weapons are on the personal combat tables in the MT PM.
Recently I have been pondering Smallcraft and lower end of the Adventure Class Ships. But I have also had Full Thrust sitting out as well.

So currently the Fighter rules from Full Thrust are looking good for smallcraft in short ranged model of smallcraft operations.

I am toying with the hex based model of cinematic movement as well, simple is better as of late.
Recently I have been pondering Smallcraft and lower end of the Adventure Class Ships. But I have also had Full Thrust sitting out as well.

So currently the Fighter rules from Full Thrust are looking good for smallcraft in short ranged model of smallcraft operations.

I am toying with the hex based model of cinematic movement as well, simple is better as of late.

I'd be interested in hearing how that works out for you. Most of my players can't wrap their brains around vector movement.


Baron Ovka
I basically use T5.09, with my preferred tweaks. I call it FACE, and uploaded a version quite a while back.

Been doing some minor tweaks to FACE, but waiting for T5.1 to see what changed...
I'd be interested in hearing how that works out for you. Most of my players can't wrap their brains around vector movement.

The basis for the hex based rules is in the Document called Called Cool-House-Rules on the Emerald Coast Skunkworks site.

The rest are the base Cinematic Movement rules from Fullthrust.

The other question I have been toying with is how much more than just the movement system am I going to lift.
I basically use T5.09, with my preferred tweaks. I call it FACE, and uploaded a version quite a while back.

Been doing some minor tweaks to FACE, but waiting for T5.1 to see what changed...

I like what I see in T5.09 for Space Combat, but have not had the opportunity to see the rules in action for an actual combat sequence. What things have you noticed that you would prefer were done differently or that you think don't work well?

I may have missed it, but at a glance certain weapon damages do not seem to be well differentiated from one another. In other words:
1) Is there any practical difference between a pulse versus a beam laser?

2) Do Particle accelerators do both radiation and surface damage somehow?

3) etc.
Are there other things that need "tweaking" based on your experience using the system?